Today we further enhance your ability to build blockchain networks anywhere. We are announcing a new version of the IBM Blockchain Platform software which is optimized to deploy on Red Hat OpenShift, Red Hat’s state-of-the-art enterprise Kubernetes platform.
This means you now have even more flexibility when choosing where to deploy your blockchain network components, whether on-premises, in public clouds, or in hybrid cloud architectures. Out of the box, the software includes the tools to build, operate, govern and grow blockchain networks.
Deploy the IBM Blockchain Platform across multiple environments
The IBM Blockchain Platform together with Red Hat OpenShift delivers:
Featuring the most complete blockchain software, services, tools and sample codes available, the award-winning IBM Blockchain Platform offers everything you and your network participants need to build, operate, govern and grow a blockchain network.
With IBM Blockchain Platform and Red Hat OpenShift, you can containerize smart contracts, peers, certificate authorities and ordering services and easily deploy them within your preferred environments.
The combination of IBM Blockchain Platform and Red Hat OpenShift offers mission-critical performance and availability in every stage of blockchain development, deployment and production.
Through hundreds of client engagements, we’ve seen a variety of network models with unique requirements. The IBM Blockchain Platform and Red Hat OpenShift are ideal for organizations who:
- Want to keep a copy of the ledger and run workloads on their own infrastructure for security, risk mitigation or compliance reasons
- Need to store data in specific locations to meet data residency requirements
- Need to deploy blockchain components in multiple cloud or hybrid cloud architectures to meet consortium needs
In addition, the advanced tooling of IBM Blockchain Platform delivers even more value around The Linux Foundation’s open source Hyperledger Fabric. The platform generates artifacts that are 100 percent compatible with the Hyperledger Fabric, giving you complete freedom of action over your network. This allows you to interoperate with other vendors that provide Hyperledger Fabric-based products, services and solutions.
With the combined power of IBM Blockchain Platform and Red Hat OpenShift, it’s never been easier to ignite transformation in your enterprise and across your business network.
Learn more about blockchain today