GSE Nordic Region Conference 2018, 12-14 June Vilnius, Lithuania
Guide Share Europe (GSE) is a financially independent non-profit association run by companies, organizations and individuals who work with information and communication technology solutions, based on IBM architectures. The aim of GSE is to: Encourage members to exchange experience and information. Influence the vendors, both IBM and others, so that the members get what they […]
The Swedish Spectrum Storage User Group
The Swedish Spectrum User Group has over 300 members and meets twice a year at an event in which more than 150 members and Business Partners participate. These conference sessions have gained global attention, including key development participation, and are targeted for Clients of IBM products, IBM business partners, and IBM sales team members. Not […]
SoftLayer offers three main ways to deploy your solution to the cloud
SoftLayer provides a set of key features that set the platform apart from the industry. The ability to deploy to bare metal servers, virtual compute instances and private clouds makes complex deployment architectures possible. The unified management of the platform makes it easy to consume the wide range of services that SoftLayer offers. Triple Network […]