XML events

During the SAX parse of your XML document, several XML events will be passed to your XML-SAX handling procedure. To identify the events within your procedure, use the special names starting with *XML, for example *XML_START_ELEMENT.

For most events, the handling procedure will be passed a value associated with the event. For example, for the *XML_START_ELEMENT event, the value is the name of the XML element.

Table 86. XML events
Event Value
1. Events discovered before the first XML element
*XML_START_DOCUMENT Indicates that parsing has begun
*XML_VERSION_INFO The "version" value from the XML declaration
*XML_ENCODING_DECL The "encoding" value from the XML declaration
*XML_STANDALONE_DECL The "standalone" value from the XML declaration
*XML_DOCTYPE_DECL The value of the Document Type Declaration
2. Events related to XML elements
*XML_START_ELEMENT The name of the XML element that is starting
*XML_CHARS The value of the XML element
*XML_PREDEF_REF The value of a predefined reference
*XML_UCS2_REF The value of a UCS-2 reference
*XML_UNKNOWN_REF The name of an unknown entity reference
*XML_END_ELEMENT The name of the XML element that is ending
3. Events related to XML attributes
*XML_ATTR_NAME The name of the attribute
*XML_ATTR_CHARS The value of the attribute
*XML_ATTR_PREDEF_REF The value of a predefined reference
*XML_ATTR_UCS2_REF The value of a UCS-2 reference
*XML_UNKNOWN_ATTR_REF The name of an unknown entity reference
*XML_END_ATTR Indicates the end of the attribute
4. Events related to XML processing instructions
*XML_PI_TARGET The name of the target
*XML_PI_DATA The value of the data
5. Events related to XML CDATA sections
*XML_START_CDATA The beginning of the CDATA section
*XML_CHARS The value of the CDATA section
*XML_END_CDATA The end of the CDATA section
6. Other events
*XML_COMMENT The value of the XML comment
*XML_EXCEPTION Indicates that the parser discovered an error
*XML_END_DOCUMENT Indicates that parsing has ended

This sample XML document is referred to in the descriptions of the XML events.

Figure 421. Sample XML document referred to in the descriptions of the XML events
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ibm-1140" standalone="yes" ?>
<!DOCTYPE page [
  <!ENTITY abc "ABC Inc">
<!-- This document is just an example  -->
  <bread type="baker’s best" supplier="&abc;" />
  <?spread   please use real mayonnaise ?>
  <spices attr="&#x2B;">Salt &amp; pepper</spices>
  <filling>Cheese, lettuce,
           tomato, &#0061; &xyz;
  <![CDATA[We should add a <relish> element in future!]]>
This event occurs once, at the beginning of parsing the document. Only the first two parameters are relevant for this event. Accessing the String parameter will cause a pointer-not-set error to occur.
This event occurs if the XML declaration contains version information. The value of the string parameter is the version value from the XML declaration.

From the example:
This event occurs if the XML declaration contains encoding information. The value of the string parameter is the encoding value from the XML declaration.

From the example:
This event occurs if the XML declaration contains standalone information. The value of the string parameter is the standalone value from the XML declaration.
From the example:
This event occurs if the XML declaration contains a DTD (Document Type Declaration). Document type declarations begin with the character sequence '<!DOCTYPE' and end with a '>' character.

Note: This is the only event where the XML text includes the delimiters.

The value of the string parameter is the entire DOCTYPE value, including the opening and closing character sequences.

From the example
'<!DOCTYPE page [LF  <!ENTITY abc "ABC Inc">LF]>'
(LF represents the LINE FEED character.)
This event occurs once for each element tag or empty element tag. The value of the string parameter is the element name.

From the example, in the order they appear:
  1. 'sandwich'
  2. 'bread'
  3. 'spices'
  4. 'filling'
This event occurs for each fragment of content. Content normally consists of a single string, even if the text is on multiple lines. It is split into multiple events if it contains references. The value of the string parameter is the fragment of the content.

From the example:
  1. 'Salt '
  2. ' pepper'
  3. 'Cheese, lettuce,WWWtomato, ', where WWW represents several "whitespace" characters. See the Notes section.
  4. 'We should add a <relish> element in future!'

  1. The content fragment '&amp;' causes a *XML_PREDEF_REF event, and the fragment '&#0061;' causes a *XML_UCS2_REF event.
  2. If the value spans multiple lines of the XML document, it will contain end-of-line characters and it will possibly contain unwanted series of blanks. In the example, "lettuce," and "tomato" are separated by a line-feed character and several blanks. These characters are called whitespace; whitespace is ignored if it appears between XML elements, but it is considered to be data if it appears within an element. If it is possible that the XML data may contain unwanted whitespace, the data may need to be trimmed before use. To trim unwanted leading and trailing whitespace, use the following coding. See example Figure 425.
     * x'15'=newline  x'05'=tab     x'0D'=carriage-return
     * x'25'=linefeed x'40'=blank
    D whitespaceChr   C                   x'15050D2540'
         temp = %trim(value : whitespaceChr);
This event occurs when content has one of the predefined single-character references '&amp;', '&apos;', '&gt;', '&lt;', and '&quot;'. The value of the string parameter is the single-byte character:
Table 87.
&amp; &
&apos; '
&gt; <
&lt; >
&quot; "
The string is a UCS-2 character if the parsing is being done in UCS-2.
From the example:
'&', from the content for the "spices" element.
This event occurs when content has a reference of the form '' or '', where 'd' and 'h' represent decimal and hexadecimal digits, respectively. The value of the string parameter is the UCS-2 value of reference.
This parameter is a UCS-2 character (type C) even if the parsing is being done in single-byte character.
From the example:
The UCS-2 value '=', appearing as "&#0061;", from the fragment at the end of the "filling" element,
This event occurs for an entity reference appearing in content, other than the five predefined entity references as shown for *XML_PREDEF_REF above. The value of the string parameter is the name of the reference; the data that appears between the opening '&' and the closing ';'.
From the example:
This event occurs when the parser finds an element end tag or the closing angle bracket of an empty element. The value of the string parameter is the element name.

