Filtering tables

To display a subset of the items in a table, define filter rules that show only the items in which you are interested. Filtering does not refresh the table; therefore, you are filtering only the items currently listed in the table.


  1. Complete one of the following steps:
    1. In the filter row, click the Filter link or the filter rule link (for example, equals "z/OSMF") for the column to be filtered. If no link is displayed, you cannot filter the column.
    2. In the filter indicator row, click the define rules (define rules icon) icon or its label.

    The Build Filter window is displayed.

  2. In the columns field (the first field), select the name of the column to be filtered, if needed. This field lists all the columns in the table that are visible and filterable, and it includes an Any Column option so that you can apply the filter rule to any column in the table.
  3. In the filter condition field (the second field), select the filter condition. The filter conditions you can select depend on the type of data included in the corresponding column. For more details, see the following help topics:
  4. In the value field, select or specify the value for which to filter. All the fields that follow the filter condition field are value fields. The number of value fields displayed depends on the type of data being filtered and the filter condition. If a value field is enabled, a value is required.

    To filter a single column for multiple values, create a separate filter rule for each value.

    For more details about the value fields provided for each data type and filter condition, see the help topics listed in Step 3.

  5. To create additional rules, click the add filter rule icon (add filter rule icon), and repeat Steps 2 through 4.
  6. To remove a rule, click the remove rule icon (remove rule). If the remove rule icon is disabled, the rule cannot be removed.
  7. If you specified more than one filter rule, in the Match field, indicate whether all the rules (All rules) or at least one rule (Any rule) must be satisfied for an item to be displayed in the table. By default, All rules is selected.

    If the Match field is disabled (grayed out), you cannot change the relationship between the rules. In this case, all rules must be satisfied.

  8. If you want the filter criteria to be case sensitive for all the rules you specified, select Match case. Otherwise, case is ignored.
  9. Click Filter to filter the table.


Data that passes the filter criteria is displayed in the table, and the filter and filter indicator rows are updated accordingly.

If you use the Configure Columns action to hide a column that has a filter rule defined, the filter is cleared for that column.