Completing a client's open referrals

You can review all of the client's open referrals since they were first registered in the application and check the detail of the client's referral history. Then you can take actions to disposition unassigned client referrals and referrals that are specifically assigned to you.

About this task

If organization units are enabled for your organization, you can verify whether a client has been referred across different organization units for the same referral reason or whether previous referrals of the client were rejected.

To complete actions on a client's referrals, the referral must be assigned to your organization unit and you must be a care team member that has at least one assigned care team role.

  • For unassigned client referrals, you can assign the referral to your care or to another primary care team member (if an active client), or you can reactivate the client in the application and assign the referral to you or to another primary care team member (if an inactive client).
  • For client referrals that are specifically assigned to you, you can accept the referral for care management or assign the referred client to a program. By assigning the client to a program, you automatically accept the referral.
  • For client referrals that are incorrect or incorrectly assigned, you can reject the referral.
Note: If you are not assigned a security role which grants access to the unassigned referrals resource, you cannot access the unassigned referrals page.

You cannot action client referrals that care teams send to external recipients for management. These referrals are managed in a system external to Watson Care Manager and are displayed in the client's Referral History with a status of Requested.

If one or more care team groups were added to the referral when it was assigned, all members of the group(s) are automatically added to the client's care team when you or another primary care team member accepts the referral.


  1. Sign in to your account.
    Your home page opens.
  2. To see your clients, from the Side Navigation Menu, select Clients > My Clients.
    The My Clients page opens.
  3. Review your list of clients by their name, priority, date of birth, and phone number.
    By applying page filters, you can change your client list view based on specific search criteria.
    1. Click the filter icon to open the Filter page.
    2. Select one or more check boxes that correspond to your search criteria. You can search for client referrals based on their priority (High), those with no program assignment, or those with no touchpoint encounters in the last 7, 14, 30, or more days.
    3. Optionally click Add Filter to add another filter to the predefined filters that you already selected or independently of predefined filters. You can further refine your list view by Name, Date of Birth, Priority, Program, or Phone Number. Enter the details for your filter selection. You can add only one new filter to each column.
      Restriction: To filter by Name, enter the first name of the client followed by their last name. No client records are returned if you search for their last name followed by first name.
    4. Click Apply to apply the filter. You can remove page filters by clicking Reset. The predefined filters are retained.
  4. Click a client name.
    Their Summary View opens.
  5. Click History > Referrals.
    The client's Referrals page opens.
  6. Do one or more of the following actions:
    • Expand the Open Referrals cluster to see the date the client was referred and sent as a cohort, what they were referred for, and the referral priority and who the referral is assigned to.
    • Expand the client's Referral History cluster to see a record of their previous referrals to your organization unit and whether previous referrals were accepted or rejected.

    You can see who created or updated a referral by clicking the tooltip on a user name. Review the care team member's profile and contact details, assigned roles, and organization unit (if enabled).

    Note: When a referral is received from an external system, you can see the source of the referral (mandatory) and the name of the original source system where the referral originated (optional). This information might also be available if a care team member manually recorded the Source and Original Source System when they created a referral.
  7. Manage an unassigned client's open referrals in one of the following ways. Click the Actions menu of the unassigned referral and, depending on whether the referral is for a client who is active or inactive in the application, choose one of the following actions.
    • Assign - Displays only for active clients. Assigns the client referral to you as the care team member who is currently logged into the application, or to another care team member. The Assign page opens.
      1. Toggle between actions to Assign to Me and Assign to Another User.
        • Choose Assign to Me and confirm the self assignment.
        • Choose Assign to Another User to review a list of care team members in your organization unit who have the capacity to manage another client's care. You can assign a referral to only one care team member, who is automatically added to the client's care team.
      2. If you or the selected care team member has one or more assigned role (see the Role(s) list), select the role(s) that you or they do that is relevant to the assignment.
      3. Optionally, by selecting Assign as Primary, you can designate yourself or the selected care team member to be the primary care team member. Primary care team members are responsible for the client’s care plan and programs.
      4. Optionally, from the Programs list, select one of the configured programs to assign to the client(s) in the referral assignment.
      5. Enter the program assignment date.
      6. If configured, from the Source list, you must select one of the configured values that indicate the source of the program.
      7. If configured, from the Original Source System list, you can select one of the configured values to indicate where the program originated.
      8. If configured, from the Care Team Groups list, you can select one or more care team groups to add to each referred client's care team when the referral is accepted. Care team groups and their members are predefined by your administrator.
      9. Click Assign to assign a client referral to you or to a selected care team member in your organization unit.
    • Activate and Assign - Displays only for inactive clients. Reactivates inactive clients in the application and assigns the client referral to you as the care team member who is currently logged into the application, or to another care team member. The Activate and Assign page opens.
      1. In the Activation Reason section, give a reason for reactivating the client in the application. Select a reason from the list or enter another reason, and provide additional comments if needed, and click Next.
      2. Complete steps a - g in step 7 as these steps are common to this procedure.
      3. Click Activate and Assign to automatically activate the client and assign the referral to you or to the selected care team member.
    • Reject - Rejects the unassigned client's open referral as invalid. When an unassigned referral is rejected, the referral is removed from care management work lists. If you reject a referral as invalid, select a reason.
  8. Manage open client referrals that are assigned to you in one of the following ways. Click the Actions menu of the assigned referral and choose one of the following actions.
    • Accept and Assign Program - Assigns the referred client to a program. The client referral is automatically accepted by you for care management. If the client referral includes one or more care team groups, all members of the group(s) are automatically added to the client's care team.
    • Accept - Accepts the referral that is assigned to you for care management. If the client referral includes one or more care team groups, all members of the group(s) are automatically added to the client's care team.
    • Reject - Rejects the client's open referral as invalid. When an assigned referral is rejected, the referral is removed from care management work lists. If you reject a referral as invalid, select a reason.
    • Unassign - Reassigns the referral to the Supervisor of your organization unit. When you click Unassign, the referral is listed on the Open Unassigned Referral list in the Care Manager workspace and the Supervisor workspace. If the client referral includes one or more care team groups, they are automatically removed from the referral when you reassign it.