The Payments page

Use the Payments page to view payments to service providers for services that they provide to clients. If your organization requires clients to contribute to the cost of their services, you can view details of the contributions that the client has made.

When the client's budget is approved and the payment for a service is authorized then payments to providers begin based on the service start date or the start date of the earliest approved budget for the service, whichever is later. If the client is required to make contributions to the service costs, the budgeted client contribution payment from the client is also processed when the client's budget is approved and the payment for a service is authorized.

All payments are made weekly in arrears. The payments are made early on Monday morning before the start of business. There must be one or more approved budgets (a budget in a status of Approved, Reopened or Closed) to cover the entire payment period. No client contributions or service payments will be processed for the client if there is a draft or pending approval budget overlapping with any of the contribution cover periods where contribution is due.

If there are gaps in approved budgets for the payment period, then the payment will not be processed, that is if there is a time during the payment period where an approved budget is closed, and the new budget for the period is not yet approved, then payments will not be processed until the new budget is approved. Client contributions are processed before payments to the providers. If a client contribution is not successfully received then the provider payment will be not be made. Provider payments will be delayed until the client's contribution is made or canceled.

To identify a user who created or updated a payment, click the tooltip on the user name and review the care team member's profile and contact details, assigned roles, and organization unit (if enabled).

Client contribution information

Client Contribution information displays if your organization requires clients to contribute to the weekly cost of their services. It displays the contributions that the client is due to pay and a list of the past contributions received so that you can manage any queries that arise in relation to the payments. This section is expanded by default. However, if your administrator has not configured a client budget contributor, then this section does not display.
Payments page in the care team application showing expanded client contributions.

Clients are not required to make contributions towards payments for once-off services.

The title that displays on the detailed client contribution information is the configured name of the budget contributor that is selected as the client budget contributor by your administrator.

The status of the client's billing agreement displays as follows:
  • Active- if the client has a billing agreement already set up.
  • Inactive- if the client has canceled or removed their billing agreement.
  • If there is no billing agreement status displayed this means that the client had no billing agreement in place. Work with your client to set up an agreement.
    Note: If your client cancels their billing agreement by removing their PayPal account details from the Connect application, then provider payments that require the contribution will not be attempted.
The content displayed when you open the Client Contribution can vary as follows.
  • If the client does not have an approved budget contribution to make or if the client has an approved budget contribution but the service payments have not been authorized, then a message displays telling you that you must authorize payments before the client contributions will be processed.
  • If the client has an approved budget contribution and the service payments are authorized but the first contribution has not been made, then the First Contribution Details display. If the first contribution is backdated over a number of weeks, the contribution for each backdated week displays.
  • After the first contribution is made, you can see the Next Contribution Details, which shows details of the next contribution due. If the next contribution covers more than one week, the contribution for each week displays.

    If the client is not required to make any further contributions, a message displays to let you know that there are no contributions due. The next contribution will display if the client has an approved budget with a client contribution and weekly payments for services have been authorized.

The Contribution History shows the history of the client's contributions. By default, it is sorted by due date, with the most recent record displayed first. When Watson Care Manager processes the weekly contribution, a contribution record is created. The contribution record indicates the status of the contribution. The Contribution status can be Pending, Successful, Unsuccessful, or Canceled. Where a client had to make backdated payments, a separate contribution record displays for each backdated week.

So that you can view a record of unsuccessful attempts for a contribution record, a transaction history is displayed, along with the error information returned from PayPal. The transaction history is displayed for any unsuccessful contribution that have been retried or canceled from Watson Care Manager

