IBM Support

Fix list for IBM Host Access Transformation Services

Product Documentation


This document contains a complete listing of releases, refreshes, fix packs and interim fixes sorted by version for IBM Host Access Transformation Services.


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Table of Contents:

Fix Pack 5 (
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
IC98705 Using createElement function in HATS JavaScript.
IC98754 NPE when enabling tracing after extracing data from color plan.
IC99622 HATS admin security with Websphere fails.
IT02421 HPubStylesheet and HPubXMLData elements - missing from the WSDL.
IT02718 Integrate SWTBeans - Refer nwsaa 41323.
IT03601 StringIndexOutOfBoundsException while extracting screen data.
IT03624 Collision avoidance with one '=' results in 37 sessions.
IT03914 Error on entering a -ve number into an unsigned numeric field.
The following HATS problems were found and fixed internally. They cannot be found by a search on the HATS support page.
41282 HostSim Trace not recorded.
41287 Data gets repopulated after a fix in hatscommon.jar.
41294 CreateElement no longer supports angle brackets in IE9 which may throw an exception in HATS.
41295 PageNotRendering correctly unless IE10 put to CompatibilityMode.
41333 SSLv3 is disabled by default due to POODLE Vulnerability (CVE-2014-3566)

Fix Pack 4 (
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
IC86236 java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException in WebFacing subfile javascript.
IC86536 "Incorrect Password" message when invoking WebFacing application.
IC86688 Global Rules behavior when migrating from HATS v5 to v8.
IC87102 Input field data is corrupt if entered data has fewer characters than data originally in the field.
IC87370 Field minus key does not work when the cursor is at the second to last character.
IC87488 Field exit key not working if the cursor is in the second to last position.
IC87959 Incorrect cursor position on DCBS field.
IC88940 Erase EOF key does not work correctly.
IC88981 Pooled session stops with abnormal end in iSeries.
IC89905 The Visual Editor does not work correctly.
IC89933 NoSuchElementException during rendering of view.
IC90083 Screen freezes in WebFacing application with CCSID 420.
The following HATS problems were found and fixed internally. They cannot be found by a search on the HATS support page.
40978 Fix project migration issues in HATS 8.0.
41125 Update on 'Field minus key not working for signed numeric'.
41180 HATS application unavailability due to "Timer already canceled".
41182 Invalid message on the install panel.
68926 Enhance isDBCS character checking logic when call from JSP.

Fix Pack 3 (
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
IC81935 AsyncPageServlet is not added to migrated projects.
IC81987 When using Firefox, the cursor is not always positioned in the correct location.
IC82657 Client receives JavaScript error when navigating to input filed. Object expected lxgwfunctions.js code:0.
IC83865 RCP "Strip underscores on input field" option is not working.
IC84115 DBCS: Field length checking with Chrome is not working as expected.
IC84872 Global variable is not extracting DBCS characters correctly.
IC85002 The Tab key does not work correctly in the Dojo text box.
IC85170 Text replacement is not working correctly with DBCS.
IC85306 Function key is not working inside Dojo input field.
IC85496 NullPointerException caused by users trying to delete the same print job.
The following HATS problems were found and fixed internally. They cannot be found by a search on the HATS support page.
40898 A SBCS character can be input into a Y field with the Dojo 1.7 Text box widget.
41077 Dojo widgets sometimes render incorrectly in preview.
41105 Auto advance out of a non-host input field works only with Internet Explorer.

