XML-SAX event-handling procedure

The event-handling procedure is a user-written prototyped procedure. It must have the following return type and parameters:

Parameter number or return value Data type and passing mode Description
Return value 4-byte integer (10I 0) Returning a value of zero indicates that parsing should continue; returning any other value indictes that parsing should end.
1 - Communication area Any type, passed by reference Used to communicate between the XML-SAX operation and the handler, and between successive calls to the handler.
2 - Event 4-byte integer (10I 0), passed by value The XML event discovered by the parser. Special words such as *XML_START_ELEMENT can be used to identify the events within the handling procedure. See XML events.
3 - Data Pointer (*), passed by value If this parameter is not relevant to the event, it will have a value of *NULL. Otherwise, it will point to the data for the event. For the *XML_UCS2_REF, and *XML_ATTR_UCS2_REF events, the data will always be UCS-2 data. For all other events, the data will be in the CCSID specified by the "ccsid" option of the %XML built-in function.
4 - Length 8-byte integer (20I 0), passed by value For most events, this is the length of the data pointed to by the third parameter, in bytes. If this parameter is not relevant for a particular event, it will have the value -1. If the data is being returned in UCS-2 due to the "ccsid" option of the %XML built-in function, this value must be divided by two to obtain the number of UCS-2 characters.

For the *XML_EXCEPTION event, this parameter will have the length of the document that was parsed when the error occurred.

5 - Exception ID 4-byte integer (10I 0), passed by value The exception ID. For all events other than *XML_EXCEPTION, this parameter will have a value of zero. See the section on XML return codes in the IBM Rational Development Studio for i: ILE RPG Programmer's Guide.

See %HANDLER (handlingProcedure : communicationArea ) for more information on %HANDLER.

Figure 420. Sample prototype for an XML-SAX handling procedure

D saxHandler      pr            10i 0
D   commArea                          likeds(myCommArea)
D   event                       10i 0 value
D   string                        *   value
D   stringlen                   20i 0 value
D   exceptionId                 10i 0 value

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