GSE Nordic Region Conference 2018, 12-14 June Vilnius, Lithuania
May 22, 2018 | Written by: Kresten Lundegaard
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Guide Share Europe (GSE) is a financially independent non-profit association run by companies, organizations and individuals who work with information and communication technology solutions, based on IBM architectures.
The aim of GSE is to:
- Encourage members to exchange experience and information.
- Influence the vendors, both IBM and others, so that the members get what they want.
- Influence the European Standards organizations in the interest of the members.
GSE organizes conferences, which keep the member organizations knowledge and educational level about IBM software and opportunities at the highest possible level.
For the mature platform z/OS, GSE Nordic organizes an annual “GSE Nordic Technical Conference”, where all the aspects of using z/OS (MVS) are covered like CICS, DB2, MQ, IMS, Development, Architecture, Languages like Cobol, PLI and best practices for all the above. It is also the mission of GSE to help the members network with other installations and thereby have the opportunity to get a second opinion on upcoming or existing solutions.
The 2018 GSE Nordic Technical Conference will be held in Vilnius, Lithuania on June 12’th-14’th. There will be 6 tracks with 70 highly technical and educational sessions on: Db2, CICS, IMS , Mainframe Infrastructure, Application Development and General Interest/ Architecture – with special focus on Performance, Agility and Modern Development.
If you are working with – or even only interested in – the z/OS mainframe, and you want to network with highly skilled mainframe technicians and listen to IBM’s most prominent z/OS experts, this conference is for you.
You can find the agenda and enrollment forms here.
For further question about the conference do not hesitate to get in contact with Mads Zandersen at

IBM Nordic GSE Liaison Officer
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