New and changed features in version 8.1.0

New and changed features in version 8.1.0 are described in the following tables. For more information, see IBM OpenPages with Watson New Features Guide.

Platform enhancements

Table 1. Platform enhancements
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The new setting Administration > Settings > Applications > GRCM > Filtered List > Export Disabled Object Types Exclude object types in Filtered List Views from export
The new setting Administration > Settings > Applications > GRCM > Filtered List > Export Disabled Profiles Hide the Export feature in filtered list views for user profiles
The new setting Administration > Settings > Applications > GRCM > Filtered List > Bulk Update Disabled Object Types Exclude object types in Filtered List Views from bulk updates
The new setting Administration > Settings > Applications > GRCM > Filtered List > Bulk Update Disabled Profiles Hide the Bulk Update feature in filtered list views for user profiles
The Administration > Settings > Applications > GRCM > Filtered List > Number of Levels to Export setting now also applies to exports in the Task Focused UI, where up to five levels can be exported. Number of levels to export in the Filtered List View
Version numbers were removed from names of profiles. For example, a profile that was named OpenPages RCM 7.3.0. Master in previous releases is now named OpenPages RCM Master. Go to Administration > Profiles to view profiles.  
The new application permission SOX > Administration > Rules Engine Types of application permissions and Processing regulatory events by using rules
The new application permission SOX > Administration > TRRI Feed Types of application permissions and Configuring the Thomson Reuters import
The new setting Administration > Settings > Common > Administration > Currencies > Upload > Maximum Import Rows Maximum rows in exchange rate upload file

Solution enhancements

See the IBM OpenPages with Watson Solutions Guide for a complete list of all the changes to solutions.

Table 2. Solution enhancements
For information about... See topic...
Configuring the new Thomson Reuters connector in IBM OpenPages Regulatory Compliance Management. Thomson Reuters Connector

Administration and serviceability enhancements

Table 3. Administration and serviceability enhancements
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The new app-nodb parameter for the OPBackup command. The new parameter backs up everything except the OpenPages database. Running the OPBackup command
The new app-nodb parameter for the OPRestore command. The new parameter restores everything except the OpenPages database. Running the OPRestore command

Task Focused UI

Table 4. Task Focused UI
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The new home page, profile-driven dashboards, and user-configured dashboard panels. Home page, dashboard, and tabs in the Task Focused UI
The new permission on role templates that enables administrators to configure dashboards by profile:
  • SOX > Administration > Dashboards
Setting up the Task Focused UI
Types of application permissions
Enhanced formatting for inline guidance. Adding inline guidance
Relationship fields as key fields in User Guidance. Adding user guidance
Single stacked bar charts in chart relationship fields in task views. Adding a chart diagram
Zone-based and count-based heat maps in chart relationship fields in task views. Adding a chart diagram
Hidden or visible rules can be applied to inline guidance for sections. Adding inline guidance
When adding files (attachments), multiple versions of the same file can now be added, viewed, and downloaded. The new Versions component can be added to task views for files (SOXDocument) object types. Adding files (attachments) to task views
Import and export is now supported. Up to five object type levels are supported. Number of levels to export in the Filtered List View
Enhancements to key items and the new ability to validate actions by using Select an action to validate in a user guidance panel. Adding user guidance
The new Sibling relationship type on relationship fields. Adding and configuring relationship fields on views
Application text, object text, and settings can now be defined in the Task Focused UI. Search functionality is greatly enhanced compared to the Standard UI. Modifying application text in the Task Focused UI

Modifying object text in the Task Focused UI

Managing settings in the Task Focused UI

FastMap import and export can now be used in the Task Focused UI. Accessing FastMap in the Task Focused UI to import data and view status

Using the FastMap import status report window in the Task Focused UI

Business entity selector fields are now supported in Grid Views, Creation Views, and Task Views. Adding a business entity selector field
The Configuration Audit Report now tracks changes that are made to dashboards in the Task Focused UI. The Configuration Audit Report
Dashboards can be migrated from one environment to another environment by using Export Configuration and Import Configuration or the ObjectManager tool. Exporting and importing dashboards
If single sign-on (SSO) is used, system notices display on the dashboard. Defining messages and behavior on the login screens

GRC Workflow

Table 5. GRC Workflow enhancements
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Users who define workflows in the GRC Workflow Designer now have access to all objects and fields, regardless of their profile. In previous releases, workflows depended on profiles for access to objects and fields.  
Starting workflow instances in bulk with the Start Workflow option from the Workflow List. Starting workflow instances in bulk
Customizing the summary email notifications that are sent to administrators who start workflow instances in bulk. Customizing the email notifications
Relationship fields as field overrides in workflow properties. Defining a standard stage
Adding comments to workflow actions. Designing a workflow

Defining a workflow action

The new system workflow fields for workflow comments:

  • System Workflow Fields:Action Comment
  • System Workflow Fields:Action Comment Date
  • System Workflow Fields:Action Comment Owner (users or user groups)

The new system workflow fields that track the user who completed the last action and the user who started a workflow:

  • System Workflow Fields:Last Action User
  • System Workflow Fields:Workflow Start User

Oversight users, assignees, and subscribers can be set to these fields. The fields are available in conditions where you can select A field in the current object or A field in a related object.

System workflow fields
Added a variable [$WORKFLOW_ACTION_USER$]. It contains the user who completed the current action. It is used in the email template to show the user who sent an email notification. Using variables, functions, and fields
Added new variables that can be used in automated workflows to pass values from a rule to the workflow:
Using variables, functions, and fields
Validations and operations in a workflow action are now combined in one section, Validations and Operations. You can control the order that they are performed in. Defining a workflow action
Sections in a task view can be hidden, initially collapsed, or initially expanded per workflow stage. Defining a standard stage
The new ability by workflow stage to define access control as read-only for non-participants. Defining a standard stage
Sending email notifications when a workflow ends. Defining an end stage
Starting another workflow when a workflow ends. Defining an end stage
The new operation types in workflow actions:
  • Create objects
  • Lock or unlock objects
  • Start a workflow
Defining a workflow action that creates objects

Defining a workflow action that locks or unlocks objects

Defining a workflow action that starts a workflow

The new Target Objects field on a set fields operation type on a workflow action can be used to set fields on related objects. Defining a workflow action that sets fields
The new matches any operator on comparison statements in applicability, validations, and conditions. It is available only for enumerated fields.  
The End User option was added to comparison statements in applicability, validations, and conditions. It is available only for enumerated fields. Defining workflow properties

Defining an end stage

Defining a workflow action

Defining a workflow action that creates objects

Defining a workflow action that runs a custom action

Defining a workflow action that locks or unlocks objects

Defining a workflow action that sets fields

Defining a workflow action that starts a workflow

The ability to add oversight users to workflows and assignees and subscribers to stages from multiple sources, for example, a specific user, a field on the current object, and a field on a related object. Defining workflow properties

Defining a standard stage

The ability in workflows to reference system workflow fields on related objects. In applicability, conditions, validations, user assignments, and Filter By criteria where you can choose a field in a related object, you can now choose system workflow fields. System workflow fields
For workflows that are defined to auto-start, a workflow is now launched when an object is created by copying another object. Previously, copy was not supported for auto-start workflows. Defining workflow properties
The new Automated option on workflow properties. Automated workflows are used by IBM OpenPages Regulatory Compliance Management. Defining workflow properties
The trim function. Using variables, functions, and fields