June 11, 2021 By Raymond Xu < 1 min read

The Liberty-for-Java Buildpack v3.58 adds Liberty runtime as the default and alternate runtime and an updated IBM JRE

The AdpotOpenJDK Open J9 alternate JRE remains the same 11.0.11_9_openj9-0.26.0. The updated addresses the following PSIRT security vulnerability: 

  • WebSphere Application Server Java Batch is vulnerable to an XML External Entity Injection (XXE) vulnerability (CVE-2021-20492)

This buildpack contains two production versions of Liberty — a default version that remains constant for approximately three months and the latest version, as an alternate. 

An existing application will not be affected by the new buildpack until you redeploy or restage it. After redeployment, existing applications should continue to run “as is” without any additional changes. New applications will automatically use the new buildpack.

Learn more 

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