IBM Support

Getting started with Open Source Package Management in IBM i ACS

Question & Answer


How do I get started with the Open Source Package Management in IBM i Access Client Solutions?


IBM i Access Client Solutions update available June of 2018 introduces a new Open Source Package Management tool.  The tool provides a new preferred way to install and update Open Source related software on IBM i 7.3 and later.

Note: If the IBM i Access Client Solutions client is not currently at update or later, download the current Base Package from here:

Note: If your system is not already running the SSHD (Secure Shell Daemon) TCP/IP Server, start with this technote on "Starting the OpenSSH Server (SSHD) on IBM i 6.1 Machines and Above" available here:

To get started open the IBM i Access Client Solutions Main User interface and when using IBM i ACS 1.1.8 from the "Tools" menu select the option for "Open Source Package Management", when using IBM i ACS or later select the option for "Open Source Package Management" from the left-hand Management group.

You are prompted to connect via an SSH (Secure Shell) interface.

Connect to SSH from IBM i ACS Open Source Package Management

Note:  If an error similar to "MSGGEN003 - An input/output error occurred. (Auth fail)" immediately after the "Connect to SSH" authentication is submitted, see the following technote:

If you receive the following warning, select "Yes" to continue.

If the underlying Open Source Package Management YUM utility is not already installed, the following message is displayed. Respond with "Yes" and the environment installs.

The list of currently installed Open Source packages is displayed.

A package can be selected and then Information can be viewed about the package. It can be Reinstalled or Removed.

To install a new package, go to the "Available packages" tab and select the package of interest and choose to "Install" it. Information on the package can also be displayed.

A "Package Installation" screen is presented. This screen shows the packages to be installed. There might be more packages listed other than the one chosen if there are required dependencies. Type a "Y" to install one or more packages listed.

The "Package Installation" screen displays progress and eventually a "Complete!" message is shown. This window can then be closed.

Packages that are installed that have an updated version available are listed under the Updates available tab. Selecting a package here enables the option to install the "Upgrade", or get more "Information".

Similar to the installation of a package, a "Package Upgrade" screen is shown and it must be confirmed with a "Y" to do the upgrade and then the upgrade progress and completion is displayed.

[{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB68","label":"Power HW"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU070","label":"IBM Infrastructure"},"Product":{"code":"SWG60","label":"IBM i"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m0z0000000CJuAAM","label":"Open Source Package Management"}],"ARM Case Number":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF012","label":"IBM i"}],"Version":"7.2.0;7.3.0;7.4.0;7.5.0"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
30 October 2024

