
BRAIN FOOD from IBM for your holiday

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Vacation time is near now, and I’m sure that you are – as I am – looking forward to spending time with your family and friends, no video meetings, and very few obligations. And the lucky of us can even look forward to a little travel. I spend much time with light reading on my Kindle (number one in the sun!) or listening to e-books when jogging, walking, or just relaxing on our outdoor couch. But after a week or two, I am also starting to crave for some more brain food – and being an IT & tech trends-addicted person, I again start mixing some non-fiction literature and podcasts into my leisure readings.

And there is a lot of good stuff out there – to keep you up-to-date, and to give you insights into new areas, that you may not have thought about – or have time to investigate –  in your busy everyday life. IBM worldwide actually offers many podcasts and lots of thought leadership literature, and much of it is easily digested even if you are not an ‘IT-guy’. Here are my tips for some of the IBM podcasts and thought leadership brain food that I enjoy for the time being:


(Find them in your favorite podcast app by searching for the title in bold below)

IBM Keep It Simple – Technology Podcast: 25 – 30 minutes podcasts that explain and exemplify important or trending technologies, concepts and IT related management challenges. As the name says – Keep It Simple – this is meant for non-techy businesspeople.brain food

Security Intelligence Podcast: Learn about cybersecurity latest trends, security tips, success stories, and experiences from enterprises. 25 – 40 minutes crisp episodes.

Next Step – en podcast om cloudstrategi:  A Danish language podcast series about ‘The journey to cloud’. So far three episodes have been published with quite exciting and honest interviews with companies talking about their reasons for and experience with moving their applications to the cloud. If you want to deep dive into cloud – you can also tune in on IBM Cloud Podcast

IBM Blockchain Pulse: The Blockchain Pulse Podcast explores the now and the next of blockchain applications from thought-leaders, explorers, and innovators with insight and passion. Learn about the countless ways that blockchain is leaping from theory to reality across industries. A very engaging podcast with many ideas to where blockchain makes sense!

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Making Data Simple: Making Data Simple provides the latest thinking on big data, A.I., and the implications for the enterprise from a range of experts, c-level leaders, and thought-leaders. The episodes are really very inspirational for non-techies as well as techies who are interested in ‘data-driven’ decisions and management in a business setting.

IBM ThinkLeaders: ThinkLeaders tells the stories behind AI and business transformation through engaging interviews with top entrepreneurs, technologists, and researchers at the forefront of disruption.  This podcast series, which has been running since 2015, offers insights and advice on strategic, data-driven leadership, and innovation. It is a deep dive into emerging technologies that unpacks and explains the issues, having some fun along the way. Short, ’to-the-point’ episodes of 15 – 30 minutes.

IBM Developer Podcast: All about the latest technologies, products, or services from IBM, open-source communities, and others. As the name says – you are probably a developer and techie to appreciate these 20 – 40 minutes podcasts.


If you also like to also read stuff, I also have some recommendations for you here:

IBM Institute for Business Value: Founded in 2001, the IBM Institute for Business Value, (IBV), represents IBM’s substantial commitment to and investment in business thought leadership.

IBV provides senior executives with strategic insights and recommendations that address critical business challenges and capitalize on new opportunities, all with an eye on value. The IBV conducts industry, technology, and business role research and analysis. We work in collaboration with industry experts, leading-edge clients, and our own consultants to provide practical recommendations built on a foundation of fundamental research.

You can – from your app store – download the IBM IBV Mobile app on your tablet or mobile phone, personalize your preferences (role, industries etcetera) and access a wealth of thought leadership – where-ever and whenever you like to. Or you can download the PDF-versions and send them to your e-reader!brain food

IBM Center for the Business of Government: The IBM Center for the Business of Government connects research to practice, applying scholarship to real-world issues and decisions for government. The Center stimulates research and facilitates discussion of new approaches to improving the effectiveness of government at the federal, state, local, and international levels.

brain food

The Center’s publications focus on major management issues facing governments today, including the use of technology and social media, financial management, human capital, performance and results, risk management, innovation, collaboration, and transformation. They can all be accessed and downloaded here.

IBM Blogs: Being here on the IBM Digital Nordic blog, it is probably no news to you that IBM’ers like to blog and share their knowledge and experience. If you like to get an overview of the blogs on our corporate ‘website-sphere’, you can go to, where you can find links to most of our blogs. Last time I counted there were more than 50 blog sites on Especially let me highlight IBM Research blog – if you like to know first-hand – what is on the tech horizon. So just dive in!

Now – let me just stop providing tips for brain food here.  After all, it is vacation time.  I could have told you about our many youtube-channels, free on-line education resources, etc., but let us save that for a rainy day!

Happy holidays from myself and my colleagues and stay safe!

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at

Research & Innovation Executive, IBM Research - IBM Watson

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