February 25, 2021 By Steven Weaver < 1 min read

IBM Cloud Continuous Delivery now supports deployment of apps to IBM Cloud Satellite clusters.

With Continuous Delivery, developers can build, test and deploy in a repeatable way with minimal human intervention by leveraging Tekton-based delivery pipelines and be ready to release into production at any time, to any cloud.

What is IBM Cloud Satellite?

IBM Cloud Satellite helps you deploy and run applications consistently across all on-premises, edge computing and public cloud environments from any cloud vendor. It standardizes a core set of Kubernetes, data, AI and security services to be centrally managed as a service by IBM Cloud, with full visibility across all environments through a single pane of glass. The result is greater developer productivity and development velocity.

Satellite locations and clusters

Satellite extends IBM Cloud with the new concept of a “location.” Locations are infrastructure outside IBM public cloud where you can run services and applications. Once you create and populate a location, you can start using that location to run IBM Cloud services, such as Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud, IBM Cloud Databases, Continuous Delivery pipelines, AI and more.

IBM Cloud Continuous Delivery treats Satellite clusters just like any other Kubernetes cluster. When creating new toolchains with Continuous Delivery, your Satellite clusters are immediately accessible in the toolchain template configuration pages:

For more information on using templates to create toolchains, see the documentation.

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