
Interface IlrElementDetails

    • Method Summary

      Modifier and Type Method and Description
      IlrElementDetails cloneElement()
      Creates a copy of the details of this element.
      IlrElementHandle getContainer()
      Gets the container of this element if the element is part of an aggregation (that is, referenced through a containment reference by its container).
      java.lang.Object getRawValue(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EStructuralFeature p)
      Gets the value of the given feature.
      void setRawValue(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EStructuralFeature sf, java.lang.Object value)
      Sets the value of the given feature.
      void setRawValueNoCheck(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EStructuralFeature sf, java.lang.Object value)
      Sets the value of the given feature without checking if the feature is read-only.
      • Methods inherited from interface ilog.rules.commonbrm.model.IlrElement

        getPropertyValue, getPropertyValue, isInstanceOf
    • Method Detail

      • getRawValue

        java.lang.Object getRawValue(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EStructuralFeature p)
        Gets the value of the given feature.

        Since the element details only represent a database row, the features accessible through this API are the following:

        • EAttribute
        • EReference, many = false, containment = false If the value of the feature you want does not correspond to one of these cases, you have to use session methods that perform database calls.

          NOTE: Noncontainment multi-valued references (many = true, containment = false) are not supported in Decision Center.

        See Also:
        IlrSession.getElementsFromReference(IlrElementHandle container, org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EReference reference, int)
      • setRawValue

        void setRawValue(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EStructuralFeature sf,
                       java.lang.Object value)
                         throws IlrReadOnlyException
        Sets the value of the given feature.

        This is done after checking that the value can be set (not a read-only feature). Since the element details only represent a database row, the features you can set through this API are the following:

        • EAttribute
        • EReference, many = false, containment = false
        If the feature you want to set is a contained reference, you have to use a committable object, set the value(s) using addModifiedElement, and commit using IlrSession.commit.

        NOTE: Noncontainment multi-valued references (many = true, containment = false) are not supported in Decision Center.

        IlrReadOnlyException - If the feature cannot be set because it is read-only.
        See Also:
        IlrCommitableObject.addModifiedElement(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EReference, IlrElementDetails), IlrSession.commit(IlrCommitableObject)
      • getContainer

        IlrElementHandle getContainer()
        Gets the container of this element if the element is part of an aggregation (that is, referenced through a containment reference by its container).
        A handle on the container, or null if this element is not part of an aggregation.
      • cloneElement

        IlrElementDetails cloneElement()
        Creates a copy of the details of this element.
        The element details.

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