IBM Support

How to upgrade the embedded WebSphere Liberty profile installed with Engineering Lifecycle Management applications

How To


These instructions assist administrators in upgrading the version of WebSphere Liberty that is embedded within the Engineering Lifecycle Management applications.


These instructions apply to ELM versions 7.0.2 and higher.
Note: Since Jazz Authorization Server (JAS) uses a different installation method, the following upgrade process does not work for JAS.
Users must use this technote instead.
How to check the Liberty version:
You can use the command "productInfo version" to show the product name, version, and edition. It can be entered from the install root bin directory, for example:
C:\ELM\server\liberty\wlp\bin\productInfo version
/opt/IBM/JazzTeamServer/server/liberty/wlp/bin/productInfo version


  • If you are upgrading to a version of Liberty that is newer than the version listed in the IBM Software Compatibility Reports, IBM recommends performing these steps in a test environment before upgrading production systems.
The latest tested version is
  1. Locate and download the wlp-core-all-<version>.jar file from Fix Central
    1. Open Fix Central:
    2. In the “Product Selector” field, enter “WebSphere Liberty”
    3. For “Installed Version”, select “ALL”
    4. For “Platform”, select “ALL”
    5. Click “Continue”
    6. Select “Browse for fixes”, click “Continue”
    7. After the page loads fully, there will be a “Search” box that appears in the upper right near the “Release Date” column.  In this field, enter the version number you are looking for (example: followed by a space and then the word “jar” to narrow down the selections.
    8. In the shortened list, you can find an entry for wlp-core-all- (or which ever specific version you searched for).  Download this file
  2. Transfer the file to your server
  3. Create a temporary location (example: Linux®: /tmp/liberty_update; Windows®: c:\temp\liberty_update)
  4. Execute the JAR file with the command
    • java -jar wlp-core-all-
      *If you receive an error message executing Java™ commands, your JAVA_HOME environmental variable might not be set.
  5. Accept the license agreements
  6. Hit enter to continue to use the targeted temporary folder that you created in Step 3 to “install” Liberty into.
  7. Change directory to the JAZZ_HOME/server directory
  8. Shut down the Liberty server
    1. Linux® Example:
    2. Windows® Example: 
  9. Change directory to the “liberty” directory.
  10. Move the existing “wlp” directory to a new name
    1. Linux® Example:
      mv wlp wlp-
    2. Windows® Example 
      move wlp wlp-
  11. Move the new Liberty version directory
    1. Linux® Example:
      mv /tmp/liberty_update/wlp wlp-
    2. Windows® Example:
      move c:\temp\liberty_update\wlp wlp
  12. [Linux® Only] Create a link from the new Liberty version to wlp
    1. Example:
      ln -s wlp- wlp
  13. Change directory to the JAZZ_HOME/server/liberty/servers directory
  14. Delete the “.classCache” directory located here.
    1. Linux® Example:
      rm -rf .classCache
    2. Windows® Example:
    3. rmdir /s .classCache
  15. Change directory to the clm profile directory
  16. Delete the “workarea” directory here
    1. Linux® Example:
      rm -rf workarea
    2. Windows® Example: 
      rmdir /s workarea
  17. Change directory to the JAZZ_HOME/server directory
  18. Start the server
    1. Linux® Example:
    2. Windows® Example: 
  19. Check the log files in JAZZ_HOME/server/logs for proper startup
  20. Repeat all steps for each application server

Document Location


[{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU048","label":"IBM Software"},"Product":{"code":"SSPRJQ","label":"IBM Engineering Lifecycle Management Base"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m0z000000Gn1nAAC","label":"ELM-\u003ESystem Requirements"}],"ARM Case Number":"TS013582820","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"7.0.2;7.0.3;and future releases"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
22 August 2024

