IBM Support

What are the general MustGather for IBM Developer for z/OS issues?

Question & Answer


What logs could be collected when a problem happens with IBM Developer for z/OS (IDz)?



  • The workspace log can be found under <your workspace>\.metadata\.log

  • For a performance issue, Eclipse UI Responsiveness can be enabled with menu Window > Preferences > General > UI Responsiveness
For example, if Eclipse hangs for 10 seconds, then you can enable 2000 milliseconds of warning threshold and 5 samples.
The .log file shows "org.eclipse.ui.monitoring" entries with the stack of threads waiting, like for example:
!ENTRY org.eclipse.ui.monitoring 2 0 2021-03-01 13:48:40.543
!MESSAGE UI freeze of 0.59s at 13:48:39.934
!SUBENTRY 1 org.eclipse.ui.monitoring 1 0 2021-03-01 13:48:40.543
!MESSAGE Sample at 13:48:40.283 (+0.349s)
Thread 'main' tid=1 (TIMED_WAITING)
Stack Trace
    at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
  • For an issue with Remote System Explorer, including MVS, UNIX System Services, or JES subsystem, logging can be enabled with menu Window > Preferences > Remote Systems > Logging
RSE logging
The .log file shows entries like for example:
!ENTRY org.eclipse.rse.ui 1 0 2021-03-01 13:38:21.569
!MESSAGE Requesting jobid/dsname: JOB18249/USER1.USER1.JOB18249.D0000104.?
!ENTRY org.eclipse.rse.ui 1 0 2021-03-01 13:38:22.744
!MESSAGE Opening with editor: EditorDescriptor(, label=JES Spool Editor)
  • Specific traces can be added for other components like (zUnit, COBOL Editor,... ) with menu Window > Preferences > Tracing
For example, the following traces can be set to FINEST for an issue with zUnit:
zUnit tracing
The traces are printed to file <your workspace>\.metadata\.trace

On the server

1) Enable user logs (rsecomm.log) with debug level set to 2 on the host.

It can be enabled dynamically with one of the below operator commands:

(replace RSED by your IDz/RDz/zExplorer started task ID)

  • for all users: F RSED,APPL=RCL 2

  • for a specific user: F RSED,APPL=T ON,USER=USER182

  • for JMON/JES if problem happens when submitting or retrieving jobs: F JMON,APPL=T VERBOSE

2) Reproduce the problem

3) Gather the logs and configuration files with:

  • Either FEKLOGS JCL

  • Or operator command F RSED,APPL=LOGS USER=USER182

  • Or from your IDz client, menu Help > Collect Logs

alt text

When using operator command, you can check RSED job log or SYSLOG for the location of the generated log

 05.52.46 JOB00156  +FEK220I LOGS Command has been started to write onto /tmp/feklogs.CTFMVS08.RSED095.console.log for the requester  
  • In case of JMON/JES then export the JMON job log

4) Disable debug level

  • for all users: F RSED,APPL=RCL OFF

  • for a specific user: F RSED,APPL=T OFF,USER=USER182


[{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB35","label":"Mainframe SW"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSTRMM","label":"IBM Developer for z\/OS"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m0z00000009GxAAI","label":"IBM Developer for Z\/OS-\u003EDiagnostics\\Serviceability"}],"ARM Case Number":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"All Versions"}]

Product Synonym


Document Information

Modified date:
03 December 2023

