
Interface IlrRuleflow

    • Method Summary

      Modifier and Type Method and Description
      java.util.List<IlrRuleflow> getAllSubflows()
      Gets the list of all subflows referenced by this ruleflow and its subflows.
      java.lang.String getBody()
      Returns the value of the 'Body' attribute.
      java.lang.String getDiagram()
      You should now get the ruleflow model through ilog.rules.teamserver.brm.IlrRuleflow.getRFModel() and introspect its content through the new ruleflow APIs.
      java.lang.String getFinalActions()
      You should now get the ruleflow model through ilog.rules.teamserver.brm.IlrRuleflow.getRFModel() and introspect its content through the new ruleflow APIs.
      java.util.List getImports()
      Returns the value of the 'Imports' attribute list.
      java.lang.String getInitialActions()
      You should now get the ruleflow model through ilog.rules.teamserver.brm.IlrRuleflow.getRFModel() and introspect its content through the new ruleflow APIs.
      java.lang.String getLocale()
      Returns the value of the 'Locale' attribute.
      java.util.List getScopes()
      You should now get the ruleflow model through ilog.rules.teamserver.brm.IlrRuleflow.getRFModel() and introspect its content through the new ruleflow APIs.
      java.util.List getScopes(IlrElementVersion version)
      You should now get the ruleflow model through ilog.rules.teamserver.brm.IlrRuleflow.getRFModel() and introspect its content through the new ruleflow APIs.
      java.util.List<IlrRuleflow> getSubflows()
      Gets the list of subflows referenced by this ruleflow.
      java.util.List getTags()
      Returns the value of the 'Tags' containment reference list.
      java.util.List getTags(IlrElementVersion version)
      Returns the value of the 'Tags' containment reference list for the given version.
      java.util.List getTasks()
      You should now get the ruleflow model through ilog.rules.teamserver.brm.IlrRuleflow.getRFModel() and introspect its content through the new ruleflow APIs.
      java.util.List getTasks(IlrElementVersion version)
      You should now get the ruleflow model through ilog.rules.teamserver.brm.IlrRuleflow.getRFModel() and introspect its content through the new ruleflow APIs.
      boolean isMainFlowTask()
      Returns the value of the 'Main Flow Task' attribute.
      • Methods inherited from interface ilog.rules.commonbrm.model.IlrElement

        getPropertyValue, getPropertyValue, isInstanceOf
    • Method Detail

      • getInitialActions

        java.lang.String getInitialActions()
        Deprecated. You should now get the ruleflow model through ilog.rules.teamserver.brm.IlrRuleflow.getRFModel() and introspect its content through the new ruleflow APIs.
        Returns the value of the 'Initial Actions' attribute.

        Initial actions can be specified for:

        • Start points
        • Rule tasks
        • Function tasks
        • Subflow tasks
        Initial actions are applied before a task is performed.

        the value of the 'Initial Actions' attribute.
        See Also:
        IlrBrmPackage.getRuleflow_InitialActions(), IlrRFBodyable.getBody(), ilog.rules.teamserver.brm.IlrRuleflow.getRFModel()
      • getFinalActions

        java.lang.String getFinalActions()
        Deprecated. You should now get the ruleflow model through ilog.rules.teamserver.brm.IlrRuleflow.getRFModel() and introspect its content through the new ruleflow APIs.
        Returns the value of the 'Final Actions' attribute.

        Final actions can be specified for:

        • End points
        • Rule tasks
        • Function tasks
        • Subflow tasks
        Final actions are applied after a task is performed.

        the value of the 'Final Actions' attribute.
        See Also:
        IlrBrmPackage.getRuleflow_FinalActions(), IlrRFBodyable.getBody(), ilog.rules.teamserver.brm.IlrRuleflow.getRFModel()
      • getDiagram

        java.lang.String getDiagram()
        Deprecated. You should now get the ruleflow model through ilog.rules.teamserver.brm.IlrRuleflow.getRFModel() and introspect its content through the new ruleflow APIs.
        Returns the value of the 'Diagram' attribute.

