Customizing Heritage Process Portal spaces

You can customize the behavior and the appearance of your spaces in various ways, from small changes like modifying default link text to large-scale changes like customizing the entire theme.

You can customize your spaces in the following ways:
  • Login page: You can make superficial changes to the appearance of the login page.
  • Space styles: You can make superficial changes to a page style, which determines the color and appearance of a space.
  • Banner: You can modify the content, appearance, or behavior of the banner that appears at the top of each space.
  • Theme: You can fully customize the structure and content of a page. Themes control the navigation, appearance, and layout of your space, including colors, fonts, and images that surround the widgets on the page.

The Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) is used to store and deploy the artifacts used for the login page, styles, banners, and themes. If you customize any of these artifacts, deploy them using WebDAV. WebDAV is a set of extensions to the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) which allows users to cooperatively edit and manage files on remote web servers. Most operating systems provide built-in support for WebDAV.