Work Profile or Profile Owner (PO) mode

You can set up a work profile on personal devices (BYOD) to store work apps and data in a separate container.

Work profile

The Profile Owner (PO) deployment method is recommended for personally-owned devices (BYOD) that are also used for work. After a device is enrolled, a separate work profile is created on the device for corporate apps and data. MaaS360® has complete management control over the work profile, but does not have visibility and control over personal apps, data, and activities.

Sending a device enrollment request from the MaaS360 Portal

Follow these steps to send an enrollment request to devices:
  1. From the MaaS360 Portal Home page, select Devices > Inventory. The Device Inventory page is displayed.
  2. Click Add Device. The Add Device window is displayed.
  3. Select Enroll using Android Enterprise.
  4. Enter other enrollment details. For more information about enrollment request, see Adding devices in the MaaS360 Portal.
  5. Click Send Request.