digital transformation

How to avoid data breaches while accelerating your digital transformation

Author: Chris Hockings, Chief Technology Officer (Cyber Security), IBM Australia and New Zealand  As the pandemic accelerated your need for digital transformation, you needed to act. And fast. And you were not alone. But new findings from the recent IBM-Ponemon Institute Cost of a Data Breach Report 2021 suggest that an organisation’s pace of change […]

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Where to now for your digital transformation?

Author: Doug Robinson, Managing Partner, Global Business Services, IBM Australia and New Zealand  If you’re like most IT leaders and other executives I’ve talked to recently, you’ve gone through more than a year of accelerated transformation. No doubt you addressed your organisation’s urgent needs, such as rolling out or upgrading collaboration and other apps to […]

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Technology and Ecosystems: What next for ANZ’s regulated industries in the race to transform?

Author: Jason Price, Vice President, Technology, IBM Australia & New Zealand Just over three months into my new role leading our Technology Sales organisation in Australia and New Zealand, and spending a lot of time listening and learning from colleagues, clients and partners, I’ve been struck by what an important juncture we are at in […]

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New Documentary – Beyond COVID: Emerging Smarter

Author: Jodie Sangster, Chief Marketing Officer, IBM Australia & New Zealand The ambition for most of us right now is to live in a world beyond the grips of COVID-19. While this year has presented all of us with incredible challenges, it has also created unique opportunities for businesses, governments and leaders across our society […]

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