April 9, 2021 By IBM Blockchain Pulse 3 min read

Moderna and IBM plan to collaborate on smarter COVID-19 vaccine management. Initial focus is on IBM Blockchain capabilities in end-to-end vaccine traceability in the supply chain and the IBM Digital Health Pass. IBM Digital Health Pass is the technology behind New York State’s Excelsior Pass, successfully piloted at Barclays Center and Madison Square Garden.

Would you use a digital health pass?

Blockchain in the news

Blockchain and interoperability: It’s time for the next step
With the growing maturity of blockchain for business, organizations that have invested in building networks on private, permissioned blockchains are looking at interoperability as the next step in the blockchain roadmap. The World Economic Forum and Chainlink have released a white paper on establishing standards for  interoperability between blockchain and legacy systems.

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Interoperability is also about maintaining trust while establishing interactivity between networks, even those built with differing protocols, like R3 and Hyperledger. For example, new Telefonica networks on built with Hyperledger Fabric will include native interoperability with its existing Ethereum networks.

At IBM Blockchain, we believe that the exchange of information across networks increases the business value proposition for blockchain. To that end, IBM is developing technology to enable trusted exchange of transactions between networks and is currently in the advanced stage of client conversations for adoption.

Learn more about IBM Blockchain interoperability initiatives. Join our webinar on March 30th as we explore interoperability opportunities with leaders from Standard Bank, Hala Systems and Hedera Hashgraph.

What else we’re reading

Tokenization heats up
British auction house Christie’s is auctioning its first purely digital artwork in the form of a non-fungible token (NFT), and new investors are funding NFTfi, a project that allows borrowers to post digital items as collateral. NFTs can carry considerable value. Dapper Labs’ digital collection platform, NBA Top Shot, sold 10,631 packs of basketball videos for US $1.05 million. Get ready for a hot resale market. A single 13-second NBA clip was resold for US $100,000, and an art collector resold a $67,000 10-second video clip for $6.6 million.

March’s features of “watch, read and listen”

Webinar: Interoperability with IBM Blockchain Platform and Hedera Hashgraph
Join us on March 30th as we explore interoperability opportunities with leaders from Standard Bank, Hala Systems and Hedera Hashgraph. Included are instructions on how to try the popular Hyperledger Fabric blockchain protocol together with the Hedera Hashgraph public-plus-private consensus mechanism.

Digital event: Blockchain Opportunity Summit
Sponsored by IBM, this event will delve into digital assets, credentialing, supply chain and interoperability. Join us on April 20th.

Client story: Sonoco ThermoSafe
Watch the story behind PharmaPortal™, a vendor-neutral blockchain platform built on IBM Transparent Supply that unites the dozens of entities involved in transporting products in the temperature-controlled pharmaceutical supply chain.

Blog: Digital Rights Management
Read how Tech Mahindra is using IBM Blockchain Platform to help production houses and content owners automate contracts, manage rights and royalty payments, restrict unauthorized redistribution of content and prevent piracy.

Demo: Learning Credential Network
See how the Learning Credential Network connects learners, employers and education providers across industries and countries on a trusted, blockchain-based network, making learning credential management easier for everyone.

Our solutions and how to get started

No matter where you are in your adoption journey or what industry you’re in, we’re here to help you use blockchain technology to reach your business goals.

Still not sure where to start? Schedule time to talk with one of our experts specific to your industry, and they can help guide you in the right direction.

We’ll be back next month with more news you can use from IBM Blockchain. In the meantime, if someone forwarded you this email and you’d like to subscribe, sign up here.

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