        the value of the 'Diagram' attribute.
        See Also:
        IlrBrmPackage.getRuleflow_Diagram(), ilog.rules.teamserver.brm.IlrRuleflow.getRFModel()
      • getBody

        java.lang.String getBody()
        Returns the value of the 'Body' attribute.

        the value of the 'Body' attribute.
        See Also:
      • getTasks

        java.util.List getTasks()
                                throws IlrObjectNotFoundException
        Deprecated. You should now get the ruleflow model through ilog.rules.teamserver.brm.IlrRuleflow.getRFModel() and introspect its content through the new ruleflow APIs.
        Returns the value of the 'Tasks' containment reference list.

        The list contents are of type IlrTask.

        the value of the 'Tasks' containment reference list.
        See Also:
        IlrBrmPackage.getRuleflow_Tasks(), ilog.rules.teamserver.brm.IlrRuleflow.getRFModel()
      • getTasks

        java.util.List getTasks(IlrElementVersion version)
                                throws IlrObjectNotFoundException
        Deprecated. You should now get the ruleflow model through ilog.rules.teamserver.brm.IlrRuleflow.getRFModel() and introspect its content through the new ruleflow APIs.
        Returns the value of the 'Tasks' containment reference list for the given version. Allows to retrieve the value linked to a specific version. Useful when the working baseline is the current baseline.

        The list contents are of type IlrTask.

        version - The version of the element.
        the value of the 'Tasks' containment reference list.
        See Also:
        IlrBrmPackage.getRuleflow_Tasks(), ilog.rules.teamserver.brm.IlrRuleflow.getRFModel()
      • getScopes

        java.util.List getScopes()
                                 throws IlrObjectNotFoundException
        Deprecated. You should now get the ruleflow model through ilog.rules.teamserver.brm.IlrRuleflow.getRFModel() and introspect its content through the new ruleflow APIs.
        Returns the value of the 'Scopes' containment reference list.

        The list contents are of type IlrScopeElement.

        the value of the 'Scopes' containment reference list.
        See Also:
        IlrBrmPackage.getRuleflow_Scopes(), ilog.rules.teamserver.brm.IlrRuleflow.getRFModel()
      • getScopes

        java.util.List getScopes(IlrElementVersion version)
                                 throws IlrObjectNotFoundException
        Deprecated. You should now get the ruleflow model through ilog.rules.teamserver.brm.IlrRuleflow.getRFModel() and introspect its content through the new ruleflow APIs.
        Returns the value of the 'Scopes' containment reference list for the given version. Allows to retrieve the value linked to a specific version. Useful when the working baseline is the current baseline.

        The list contents are of type IlrScopeElement.

        version - The version of the element.
        the value of the 'Scopes' containment reference list.
        See Also:
        IlrBrmPackage.getRuleflow_Scopes(), ilog.rules.teamserver.brm.IlrRuleflow.getRFModel()
      • getImports

        java.util.List getImports()
        Returns the value of the 'Imports' attribute list.

        The list contents are of type String.

        the value of the 'Imports' attribute list.
        See Also:
      • getLocale

        java.lang.String getLocale()
        Returns the value of the 'Locale' attribute.

        the value of the 'Locale' attribute.
        See Also:
      • getSubflows

        java.util.List<IlrRuleflow> getSubflows()
                                                throws IlrObjectNotFoundException
        Gets the list of subflows referenced by this ruleflow.

        This method is not recursive, and only gets the subflows directly referenced in the ruleflow.

        IlrObjectNotFoundException - If this ruleflow cannot be found in the database.
        The list of subflows.
      • getAllSubflows

        java.util.List<IlrRuleflow> getAllSubflows()
                                                   throws IlrObjectNotFoundException
        Gets the list of all subflows referenced by this ruleflow and its subflows.

        This method is recursive.

        IlrObjectNotFoundException - If this ruleflow cannot be found in the database.
        The list of all subflows.

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