Installing PowerAI Vision with IBM Cloud Private

If you have more than one IBM Power Systems server available, you can use IBM Cloud Private 3.1.0 to install a single instance of PowerAI Vision that has access to all the Power Systems GPUs across the entire cluster.

If you have only a single IBM Power Systems server and do not have an existing IBM Cloud Private environment, you should use the PowerAI Vision stand-alone process. For more information, see the Installing PowerAI Vision stand-alone topic.

To install PowerAI Vision with IBM Cloud Private, complete the following steps:
  • If IBM Cloud Private is already installed and configured in your environment, you can go to step 4.
  • The links to IBM Cloud Private go to the 3.1.0 Knowledge Center. To go to a different version, click the link, then click Change version.
  1. Install IBM Cloud Private. For more information, see the Installing IBM Cloud Private topic.
  2. Install the IBM® Cloud CLI. For more information, see the Install IBM Cloud CLI topic.
  3. Authenticate to your master node in your IBM Cloud Private environment. For more information, see the Configuring authentication for the Docker CLI topic.
    To log in to the IBM Cloud Private cluster, run the following command:
    cloudctl login -a https://<cluster-domain-name>:8443/ --skip-ssl-validation
  4. Set up your system to install your IBM Cloud Private deployment into a non-default namespace. It is recommended that you do not install into the default namespace for security reasons.
    Important: Install each distinct deployment of IBM Cloud Private into a unique namespace.
    1. Create an appropriate ClusterRoleBinding to enable PowerAI Vision to query Kubernetes. To create this, copy the below text into a crb.yaml file, where CustomNamespace is your custom namespace name:
      kind: ClusterRoleBinding
        name: CustomNamespace-crb
        kind: ClusterRole
        name: cluster-admin
          kind: ServiceAccount
          name: default
          namespace: CustomNamespace
    2. Run the following command:
      kubectl create -f crb.yaml
  5. Download the appropriate tar file from IBM Passport Advantage.
  6. Untar the powerai-vision-ppa- tar file. It contains install packages for the standalone product, as well as the tar file with the containers that must be loaded for the IBM Cloud Private installation.
  7. To make PowerAI Vision available in IBM Cloud Private catalog, run the following command:
    cloudctl catalog load-archive --archive file_name.tar --registry <icp full host name>:8500/<namespace>
    --registry <value>
    Lets you specify the docker registry that the images will be pushed to.
    --clustername <cluster_CA_domain>
    Lets you specify the certificate authority (CA) domain. If you did not specify a CA domain, the default value is mycluster.icp.
  8. Review the Chart README for PowerAI Vision carefully. It documents prerequisites, requirements, and limitations of PowerAI Vision in IBM Cloud Private.
  9. Verify that you have a minimum of 40 GB of persistent storage. If your IBM Cloud Private installation has dynamic provisioned storage, you can use it for your 40 GB of persistent storage. To manually create persistent volumes in IBM Cloud Private, see the Creating a Persistent Volume topic. After you create the persistent volume, you must make the volume sharable across all nodes in the cluster.
    Note: Do not use HostPath for the persistent storage unless you have only one node in your cluster. See Creating a Persistent Volume in the IBM Cloud Private documentation for details.
  10. To install PowerAI Vision from the IBM Cloud Private catalog, from the navigation menu select Catalog > Helm Charts.
  11. In the search box, enter vision and click powerai-vision. Review the information.
  12. Click Configure and enter information for the Release name and the Namespace fields. The default user name is admin and the default password is passw0rd. For instructions to change these values, see Managing users. For information about namespaces, see Namespaces in the IBM Cloud Private Knowledge Center.
  13. Click Install.
  14. For information about accessing PowerAI Vision, see Logging into PowerAI Vision.
Important: NFS volumes should have the "no_root_squash" flag set in /etc/exports:
/var/nfs *(rw,no_root_squash,no_subtree_check)