Activating quota limit checking

Quota limit checking can be activated for users, groups, filesets, or any combination of these three.

You can have quotas activated automatically whenever the file system is mounted by specifying the quota option (-Q yes) when creating (mmcrfs -Q yes) or changing (mmchfs -Q yes) a GPFS file system. When creating a file system, the default is to not have quotas activated, so you must specify this option if you want quotas activated.

The mmquotaon command is used to turn quota limit checking back on if it had been deactivated by issuing the mmquotaoff command. Specify the file system name, and whether user, group, or fileset quotas are to be activated. If you want all three fileset quotas activated (user, group, and fileset), specify only the file system name. After quotas have been turned back on, issue the mmcheckquota command to count inode and space usage.

For example, to activate user quotas on the file system fs1, enter:
mmquotaon -u fs1
To confirm the change, enter:
mmlsfs fs1 -Q
The system displays output similar to:
flag value          description
---- -------------- -----------------------------------------------------
 -Q  user           Quotas enforced

For complete usage information, see mmquotaon command and mmlsfs command.