Creating file system quota reports

You can have GPFS prepare a quota report for a file system using the mmrepquota command.

The quota report lists:
  1. Number of files used
  2. Amount of disk space used
  3. Current quota limits
  4. In doubt quotas (disk space allocated but currently unaccounted for)
  5. Grace period allowance to exceed the soft limit
  6. Whether the quotas have been explicitly set (e), are default values at the file system level (d_fsys) , are default values at the fileset level (d_fset), or initial values (i)

    The entry type also indicates whether or not default quotas are enabled for the file system (default on or default off).

Specify whether you want to list only user quota information (-u flag), group quota information (-g flag), or fileset quota information (-j flag) in the mmrepquota command. The default is to summarize all three quotas. If the -e flag is not specified, there is the potential to display negative usage values as the quota server may process a combination of up-to-date and back-level information. See Listing quotas.

If the scope of quota limit enforcement is the entire file system, mmrepquota -u or mmrepquota -g will list all users or groups on different GPFS file systems. If the quota enforcement is on a per-fileset basis, mmrepquota -u or mmrepquota -g will list all instances of the same user or group on different filesets on different GPFS file systems.

To list the group quotas (-g option) for all file systems in the cluster (-a option), and print a report with header lines (-v option), enter:
mmrepquota -g -v -a
The system displays information similar to:
*** Report for GRP  quotas on fs1
              Block Limits                         |                File Limits
Name    type     KB  quota  limit  in_doubt  grace |  files  quota  limit in_doubt   grace entryType
system  GRP   25088      0      0    209120   none |     32      0      0     1078    none default on
usr     GRP  435256      0      0    199712   none |     11      0      0      899    none d_fsys

For complete usage information, see mmrepquota command.