Planning services with personal budgets and payments

Your organization might use budgets when planning a clients care. The budget is the amount of money required to pay for services to address the client's needs. As a care manager or care team member, you can assess the needs of the client and determine the weekly budget required to meet those needs. If your organization requires the client to contribute to the cost of their services, you can include this contribution in the budget calculations.

About this task

If your organization licenses the IBM Watson Care Manager Community Service Payment add-on component, you can set a weekly personal budget for a client's services. As you plan services, any services with costs are associated with the budget. The budget allows care teams to plan providers' services with costs and ensure that they are within the client's allocated budget. Budgets consist of one or more contributions, which can be configured for your organization in the administrator application. Depending on how your organization works. clients might contribute to their own budgets. When the budget is approved, you can authorize payments to the provider. When service payments are authorized, if the client is contributing to the cost of their care, then the client's weekly contribution can be automatically processed.All payments are made weekly, in arrears on a Monday.