Fix Pack 2 (
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
IC79423 Display the handler for a macro extract only when the Show handler option for the extract is selected.
IC79456 HATS memory leak.
IC79914 When using a bidi coded character set identifier (CCSID), such as 420 or 424, subfile paging does not work when using a load-all subfile.
IC80543 LicenseManager.checkLicenseUsage message written to log file every minute.
IC80706 The 3270 NUMLOCK function does not restrict the string on the field.
IC80751 Client pull (Ajax) method for autodisconnect - session stays on.
IC80767 WebFacing portlet session fails after navigating away from portal page and back.
IC80794 Screen recognition using a global variable in a macro does not work.
IC81090 Session data from one WebFacing portlet affects another WebFacing portlet on the same page.
IC81290 Auto refresh on screen combination results causes unexpected behavior.
IC81400 The HTML ID for the Popup widget is null.
IC81800 The Visual Macro Editor fails to display the associated screen capture.
Defect ID Description
The following HATS problems were found and fixed internally. They cannot be found by a search on the HATS support page.
40917 Security fixes for the CalendarServlet.
40926 Content checking may not work properly in 5250 Y/M/S fields.
40934 Bidi macro prompt data is reversed at runtime when the default handler is not used.
40941 HOD and HAPrint translated PII is missing.
40942 NPE in CompressionFilter.
40946 User allowed to change the name of a macro prompt when using a user list.
40956 The files is rewritten even when no values have changed.
40959 The screen combination dynamic, cached content loading function fails when URL rewriting is enabled.
40963 When opened too close to the bottom edge of the browser window, the Calendar widget is partially hidden.
The following problems, which affected HATS functions, were found in other products internally. There is no additional information about them on the HATS support page.
39681 Cannot switch from RTL to LTR layout orientation in the source view of the .jsp editor in bidi projects. Fixed in Rational Application Developer 8.0.4.
40787 Submit does not work as expected when rendering a HATS Selection list host component as either a HATS Dojo Combo box or Filtering Select widget. Fixed with Dojo 1.7 in Rational Application Developer 8.0.4 iFix1.
40794 The nested sort icon of the HATS Dojo Enhanced grid widget is displayed incorrectly. Fixed with Dojo 1.7 in Rational Application Developer 8.0.4 iFix1.
40818 When Rational Application Developer is launched in non-English locales, links in the table of contents of the local Help contents may be broken. Fixed in Rational Application Developer 8.0.4.

Fix Pack 1 (
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
IC75535 Characters sent by the host are English but should be Hebrew.
IC76362 After updating to HATS 7.5.1 on a bidi system, the cursor is placed in incorrect locations on the host screen.
IC77598 HATS rich client project not displaying DBCS fields correctly with small font.
IC78098 Using DBCS host codepage, date fields lose formatting.
IC78149 Visual Editor converts the macro variable to a zero.
IC78151 The trace level of the Webfacing HSR component cannot be changed.
IC78392 Unable to open a screen capture for an imported BMS file.
Defect ID Description
The following HATS problems were found and fixed internally. They cannot be found by a search on the HATS support page.
40359 Widget settings incorrect in screen combination.
40643 PrintButton always renders as a button.
40795 Widget previews fail if the HATS component contains the German character, LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S (u+00DF).
40820 DBCS cursor movement issue for "open" fields in web projects.
40822 In 5250 J and Y type fields in rich client projects, inputting a prohibited character causes HATS to erase other characters.
40824 In 5250 J and O type fields in rich client projects, inputting DBCS characters before or after SO/SI causes HATS to insert an additional space.
40825 In 5250 J type fields in rich client projects, inputting an SBCS character causes HATS to insert an additional space or delete a character in the field.
40827 AutoIME is not enabled for the Dojo Validation text box widget.
40829 In 3270 G type fields in rich client projects, you cannot input the appropriate number of DBCS characters.
40832 DBCS default input value not kept in radio button or drop-down widget..
40835 Incorrect default orientation displayed for table in Model 1 web page in bidirectional projects.
40839 Incorrect password rendering by the Dojo text box widget (visual) and incorrect text order in the Dojo grid widget (visual) on Model 1 web pages in bidirectional projects.
40848 Macro extract is always in English even if the keyboard layer is Hebrew.
40850 Incorrect rendering of RTL prompts for RTL fields in Model 1 pages in bidirectional projects.
40854 Extraneous debug statement written to the Java console during migration.
40859 After editing prompts or extracts in the Visual Macro Editor, the macro does not run in a web service in bidirectional projects.
40864 Macro recorded with [vt-pf] keys do not play back successfully.
40870 DBCS mixed value not kept in rich client drop-down widget when SOSI=OFF.
40873 The text replacement function does not work correctly in a subfile.
40874 Screen rendering performance fix for HTMLElement's buildTag method.
40885 NumberFormatException in the Visual Macro Editor when using macro variables.
40887 There is no option to "Create RESTful Service Files" in HATS on Rational Application Developer V8.0.3 with only WebSphere Application Server V7 Feature Pack for Web 2.0 and Mobile installed.
40905 The User-Defined Character (UDC) editor does not launch from a DBCS connection editor.

