Today, we would like to inform you that Event Streams is announcing the retirement of our Classic plan.
This decision comes following the release of our new Standard Plan, which has a wide set of enhancements compared to the Classic Plan, including the following:
- Support for the latest stable Apache Kafka release
- Support for fine-grained authorization to topic- and consumer-level
- Support for availability zones to further enhance the resiliency of the service
- Support for additional locations, including Washington and Tokyo
- A brand new IBM Design Thinking-led developer and user experience
As of November 1, 2019, you will no longer be able to provision new instances of the Classic Plan. However existing instances will continue to be supported.
As of June 30, 2020, the Classic Plan will be retired and no longer supported. Any instance of the Classic Plan still provisioned at this date will be deleted.
We do not take decisions to retire plans or capabilities within the service lightly and we appreciate the disruption this can cause. We are here to help, and we hope that you will be able to maximize all of the new capabilities available in our Event Streams Standard Plan.
Learn more
- For further information, including migration guidance, please see our documentation.
- IBM Event Streams