Preventive Service Planning
This document outlines the options for acquiring open source support on IBM i
Open Source Support Beyond the Contents of this Document
This document is intended to provide information on obtaining support for open source software delivered by IBM® or third parties in standard formats such as RPMs and language-specific packages. The following list includes some support options outside the scope of this document:
- Support for 5733-SC1 (OpenSSL and OpenSSH), 5770-DG1 (Apache HTTP Server and XMLService), and 5770-JV1 (Java) is included as part of IBM i software maintenance agreements. However, note, support is confined by software lifecycle schedules dictated by the respective open source communities.
- There is no support for 5733-OPS
- PHP distributions and support is available from Zend and Seiden Group. For more information, see PHP options for IBM i.
In addition:
- IBM i has an active open source community. See the community links on the IBM i Open Source Resources page to join.
- See the IBM i open source documentation for general documentation regarding open source, as well as the other documentation links on the IBM i Open Source Resources page.
Support for Open Source Software on IBM i
Information on how to install open source packages can be found at
As part of IBM i software maintenance agreement (SWMA), IBM® supports the installation of IBM-delivered RPM packages. This support includes software download assistance or surrounding tools such as Access Client Solutions. This does not include actual usage or defect support of these packages.
When installed, support for open source packages is available through the following means:
- Community Support
- OpenLogic by PerForce
Option 1: Community Support
Defects can be raised on community channels such as GitHub. Often, issues can be raised to the specific open source project for which you have questions or concerns. For IBM i-specific assistance, you can request community support from our general issue tracker.
There, issues are often monitored by IBM®. Here, you might get direct assistance or be redirected to the correct open source community page for further assistance.
Note, IBM provides some level of free community support for important integration pieces, including:
Node.js packages:
Python packages:
Option 2: Commercial Support
IBM remains committed to ensuring the success of open source on IBM i. To deliver ongoing enterprise-grade support, IBM has partnered with OpenLogic by Perforce. Open source support is available on many platforms, including IBM i. A list of open source packages supported by OpenLogic may be found here. Important notes:
- Some packages are not supported on all platforms.
- Open source packages can generally only be supported on versions of IBM i that are in active support. Support is not available for unsupported IBM i versions or those in extended support (contact OpenLogic for exceptions)
- Contact OpenLogic for technical support on open source packages not available on this list.
To purchase the offering, or if you have any questions, please talk to an OpenLogic expert.
Some examples of open source packages that can be supported on IBM i include:
Apache Ant
Apache Camel
Apache Kafka
Apache Maven
Apache Tomcat
Eclipse Jetty
GNU Make
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Modified date:
21 April 2023