Initial Release (8.0)
Link Date Released Status

Table of Contents:

Fix Pack 5 (
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
IT06795 Exceeding DBCS characters moves cursor to next input field.
The following HATS problems were found and fixed internally. They cannot be found by a search on the HATS support page.
41342 Adding Meta tags made optional.
41344 HATS screen combination not showing color when rendering tables.
41350 Security improvements.

Fix Pack 5 (
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
IC99622 HATS admin security with Websphere fails.
IT01818 5250 - Cursor moving to next field (SBCS eliminating max len).
IT02421 HPubStylesheet and HPubXMLData elements - missing from the WSDL.
IT02685 Date input field issue with DBCS when same date is inputted.
IT02718 Many Runnable Threads HODByteToCharConverter.
IT03601 StringIndexOutOfBoundsException is generated while extracting screen data.
IT03624 Collision avoidance with one '=' results in 37 sessions.
IT03914 Error on entering a -ve number into an unsigned numeric field.
The following HATS problems were found and fixed internally. They cannot be found by a search on the HATS support page.
41009 Message about extracting hidden fields from Insert data action.
41009 HTML escaping function not handling almost all possible tags

Fix Pack 4 (
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
IC87488 Field exit key not working if the cursor is in the second to last position.
IC89933 NoSuchElementException during rendering of view.
IC92195 Geronimo RESTful web service issue.
IC95236 OIA input inhibited indicator not rendering when enabled.
IC95764 Question about DDS-WINDOW in a HATS rich client.
IC95795 Unable to create "Caption" keys in a rich client project.
IC95865 If suppressUnchangedData is set to false and stripUnderlinesOnInputs is set to true, WRKTSB command is not executed.
IC97130 Equal sign in input field corrupts data.
IC97328 HATS bidi - cursor not advancing for Arabic field in WebFacing.
IC97610 Cursor not advancing on host screen.
IC98659 HATS project is not updated after fix pack is applied.
IC98754 When extracting data from the color plane, a NullPointerException is generated after enabling HATS tracing.
IC99099 Pressing F11 key multiple times causes iSeries to abend.
IC99816 When using DBCS the [QFLDEXT] key is not working as expected.
The following HATS problems were found and fixed internally. They cannot be found by a search on the HATS support page.
41279 Fix 'Signed Numeric Field'.
41282 Host simulation trace not recorded.
41287 Data gets repopulated after the new fix in hatscommon.jar file.
41295 Page not rendering correctly unless Internet Explorer 10 put into Compatibility mode.

Fix Pack 3 (
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
IC88981 Pooled session stops with abnormal end in iSeries.
IC89905 The Visual Editor does not work correctly.
IC90083 Screen freezes in WebFacing application with CCSID 420.
IC91191 Extra spaces are added to data sent to host.
IC91370 Include host and non-host input fields causes incorrect cursor focus.
IC91420 HATS "repeat find" problem
The following HATS problems were found and fixed internally. They cannot be found by a search on the HATS support page.
41180 HATS application unavailability due to "Timer already cancelled".
41182 Invalid message on the install panel.
68926 Enhance isDBCS character checking logic when call from JSP.

Fix Pack 2 (
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
IC87102 Input field data is corrupt if entered data has fewer characters than data originally in the field.
IC87370 Field minus key does not work when the cursor is at the second to last character.
IC87959 Incorrect cursor position on DCBS field.
IC88940 Erase EOF key does not work correctly.
The following HATS problems were found and fixed internally. They cannot be found by a search on the HATS support page.
40978 Fix project migration issues in HATS 8.0.
41125 Update on 'Field minus key not working for signed numeric'.

Fix Pack 1 (
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
IC83865 RCP "Strip underscores on input field" option is not working.
IC84115 DBCS: Field length checking with Chrome is not working as expected.
IC84872 Global variable is not extracting DBCS characters correctly.
IC85002 The Tab key does not work correctly in the Dojo text box.
IC85170 Text replacement is not working correctly with DBCS.
IC85306 Function key is not working inside Dojo input field.
IC85496 NullPointerException caused by users trying to delete the same print job.
IC86688 Global Rules behavior when migrating from HATS v5 to v8.
The following HATS problems were found and fixed internally. They cannot be found by a search on the HATS support page.
40898 A SBCS character can be input into a Y field with the Dojo 1.7 Text box widget.
41077 Dojo widgets sometimes render incorrectly in preview.
41105 Auto advance out of a non-host input field works only with Internet Explorer.