For each contribution due in the weekly processing of contributions, a contribution record is created with a status of Pending. Expand a contribution in a Pending status to view the Contribution Status Updated date.
Usually, a contribution will not stay in the Pending status for very long, but sometimes it might if, for example, there are technical issues connecting to PayPal or if PayPal delays the payments. The status is checked for updates daily until the status changes from Pending to Successful or Unsuccessful.
In case the status has changed since it was last checked with PayPal, for payments in a Pending status you can use the Check Status row action to request the latest status from PayPal.
The contribution amount was transferred successfully into the organization's account. Expand a contribution in a Successful status to view the Contribution Transaction ID, the Contribution Received Date, and the Contribution Status Updated date.
The contribution was not successful due to a PayPal issue. For example, the client might not have had funds available, have canceled the billing agreement, or there might be an issue with the receiving account. Expand a contribution in an unsuccessful status to view the PayPal Error, the Error Description, and the PayPal Debug ID. The date and time that the status updated is also displayed.
To troubleshoot an unsuccessful contribution, you can contact PayPal support and they can use the PayPal Debug ID information to identify the problem.
When the problem is resolved, you can make the contribution manually. For more information see Retrying unsuccessful client contributions.
If configured by your administrator, a task generates when a client contribution fails so that the care team is notified to take appropriate action to resolve any issues.
A member of the care team canceled the contribution, for example, if the client cannot or would not make contribution using PayPal. The reason why the contribution was canceled is displayed, for example, the client could not afford to make the payment or the client no longer wants to receive the service. Any comments added by the care team member that canceled the contribution are also displayed.

Ongoing service payments and completed service payments to providers

Expanding Ongoing Service Payments displays a list of open services and services with a future closing date for which payments are authorized and ongoing. Expand the list and select a service to see more details. Expanding Completed Service Payments displays a list of closed services for which payments were authorized and for which there are no further payments due. Expand the list and select a service to see more details.

When you select a service, you see its details. For recurring services, you see the following:
  • Before the first payment is made for the service, you can see the First Payment Details.
  • After the first payment is made, you can see the Next Payment Details, which shows details of the next payment due.
  • If the next payment due is the final payment for the service or if the final payment for the service is made, the Final Payment Details displays.
For once- off payments, you can see the Payment Details, which shows the details of the one payment that is due for the service.

The weekly payment due = cost per unit * number of units/ frequency. For more information and examples on how the due date and the amount due is calculated for first payments, ongoing weekly payments and final payments, see Payment periods and payments calculations for service provider payments

The payment history shows the history of payments for the service. You can filter the list so that you can see the transactions that you are interested in. When Watson Care Manager processes the weekly payments, a payment record is created for each service that has payments due. The payment record indicates the status of the payment. The Payment status can be Pending, Successful, or Unsuccessful, Not Attempted, or Scheduled. So that you can view a record of unsuccessful attempts for a payment record, the Payment Status History displays, along with the error information returned from PayPal. The Payment Status History is displayed for any unsuccessful payments that have been retried from Watson Care Manager.

For each service with a payment due in the weekly payment run, a payment record is created with a payment status of pending.

Expand a payment in a pending status to view the PayPal Status and the Debug ID. If the transaction remains in a Pending status, you can contact PayPal support and they can use the Debug ID information to troubleshoot the problem.

In case the status has changed since it was last checked with PayPal, for payments in a Pending status you can use the Check Status row action to request the latest status from PayPal.


When Watson Care Manager receives confirmation from PayPal that the payment is in the Provider's account, the payment status updates to successful. Expand a payment in a successful status to view the Provider Transaction ID and the Actual Payment Date.


If the payment fails, the payment status updates to unsuccessful.

You can expand a payment in an unsuccessful status to view the PayPal Error, the Error Description, and the PayPal Debug ID.

To troubleshoot an unsuccessful payment, you can contact PayPal support and they can use the PayPal Debug ID information to identify the problem.

When the problem is resolved, you can make the payment manually. For more information see Retrying unsuccessful payments

Not Attempted
If the client is required to contribute to the cost of their service and if the associated client contribution record has a status of Pending or Unsuccessful when the weekly payments process runs, the payment is not attempted and the payment record displays as Not Attempted. Expand to see the reason why the payment was not attempted.
If the client is required to contribute to the cost of their service and if the associated client contribution record updates from Pending or Unsuccessful to Successful or Canceled, then the payment record goes into a Scheduled status, and will be processed during the next payment process.

If a payment is unsuccessful and you see an error message, PayPal may have declined the payment or there might be an issue with your organization's PayPal account, or an issue with the provider's PayPal account.

The provider can check their Connect and PayPal accounts for any issue that would prevent payments from being received. For example, if consent for IBM Watson Care Manager to make payments was removed.

Your organization might also need to check their PayPal account, for example to see if the backup funding source may have been removed

You can contact PayPal support at: