A microprocessor is the predominant type of modern computer processor. It combines the components and function of a central processing unit (CPU) into a single integrated circuit (IC) or a few connected ICs.
Like CPUs, microprocessors are commonly thought of as the “brain” of the computer. Unlike traditional CPUs, microprocessors integrate the arithmetic, logic and control circuits of more traditional CPUs into a single multipurpose, clock-driven and register-based digital circuit.
While the terms CPU and microprocessor are often used interchangeably, a microprocessor is essentially an all-in-one CPU on a single chip. This single-chip design reduces the number of vulnerable electrical connections, improving reliability by reducing potential points of failure. As such, microprocessors have almost completely replaced traditional, multicomponent CPUs.
Before microprocessors, computers used racks of ICs to accomplish the computer’s main computing functions. In 1971, a significant shift occurred in computing technology with the introduction of the Intel 4004, the first commercially available microprocessor. This groundbreaking device, designed by Federico Faggin, was not just a response to a request for 12 custom microchips for a calculator from Japanese electronics maker Busicom. It was a landmark moment that revolutionized the way we think about computing, as Intel, instead of producing 12 individual chips, created a general-purpose logic device.
Underpowered by today’s standards, the Intel 4004’s architecture operated at a clock speed of 740 kHz and could only process data streams with a maximum of 4 bits, also known as a “nibble.” While the 4004 is weak compared to modern 8-bit to 64-bit microprocessors, it is universally considered to be a revolutionary breakthrough in circuitry. As predicted by Moore’s law, rapid semiconductor technology development led to major processing power improvements. Manufactured by leading suppliers, such as Intel and Pentium, and used by all major tech companies, such as IBM®, Microsoft and Apple, microprocessors power thousands of systems and applications from TV remote controls to the International Space Station.
Modern microprocessors combine millions of small transistors, resistors and diodes assembled on a semiconductor material to create the key components of a CPU. These components are arranged into various types of unique computer architecture to perform computations and run instructions. An average microprocessor's functions can be broken down into four main steps.
Microprocessors can complete these processes by combining the main components of a CPU into a singular circuit. The key components of a microprocessor are the following:
The architecture of a microprocessor refers to various design and organization methodologies of the processor’s various CPU components. These are the key architectural elements of a microprocessor:
Microprocessors range in power, performance, architecture methodologies, size, energy consumption and many other variables and are designed for all sorts of applications. General-purpose microprocessors are common in personal computers and mobile devices, while specialized high-performance units like Digital Signal Processors (DSPs) are designed for demanding tasks like audio, speech, video and image processing.
The following are some of the main types of microprocessors.
These versatile microprocessors are found in a wide range of common applications and devices, such as laptops and servers.
Although it is more accurate to say that microcontrollers contain microprocessors, these types of chips also feature all the additional components necessary for a functional computer, namely built-in memory. Microcontrollers function like microcomputers and are preferred for controlling specific elements within embedded computer systems. Small, low-power microcontrollers do not require complex operating systems to run and are commonly used in the automotive industry to optimize Engine Control Units (ECUs), Advanced Driver-Assistance Systems (ADAS) and infotainment units, as well as a vast range of consumer electronic devices and even industrial automation.
DSPs are specialized for high-speed numeric calculations and are often used for demanding tasks like audio processing, telecommunications and image processing. They might also be found in applications requiring the interpretation of analog to digital signals, such as weather sensors. DSPs are commonly used in military applications like surveillance drones and other autonomous aircraft.
ASIC microprocessors are designed for specific tasks and are customized to meet the specific demands of various applications. Some examples of ASIC microprocessors include custom chips for game consoles or cryptocurrency mining. DSPs, GPUs and other types of specialized microprocessors are technically ASICs as well.
GPU microprocessors are specially designed for the demanding task of rendering digital video and graphics requiring high-powered performance and parallel processing. Critically important for high-end gaming, powerful GPU microprocessors are also commonly used in cryptocurrency mining and are known for high power consumption.
A type of ASIC microprocessor specifically optimized for processing network data packets most frequently used in telecom switches, routers and network security devices.
Coprocessors, such as floating-point units (FPUs), are designed to provide auxiliary support for a system’s main CPU to boost performance during certain demanding tasks, such as carrying out advanced scientific calculations or complicated mathematical formulas.
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