Initial Release (8.5)
Link Date Released Status

Fix Pack 3 (
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
IT20391 Entering two dates on the same host screen while using the DOJO widget causes the second date field to be cleared.
IT10884 HATS Admin: Viewing the log file user clicks download link to download the file but only sees old messages.
IT25108 A space is added to Arabic characters when using HATS on a linux system.

Fix Pack 2 (
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
IT03601 StringIndexOutOfBoundsException while extracting screen data.
IT03624 Collision avoidance with one '=' results in 37 sessions.
IT03914 Error on entering a negative number into an unsigned numeric field.
IC97328 Auto advance of text boxes does not work in Bidi session.
The following HATS problems were found and fixed internally. They cannot be found by a search on the HATS support page.
41331 HTML escaping function not handling almost all possible tags.
Fix Pack 1 (
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
IC95236 OIA input inhibited indicator not rendering when enabled.
IC95764 Question about DDS-WINDOW in a HATS rich client.
IC95795 Unable to create "CAPTION" keys in a rich client project.
IC95865 If suppressUnchangedData is set to false and stripUnderlinesOnInputs is set the true, WRKTSB command is not executed.
IC97130 Equal sign in input field corrupts data.
IC97610 Cursor not advancing on host screen.
IC98242 HATS rich client layout causes characters to be hidden.
IC98659 HATS project is not updated after fix pack is applied.
IC98705 INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR using createElement function.
IC98754 When extracting data from the color plane a NullPointerException is generated after enabling HATS tracing.
IC99099 Pressing F11 key multiple times causes iSeries to abend.
IC99622 HATS cannot manage clustered applications from single administrator console.
IC99816 When using DBCS the key [qfldext] is not working as expected.
IT01815 Input fields on HATS for RCP application converts character ? to S.
IT01818 5250 - Cursor moving to next field (SBCS eliminating max len).
IT02421 HPubStylesheet and HPubXMLData elements missing from WSDL.
IT02685 When using DBCS the data field is not working properly.
IT02718 HATS performance degradation after adding two additional core processors.
IT03130 Sometimes editing macros Source and Design tabs disappear.
IT03268 Prompt and Extract handler not being added for Evaluate action.
The following HATS problems were found and fixed internally. They cannot be found by a search on the HATS support page.
41009 Message about extracting hidden fields from Insert data action.
41279 Test 'Signed Numeric Field' for different inputs.
41282 Host simulation trace not recorded.
41288 SWT field widget is ignoring the trim spaces on input option.
41295 Page not rendering correctly unless Internet Explorer 10 put in compatibility mode.
41298 NullPointerException on right-click menu for RCP project.
41300 Minor adjustments and cleanup for RCP layout code.
41301 Updates for Geronimo 3.0 currency.
41302 NPE on right-click menu when no project selected.
41303 Remove was.policy from EAR for non-WAS targeted projects.
41306 Fix trace file name for WAS server.
41307 Generate default EAR names for non-WAS servers.
41312 hatsadmin/admin*url pattern is not allowed in WebLogic.
41313 Enabling VIF for "Fill for string".
Initial Release (9.0)
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
IC87102 Input field data is corrupt if entered data has fewer characters than data originally in the field.
IC87488 Field exit key not working if the cursor is in the second to last position.
IC87959 Incorrect cursor position on DBCS field.
IC88940 ERASE EOF key does not work properly.
IC88981 Pooled session stops with abnormal end in iSeries.
IC89933 NoSuchElementException during rendering of view.
IC91191 Extra spaces being added to data being sent to host.
IC91370 When using "Include host and non-host input fields" the focus is incorrectly moved to the wrong input field.
IC91420 HATS ability to repeat find in RCP.
IC92195 Geronimo RESTful web service issue.

Table of Contents:

