Managing settings in the Task Focused UI

Use the Task Focused UI to modify the values for predefined settings and add, copy, and delete custom settings.

Before you begin

To access Manage Settings in the Task Focused UI, you must have the Settings application permission set on your account.

About this task

You can use the Task Focused UI to modify all settings, not just those that appear in the Task Focused UI.

You can modify the values for predefined settings. Do not delete any of the predefine settings that are shipped with OpenPages®. These settings are required and cause unexpected behavior in the application if they are removed.

You can add your own custom folders and settings. The Add Setting and Delete icons are hidden by default. Set both Show Hidden Settings and Allow Create and Deleting Settings to true to add and delete settings. You can copy individual settings to another location and copy folders to new folders. When you copy a folder, you can give the new folder a name. The settings and subfolders in the folder are copied to the new folder.


  1. In the Task Focused UI, click Settings menu to open the Settings menu and click Manage Settings.
    A list of all folders is displayed.
  2. To find a setting that you want to view or modify, click filter icon to access the search filter.
    1. Select one or more folders in Search Scope.
      The folder path displays at the top of the list.
    2. Optional: Click in the Search box and enter free text. The search returns a results when it finds a match in the name, description, or value of a setting. You can enter single words. For example, enter "hidden" to find all settings with the word "hidden" in the name, description, or value. The Search box text is not case sensitive.
    3. Locate the setting that you want to modify.
      Note: In a folder with many settings, you might want to increase the items per page. You can also go directly to a selected page.
    4. Click on a setting in the list.
    5. Make your changes in Value.
    6. Click Done.
      The change is saved.
  3. To add a custom folder:
    1. Click Add Folder.
    2. Enter a Name.
      The name should begin with a letter and can contain letters, numbers, space, underbar, and hyphen.
    3. Click Choose and drill down into Folder Path to select where to place the new folder.
    4. Click Done.
      The folder is added.
  4. To add a custom setting, click Add Setting.
    1. Enter a Name.
    2. Enter a Description.
    3. Click Choose and select a Folder Path where the new setting is saved.
    4. Enter a Value.
    5. Set Encrypted to true to make the value of the setting encrypted.
    6. Click Add.
      The setting is added.
  5. To copy a custom setting or folder:
    1. Select a setting or folder that you want to copy.
    2. Click Copy to.
    3. Choose a folder where the new setting or folder belongs.
    4. Click Done.
      The setting or folder and all of its settings is copied. You can change the description but not the name of the new setting.
  6. To delete a custom folder or setting:
    1. Select a custom folder or setting that you want to delete.
    2. Click Delete.
    3. Click Done.
      The folder or setting is deleted.