From the example, in the order they occur:
  1. 'bread'
  2. 'spices'
  3. 'filling'
  4. 'sandwich'
This event occurs once for each attribute in an element tag or empty element tag, after recognizing a valid name. The value of the string parameter is the attribute name.

From the example, in the order they appear:
  1. 'type'
  2. 'supplier'
  3. 'attr'
This event occurs for each fragment of an attribute value. An attribute value normally consists of a single string, even if the text is on multiple lines. It is split into multiple events if it contains references. The value of the string parameter is the fragment of the attribute value.
From the example, in the order they appear:
  1. 'baker'
  2. 's best'
  1. The fragment '&apos;' causes a *XML_ATTR_PREDEF_REF event
  2. See the discussion on *XML_CHARS for recommendations for handling unwanted end-of-line characters and unwanted blanks.
This event occurs when an attribute value has one of the predefined single-character references '&amp;', '&apos;', '&gt;', '&lt;', and '&quot;'. The value of the string parameter is the single-byte character:
Table 88.
&amp; &
&apos; '
&gt; <
&lt; >
&quot; "
Note: The string is a UCS-2 character if the parsing is being done in UCS-2.

From the example, the value for the "type" attribute:
' (The apostrophe character, "&apos")
This event occurs when an attribute value has a reference of the form '&#dd..;' or '&#xhh..;', where 'd' and 'h' represent decimal and hexadecimal digits, respectively. The value of the string parameter is the UCS-2 value of the reference.

Note: This parameter is a UCS-2 character (type C) even if the parsing is being done in single-byte character.

From the example, from the value of the "attr" attribute:
The UCS-2 value '+', appearing as "&#x2B;" in the document.
This event occurs for an entity reference appearing in an attribute, other than the five predefined entity references as shown for *XML_ATTR_PREDEF_REF above. The value of the string parameter is the name of the reference; the data that appears between the opening '&' and the closing ';'.
From the example:
The parser does not parse the DOCTYPE declaration, so even though entity "abc" is defined in the DOCTYPE declaration, it is considered undefined by the parser.
This event occurs when the parser reaches the end of an attribute value. The string parameter is not relevant for this event. Accessing the string parameter will cause a pointer-not-set error to occur.
From the example:
For the attribute type="baker&apos;s best", the *XML_END_ATTR event occurs after all three parts of the attribute value ("baker", &apos; and "s best") have been handled.
This event occurs when the parser recognizes the name following the processing instruction (PI) opening character sequence '<?'. Processing instructions allow XML documents to contain special instructions for applications. The value of the string parameter is the processing instruction name.
From the example:
This event occurs for the data part of a processing instruction, up to but not including the PI closing character sequence '?>'. The value of the string parameter is the processing instruction data, including trailing but not leading white space.
From the example:
'please use real mayonnaise '
See the discussion for *XML_CHARS for recommendations for handling unwanted end-of-line characters and unwanted blanks.
This event occurs when a CDATA section begins. CDATA sections begin with the string '<![CDATA[' and end with the string ']]>'. Such sections are used to "escape" blocks of text containing characters that would otherwise be recognized as XML markup. The parser passes the content of a CDATA section between these delimiters as a single *XML_CHARS event. The value of the string parameter is always the opening character sequence '<![CDATA['.

From the example:
This event occurs when a CDATA section ends. The value of the string parameter is always the closing character sequence ']]>'.

From the example:
This event occurs for any comments in the XML document. The value of the string parameter is the data between the opening delimiter '<!--' and the closing delimiter '-->' , including leading and trailing white space.
From the example:
' This document is just an example '
This event occurs when the parser detects an error. The value of the string parameter is the "String" parameter is not relevant for this event. Accessing the String parameter will cause a pointer-not-set error to occur. The value of the string-length parameter is the length of the document that was parsed up to and including the point where the exception occurred. The value of the Exception-Id parameter is the exception ID as assigned by the parser. The meaning of these exceptions is documented in the section on XML return codes in the IBM Rational Development Studio for i: ILE RPG Programmer's Guide.
From the example:
An exception event would occur when the parser encountered the word "junk", which is non-whitespace data appearing after the end of the XML document. (The XML document ends with the end-element tag for the "sandwich" element.)
This event occurs when parsing has completed. Only the first two parameters are relevant for this event. Accessing the String parameter will cause a pointer-not-set error to occur.
To aid in debugging an XML-SAX handling procedure, the Control specification keyword DEBUG(*XMLSAX) can be specified. For more details on this keyword, see DEBUG{(*INPUT | *DUMP | *XMLSAX | *NO | *YES)} and the Debugging chapter in the IBM Rational Development Studio for i: ILE RPG Programmer's Guide. For more information about XML parsing, including limitations of the XML parser used by RPG, see the XML chapter in the IBM Rational Development Studio for i: ILE RPG Programmer's Guide.

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