Customizing banners in Heritage Process Portal spaces

By default, each space in a theme has a banner at the top, containing the name of the current space, and menus and links that your users can click to perform various tasks. You can customize a banner to meet the needs of your solution or your users.

You can customize a banner in many ways, including these common changes:
  • Modify the banner appearance.
  • Hide part or all of the banner, depending on user role.
  • Remove elements from the banner.
  • Modify the location, appearance, or content of the Help link.
To customize the appearance and function in the banner, edit one or both of the following files.
Table 1. Banner customization files
File name Description
Banner.html This file contains the HTML used to create the banner area in the space.

If you plan to make structural changes to the banner (for example, adding or removing sections), you need to edit this file.

Banner.css The style sheet that controls the appearance of the banner.

If you plan to make style changes to the banner (for example, modifying icons, colors, or font, or changing the dimensions of various areas of the banner), you need to edit this file.

Note: If you are modifying and you change the for the banner, you must restart the server or cluster.