Fix Pack 4 (
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
IT31142 Need to press tab key twice to go to next field.
IT32633 Add TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 in HOD code for RCP customer.
IT30248 HATS is not using 256 bit ciphers to connect.
IT30187 HATS admin not logging off when using WAS security.
IT33661 Webfacing - Not able to proceed to next screen on clicking any of the key in BIDI.
IT33383 Webfacing Bidi auto tab not working.
IT34776 holding down a key does not auto advance to next field.
Fix Pack 3 (
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
IT27457 TLS 1,2 not connecting in WAS strict mode
OA57645 Customers have asked to add new ciphers in HOD
Fix Pack 2 (
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
IT20391 Dates are removed from input fields after pressing Enter
IT10884 Question on Admin console error logging
IT25108 BIDI rendering - Ministry of Defence
IT23388 After migration "Enter" key not working.  - ZURICH INSURANCE
IT26083 PMR43156 - WF host input fields out of alignment - Finastra
Refresh Pack 1 (9.5.1)
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
IT15796 Overwrite mode not working in IE11
IT17254 Overwrite was not working properly when used ctrl-v to paste new chars over the old ones in IE11
IT19632 Dropdown menu issue in IE11
IT18321 Shift tab was not highlighting the original text in IE11
IT15205 Cursor position is not updated properly when autocomplete is selected
IT18589 Pressing pagedown key was clearing the data when cursor is at 1st position
IT20694 Race condition in creating the pool spec
IT20391 HATS DOJO,cursor position is not correctly picked for calendar widget field
IT18717 Webfacing application was closed with the URL containing clcmd command
IT19634 Enabling JSSE, writes unwanted systemout messages to console/log file.
IT20232 Performance is degraded in HATS when customer enable JSSE to support TLS 1.2 for secure connection.
Fix Pack 1 (
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
IT12998 Issue with Host Sim Trace
IT13771 Add dependant modules to ejb plugin's MANIFEST.MF file
IT13241 Duplicate HPublinkkey when response time is too fast
IT12869 Pool connection hangs in the incorrect screen when macro fails
IT09334 Data truncation issue in the input fields
The following HATS problems were found and fixed internally. They cannot be found by a search on the HATS support page.
41449 Change infocenter links to Knowledgecenter links

Table of Contents:

Fix Pack 7 (
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
IT44036 Elements missing when rendering Long URL
IT44037 Space is added when rendering Long URL
IT44038 URL not wrapping inside template when rendering Long URL
IT44214 Protected space - copy/paste issue
IT44215 Calendar widget rendering issue
IT44402 Elements after the URL are missing when rendering Long URL
IT44633 HATS1004 is thrown when accessing application without a /
IT45082 Runtime properties constantly being modified.
IT45577 HATS1005 - Token mismatch issue
IT45585 Busy Page is displayed frequently.
IT45721 @ sign is interpreted as section sign character
IT45767 Thread hung in DCAS Connection
IT46048 HAT0040 Error shown in HATS message logs frequently
IT46129 HATS 1004 is shown after busy page is displayed
Fix Pack 6 (
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
IT42683 CSRF Token mismatch
IT42920 Java2Security
Fix Pack 5 (
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
IT39976 Cross site scripting issue.
IT41051 End key and Backspace is not working.
IT41537 Session hijacking issue.
Fix Pack 4 (
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
IT35998 Webfacing - Cross site scripting issue
IT36871 HATS - Cross site scripting issue
IT36958 RCP - Imported files not viewable
IT36160 Does not work: Insert Integration Object Properties
IT37834 RCP - Paste is not working when input field filled with underscores
IT38539 RCP - Rendering issue
Fix Pack 3 (
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
IT31142 HATS : Need to press tab key twice to go to next field.
IT32322 HATS : added <tr> to NJ project - during customization
IT32633 HATS : Add TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 in HOD code for RCP customer
IT30248 HATS : HATS is not using 256 bit ciphers to connect
IT30187 HATS : HATS admin not logging off when using WAS security
IT33661 HATS : Webfacing - Not able to proceed to next screen on clicking any of the key in BIDI.
IT33383 HATS : Webfacing Bidi auto tab not working
IT34776 HATS : holding down a key does not auto advance to next field
IT33359 HATS : HATS installation isuue-Able to install HATS 9.7 on RBD 9.6 and RAD 9.6
IT36340 HATS : RCP - Cursor issue in input field
Fix Pack 2 (
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
IT27855 An erroneous string ( < setting name="closeTags" value="false" > ) is added to the application.hap, after which, the "preview" no longer shows the screen customization.
IT27457 TLS 1,2 not connecting in WAS strict mode
OA57645 Customers have asked to add new ciphers in HOD
IT28198 RCP Run command fails
IT28970 Liberty installed on zOS, using JCL to start gets Null pointer Exception
IT18717 WebFacing application fails launch after WFinvoication.action.The session is being forwared to close.jsp
IT25108 A space is added to Arabic characters using -HATS on Linux System
Refresh Pack 1 (9.6.1)
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
IT25205 Screen rendering incorrect in V9.6 - Centers for Medicare
IT23388 [eraseeof] not working in HATS 9.6 - Centers for Medicare
IT23465 WebFacing application will not start in 9.6
IT23392 Saved "Userlist" disappears"
IT23813 PMR63416 - Seino Info - 9.6 renders different then 8.5
IT24946 PMR63498 - IBM Japan - ENPTUI not rendering correctly in 9.6
IT26065 ENPTUI feature causes HATS to render host screen incorrectly
IT26083 PMR43156 - WF host input fields out of alignment
Fix Pack 1 (
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
IT22311 The dojo widget should reuse the dates entered but the dates are being changed to today's date once enter is pressed
IT23388 After migrating from HATS 8.5 to 9.5, the F12 key no longer works. F12 should go back to previous screen
IT23392 Userlist is removed after you close the project settings
IT23813 Host screen renders different in HATS 9.6
IT23465 Webfacing application fails to start
Initial Release (9.6)
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description

