IBM Support

DS8000 Code Recommendation

Preventive Service Planning


DS8000 Code Recommendation


This generalized recommendation is made available to assist Clients in implementing a code update strategy. It is a full field perspective, and as such, a customized recommendation, which takes into account specifics such as business upgrade windows, length of time since last update, decommission plans, etc., may require assistance from local support teams.  

IBM recommends Clients evaluate code update / value options annually.

In the following table, the levels shown under the Minimum Installed Level heading, are considered stable release levels. Clients running at or above these levels may remain in place unless an update is required for specific fixes or new function.

The levels shown under the Recommended "go-to" Level heading are considered stable release levels, that have accumulated a reasonable amount of runtime in Client environments, and/or contain critical fixes. Clients who are planning to upgrade code, should choose a level from this column, unless a higher level is required for specific fixes or new function.

DS8A00 code stream(s) actively being maintained: 10.0x.xx.xx
DS8900F code stream(s) actively being maintained: 89.4x.xx.xx

The word "must" in the notes below refers to bundles resolving specific problems for a targeted subset of DS8000 systems and communicated via My Notifications to clients, or ECA (Engineering Change/Field Actions) Information Alerts to IBM Service colleagues.

In this document, text highlighted in blue denotes a hyperlink to additional information.
Call-home server IP address changes require:
--> DS8000 Code update (ICS)
, and Client firewall and/or proxy updates prior to 1 March, 2024, and
--> Implement FQDN filtering prior to 1 November 2024.

Remote Code Load is supported for all DS8A00 and DS8900F systems.

Model Minimum
Installed Level
"go to" Level
Latest Level
DS8A00 (R10.0)
R10.0 SP1 -
[Nov 2024]  ( 61, 62 )
R10.0 SP1.1 -
[Dec 2024]  ( 61, 62 )
R10.0 SP1.1 -
[Dec 2024]  ( 61, 62 )
DS8900F (R9.4) R9.4 GA -
[Dec 2023]  ( 53, 56, 57, 59, 60 )
R9.4 SP1.2 -
[Jun 2024]
R9.4 SP2 -
[Nov 2024]
DS8900F (R9.3)
R9.3 SP3.3 -
[Dec 2023]  ( 48, 5354 )
R9.3 SP3.6 -
[Jun 2024] ( 48 )
R9.3 SP3.6 -
[Jun 2024] ( 48 )
Move to the recommended R9.4 microcode level
The following footnotes apply only to the code levels where cited above.
Click the blue links at the left for more information.

Note 48: DS8900F Clients using Transparent Cloud Tiering (TCT) Recommended to be on R9.4 SP1.1 - or higher. 
Note 53: DS8900F Clients running Safeguarded Copy must be on R9.3 SP3.5 - / R9.4 GA3 - or higher 
Note 54: Potential DS8900F Data Loss during a power failure event
Note 56:  Customers running applications that use ESSNI API, (e.g Spectrum Control, IBM i CS Toolkit, VMware SRM) on R9.4, must go to R9.4 SP1 -, or higher.
Note 57:  DS8900F CKD systems using Remote Pair Flashcopy (Preserve Mirror) must be on  R9.4 SP1.2 - or higher.
Note 58:  Customers using Safeguarded Copy, and are moving to R9.4 SP1, must go to R9.4 SP1.2 - or higher
Note 59:  DS8900F systems configured with heterogeneous Flash Tiers (e.g. High Perfornance and High Capacity), must go to R9.4 SP1.2 - or higher
Note 60:  DS8900F systems using zHyperLink on or Recommended to be on R9.4 GA3 - or higher.
Note 61: DS8A00 zHyperLink users must be at R10.0 SP1.1 - or above, AND z15  MCL  S95 or z16 MCL S40.  Do not physically attach the zHyperLink cable to the DS8A00 system until you have both items.
Note 62: DS8A00 Clients using PPRC with legacy DS8900F and earlier systems must review the content linked to this footnote.  

[{"Line of Business":{"code":"LOB26","label":"Storage"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSHGBU","label":"IBM DS8900F"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"","label":""}],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"Version Independent"},{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB26","label":"Storage"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSY1BJD","label":"DS8A00"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m0z000000bqZ2AAI","label":"01 - CDA"}],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"All Versions"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
15 January 2025

