Listing quotas

The mmlsquota command displays the file system quota limits, default quota limits, and current usage information.

If the scope of quota limit enforcement is the entire file system, mmlsquota -u or mmlsquota -g will list all instances of the same user or group on different GPFS file systems. If the quota enforcement is on a per-fileset basis, mmlsquota -u or mmlsquota -g will list all instances of the same user or group on different filesets on different GPFS file systems.

GPFS quota management takes replication into account when reporting on and determining whether quota limits have been exceeded for both block and file usage. If either data or metadata replication is enabled, the values reported by both the mmlsquota command and the mmrepquota command may exceed the corresponding values reported by commands like ls, du, and so on. The difference depends on the level of replication and on the number of replicated file system objects. For example, if data block replication is set to 2, and if all files are replicated, then the reported block usage by the mmlsquota and mmrepquota commands will be double the usage reported by the ls command.

When the mmlsquota command is issued, negative in doubt values may be reported if the quota server processes a combination of up-to-date and back-level information. This is a transient situation and may be ignored.

Display the quota information for one user, group of users, or fileset with the mmlsquota command. If none of the options -g, -u, or -j are specified, the default is to display only user quotas for the user who issues the command.

To display default quota information, use the -d option with the mmlsquota command. For example, to display default quota information for users of all the file systems in the cluster, issue this command:
mmlsquota -d -u
The system displays information similar to:
         Default Block Limits(KB)          |  Default File Limits
Filesystem type          quota      limit  |     quota    limit Remarks
fs1        USR         5242880    6291456  |         0        0 

         Default Block Limits(KB)          |  Default File Limits
Filesystem type          quota      limit  |     quota    limit Remarks
fs2        USR         no default limits  

In this example, file system fs1 shows that the default block quota for users is set at 5 GB for the soft limit and 6 GB for the hard limit. For file system fs2, no default quotas for users have been established.

When mmlsquota -d is specified in combination with the -u, -g, or -j options, default file system quotas are displayed. When mmlsquota -d is specified without any of the -u, -g, or -j options, default fileset-level quotas are displayed.

If you issue the mmlsquota command with the -e option, the quota system collects updated information from all nodes before returning output. If the node to which in-doubt space was allocated should fail before updating the quota system about its actual usage, this space might be lost. Should the amount of space in doubt approach a significant percentage of the quota, run the mmcheckquota command to account for the lost space.

To collect and display updated quota information about a group named blueteam, specify the -g and -e options:
mmlsquota -g blueteam -e
The system displays information similar to:
                    Block Limits                            | File Limits
Filesystem type     KB       quota   limit  in_doubt  grace | files quota   limit   in_doubt  grace
Disk quotas for group blueteam (gid 100):
fs1        GRP   45730       52000   99000      1335   none | 411    580      990         19   none

For complete usage information, see mmlsquota command.