Table of Contents:

Fix Pack 5 (
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
IT44402 Elements after the URL are missing when rendering a Long URL
IT44633 HATS1004 is thrown when accessing the application without a /
IT45082 Runtime properties are constantly being modified
IT45168 Thread hung issue
IT45585 Busy Page is displayed frequently
IT45577 HATS1005 - Token mismatch issue

Refresh Pack 1 (9.7.1)
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
IT44036 Elements missing when rendering Long URL - TS012930718
IT44037 Space is added when rendering Long URL - TS012930718
IT44038 URL not wrapping inside template when rendering Long URL - TS012930718
IT44084 Unable to create IO after updating the HATS version- TS013310336
IT44214 Protected space - copy/paste issue - TS013183292
IT44215 Calendar widget rendering issue - TS013126767

Fix Pack 4 (
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
IT42683 CSRF Token mismatch
IT42408 HATS is not working when WAS strict mode is enabled
IT42920  HATS fails with JAVA2 Security enabled on WAS

Fix Pack 3 (
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
IT39976 Cross site scripting issue
IT41051 End key and Backspace is not working
IT41537 Session hijacking issue

Fix Pack 2 (
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
IT31142 Need to press tab key twice to go to next field
IT32633 Add TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 in HOD code for RCP customer
IT30248 HATS is not using 256 bit ciphers to connect
IT32322 Added <tr> to NJ project - during customization
IT36160 Does not work: Insert Integration Object Properties
IT37834 Paste is not working when input field filled with underscores
IT36958 RCP - Imported files not viewable
IT38539 RCP - Rendering issue
IT36871 HATS - Cross site scripting issue

Fix Pack 1 (
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
IT27855 An additional code chunk, ( setting name="closeTags" value="false" ) is added to the application.hap. After this statement is added, the 'preview' no longer shows the screen customization.
IT27457 TLS 1,2 not connecting in WAS strict mode
OA57645 Customers have asked to add new ciphers in HOD
IT28198 RCP Run command fails
IT28970 Liberty installed on zOS, using JCL to start gets Null pointer Exception
IT25108 A space is added to Arabic  characters using -HATS on Linux System
IT29438 RCP validation errors
IT30187 HATS admin not logging off when using WAS security

Initial Release (9.7)
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
IT22311 The dojo widget should reuse the dates entered but the dates are being changed to today's date once enter is pressed.
IT23388 After migrating from HATS 8.5 to 9.5, the F12 key no longer works. F12 should go back to previous screen.
IT23392 Userlist is removed after you close the project settings.
IT23813 Host screen renders different in HATS 9.6.
IT23465 Webfacing application fails to start.
IT25205 Screen rendering incorrect in V9.6 - Centers for Medicare.
IT24946 PMR63498 - IBM Japan - ENPTUI not rendering correctly in 9.6.
IT26065 ENPTUI feature causes HATS to render host screen incorrectly.
IT26083 PMR43156 - WF host input fields out of alignment.

[{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB70","label":"Z TPS"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU048","label":"IBM Software"},"Product":{"code":"SSXKAY","label":"IBM Host Access Transformation Services"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m0z0000000CBgAAM","label":"HATS"}],"ARM Case Number":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF012","label":"IBM i"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"},{"code":"PF035","label":"z\/OS"}],"Version":"9.5.0;9.5.1;9.6.0;9.6.1;9.7.0"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
11 September 2024

