Starting workflow instances in bulk

As an administrator, you can start a single workflow that creates workflow instances in bulk. A workflow instance starts for each object that meets the start conditions.

Before you begin

Verify that email notifications for a bulk process are configured. For more information, see Customizing the email notifications.

Plan when you run the bulk update. Depending on how many workflow instances are started, the bulk process can take a long time and may affect system performance for other users.

About this task

You can run a bulk process for one workflow at a time.


  1. Click Settings menu to open the Settings menu and click Manage Workflows.
  2. From the Workflow List, select a single workflow with a check mark.
    Start Workflow displays as one of the bulk update options.
  3. Click Start Workflow.
    A message provides an estimated count of the affected objects.
  4. Click Start Workflow.
    A workflow instance starts for each object of the workflow's object type if all of the following conditions are met:
    • The workflow is published.
    • The workflow is enabled.
    • An object is not locked.
    • An object is not currently in another workflow process.
    • An object meets the workflow's applicability criteria.
    • Your user is allowed to start a workflow for an object, given the conditions and applicability defined in the workflow. For all workflow instances that are started, your user is saved in the System Workflow Fields:Workflow Start User field.
  5. When the process finishes, go to My Background Processes and review the log.
    You receive an email that summarizes the bulk process. The assignees and subscribers of the workflow also receive email notifications.