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Your Full Report

Level 1

You care about your customers, but your current level of care needs an upgrade.

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

Thanks for taking this survey. Based on your answers, you are at a Level 1. Here’s what that means:

Customer challenges

You are most likely not using any automated technology to handle common FAQs. If you are, you are using an out-of-date system like an Interactive Voice Response (IVR) which your customers are struggling to engage with. IVRs make it difficult for your customers to get the answers to their questions quickly; often resulting in long wait times and lower customer satisfaction. You are most likely not using a virtual assistant or other 24x7x365 self-service channels to streamline inquiries. And if you are thinking about it, you don’t really know where or how to start.

Agent challenges

Not only are your customers most likely frustrated, but your agents are overwhelmed. They struggle to keep up with the high volume of calls coming in, and are finding that the majority of the time that they do have is spent answering common FAQs. Your agents spend too much time answering the same old, Tier 1 questions (like changing passwords and updating billing information), and aren’t trained to respond to more challenging and unique queries, often leading to high turnover. Not only this, but your industry and organization are often changing. It is hard for agents to keep up with the information that they need to solve customer queries. You’re most likely not providing your human agents with the real-time data they need to better serve customers, also leading to agent frustration and attrition. You know you need to increase customer satisfaction and decrease resolution time but how can you get there? You need to invest in AI-powered technology like AI assistants for most Tier 1 support queries, and route callers more intelligently to live agents if needed, but what is the first step?

The solution

The first step is understanding the value that conversational AI can bring to your business. What are the unique benefits? Build an AI assistant to engage with your customers in their language, on the channels that they prefer, to quickly and accurately answer their queries. Conversational AI can also allow you to understand customer sentiment and trends to personalize interactions, while empowering your agents to handle more complex queries.

To get started, you must prove out your business case by:

  • Build business value- Make sure you clearly address a recognized business opportunity or pain point
  • Evaluate your data- Different projects will require different types of data. Consider the data you have, the quality and accessibility of information, and sensitivity of your data.
  • Understand the technical feasibility- Make sure that the delivery aligns to your overall journey
  • Evaluate the speed of implementation- Consider how to deliver your solution as quickly as possible
  • Align to corporate initiatives- Consider how you’re going to transform your business to deliver greater customer engagement.

We know that upgrading your contact center is a significant undertaking. Take this process a step at a time. As each step is taken, you will increase the complexity of what you’re trying to do, the data you need to deal with, and the value you need to deliver.

Register for Episode 1 of the Watson Masterclass, hosted by Watson CTO Rob High, to learn more about how to prove your business case.

Watch the Masterclass trailer.

Start today and take the next steps towards delivering resolutions, as quickly as possible, 24x7x365. Refer to our checklist below to see what you can be doing right now to move to the next level.

The Journey to CX Excellence

CX Excellence Checklist CX Excellence Checklist

CX Trends and Stats that Matter


of customers prefer messaging over voice for support

$8 billion

amount per year that chatbots can help businesses save by 20221


average amount of agent’s time devoted to manual research in a 6 minute customer service call2


of customers hung up on calls after waiting too long for an agent


of dissatisfied customers will not return for a repeat purchase or service3

$1 million

potential annual savings for every second shaved off the AHT per call


improvement in customer response times for a Watson client4

40% -70%

of routine customer queries that can already be handled by chatbots5

Watson at Work: Case Study Videos

Getting Started with Watson

No matter what your customer care needs are, Watson can help transform your call center.

Solution 1

Customer Care Transformation Services

IBM Global Business Services acts as your partner during your complete customer service transformation. Leverage IBM’s deep industry expertise for a rich omni-channel experience.

Solution 2

Watson Business Solutions

Customer Care Virtual Agent:
Configure, train and deliver a robust AI assistant with backend technical support in as little as 4 weeks.

Agent Assist:
Support live agents with real time answers to their questions, increasing efficiency and speed of customer response times.

Customer Care Voice Agent:
Enhance your call center with a voice agent. Seamlessly connect to your existing call center infrastructure or telephone network.

Solution 3

Add-on Solution: LiveEngage with Watson

Our partnership with market-leading live-chat software provider, LivePerson, allows for seamless hand-off between Watson and a live agent over chat.

Watch the virtual summit

Learn more about customer service in the age of artificial intelligence. Watch the virtual summit and start building the call center of the future.

AI for customer service

Learn how Watson can help you engage customers and support your agents. Explore live demos, videos, case studies and infographics.

Learn more →

This assessment and the results it generates are provided for information purposes only. IBM does not guarantee that any revenue or savings will result from the deployment of any particular product or solution as every customer is different and licensing and pricing policies can, and do, periodically change. IBM is not responsible for any damage arising out of the use of, or otherwise related to, this assessment or the information included in it.
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