The DB2® command START TRACE starts DB2 traces.

An additional option for this command and additional values for a few other options exist. This additional information is intended for service and use under the direction of IBM® Software Support.

Abbreviation: -STA TRA


This command can be issued from a z/OS® console, a DSN session, a DB2I panel (DB2 COMMANDS), an IMS™ or CICS® terminal, or a program using the instrumentation facility interface (IFI).

Data sharing scope: Group or local, depending on the value of the SCOPE option.


To execute this command, you must use a privilege set of the process that includes one of the following privileges or authorities:
  • TRACE privilege
  • Start of changeSQLADM authorityEnd of change
  • Start of changeSystem DBADM authorityEnd of change
  • SYSOPR authority
  • SYSCTRL authority
  • SYSADM authority
  • Start of changeSECADM authorityEnd of change

DB2 commands that are issued from a logged-on z/OS console or TSO SDSF can be checked by DB2 authorization using primary and secondary authorization IDs.


>>-START TRACE--(-+-PERFM---+-)--+-------------------------+---->
                  +-ACCTG---+    |          .-,-------.    |   
                  +-STAT----+    |          V         |    |   
                  +-AUDIT---+    '-DEST--(----+-GTF-+-+--)-'   
                  '-MONITOR-'                 +-SMF-+          

   '-| constraint block |-'  '-| filtering block |-'   

   '-RMID-'  '-COMMENT(string)-'  |         .-LOCAL-.   |   

constraint block

   |       .-*-----------------.   |   
   |       | .-,---------.     |   |   
   |       | V           |     |   |   

   |         .-*------------------------.   |   
   |         | .-,----------------.     |   |   
   |         | V                  |     |   |   

   |         .-*-----------------------------.   |   
   |         | .-,---------------------.     |   |   
   |         | V                       |     |   |   

   |          .-*----------------------------.   |   
   |          | .-,--------------------.     |   |   
   |          | V                      |     |   |   

   |         .-*------------------------.   |   
   |         | .-,----------------.     |   |   
   |         | V                  |     |   |   

   |        .-*-----------.   |   
   |        | .-,-------. |   |   
   |        | V         | |   |   

               | .-,-------------. |       
               | V               | |       

   |         .-*--------------.   |   
   |         | .-,------.     |   |   
   |         | V        |     |   |   

   |          .-*------------------------.   |   
   |          | .-,----------------.     |   |   
   |          | V                  |     |   |   

   |         .-*------------------------.   |   
   |         | .-,----------------.     |   |   
   |         | V                  |     |   |   

   |         .-*--------------------------.   |   
   |         | .-,------------------.     |   |   
   |         | V                    |     |   |   

   |         .-*----------------------.   |   
   |         | .-,--------------.     |   |   
   |         | V                |     |   |   

   |       .-*--------------------------.   |   
   |       | .-,---------------.        |   |   
   |       | V                 |        |   |   

   |        .-*---------.   |  |          .-*-------.   |   
   |        | .-,-----. |   |  '-BUFSIZE(-+-k_bytes-+-)-'   
   |        | V       | |   |                               

   |               .-,---------------.   |   
   |          (1)  V                 |   |   

   |        .-,---------------.   |  '-ASID(x'dddd')-'   
   |        V                 |   |                      

  1. You cannot specify CLASS or IFCID with AUDTPLCY. AUDTPLCY applies to trace type AUDIT.
filtering block

   |          .-,---------.         |   
   |          V           |         |   

   |            .-,----------------.         |   
   |            V                  |         |   

   |            .-,---------------------.         |   
   |            V                       |         |   

   |             .-,--------------------.         |   
   |             V                      |         |   

   |            .-,----------------.         |   
   |            V                  |         |   

   |         .-,-------------.         |   
   |         V               |         |   

   |            .-,------.         |   
   |            V        |         |   

   |             .-,----------------.         |   
   |             V                  |         |   

   |            .-,----------------.         |   
   |            V                  |         |   

   |            .-,------------------.         |   
   |            V                    |         |   

   |            .-,--------------.         |   
   |            V                |         |   

   |          .-,---------------.            |   
   |          V                 |            |   

Option descriptions

You must specify a trace type.

The options PERFM, ACCTG, STAT, AUDIT, and MONITOR identify the type of trace that is started.
The performance trace is intended for performance analysis and tuning. This trace includes records of specific events in the system, including events related to distributed data processing. The data can be used for program, resource, user, and subsystem-related tuning.

Abbreviation: P

The accounting trace records transaction-level data that is written when the processing for a transaction is completed. It provides data that enables you to conduct DB2 capacity planning and to tune application programs.

Abbreviation: A

( STAT )
The statistics trace collects statistical data that is broadcast by various components of DB2 at certain time intervals. You can specify intervals for statistics collection during installation.

Abbreviation: S

LOCATION cannot be specified when you choose a statistics trace.

The audit trace collects information about DB2 security controls and can be used to ensure that data access is allowed only for authorized purposes.

Abbreviation: AU

Start of changeThe monitor trace enables attached monitor programs to access DB2 trace data through calls to the instrumentation facility interface (IFI). Monitor programs can access the trace data asynchronously through an OPx buffer by issuing READA requests, or synchronously in the monitor return area by issuing READS requests.End of change

Abbreviation: MON

Start of change
Specifies the scope of the command in a data sharing group.
Specify to start traces on the local member only.
Specify to start traces on all members of the data sharing group.
Start of changeASID(x'dddd')End of change
Start of changeSpecifies the address space for which trace data is collected.

dddd is a four-byte hexadecimal address space ID (ASID).

End of change
Gives a comment that is reproduced in the trace output (except in the resident trace tables). This option can be used to record why the command was issued.

string is any character string; it must be enclosed between apostrophes if it includes a blank, comma, or special character.

Specifies resource manager identifier. You can specify up to 8 valid RMIDs, which are one or two digit identifiers. You cannot specify RMID for accounting or statistic traces.
Specifies where the trace output is to be recorded. You can use more than one value, but do not use the same value twice. If you do not specify a value, the trace output is sent to the default destination shown in the following table.

If the specified destination is not active or becomes inactive after you issue the START TRACE command, you receive message DSNW133I, which indicates that the trace data is lost. This applies for destinations GTF, SRV, and SMF. You also receive this message for destinations OPn and OPX if START TRACE is not issued by an application program.

Abbreviation: D

The allowable values and the default value depend on the type of trace started, as shown in the following table.
Table 1. Allowable destinations for each trace type
PERFM Default Allowed Allowed Allowed Allowed
ACCTG Allowed Default Allowed Allowed Allowed
STAT Allowed Default Allowed Allowed Allowed
AUDIT Allowed Default Allowed Allowed Allowed
MONITOR Allowed Allowed Allowed Allowed Default
The meaning of each value is as follows:
The z/OS generalized trace facility (GTF). The record identifier for records from DB2 is X'0FB9'.
The system management facility. The SMF record type of DB2 trace records depends on the IFCID record, as follows:
IFCID record
SMF record type
1 (System Services Statistics)
2 (Database Services Statistics)
3 (Agent Accounting)
202 (Dynamic System Parameters)
Start of change225 (System Storage® Summary Statistics)End of change
Start of change0100End of change
230 (Data Sharing Global Statistics)
All Others
An exit to a user-written routine. For instructions and an example of how to write such a routine, see the macro DSNWVSER in library prefix.SDSNMACS.
A specific destination.

n can be an integer from 1 to 8.

A generic destination which uses the first free OPn slot.

Only applications that start a trace to an OPn buffer can read that buffer.

All traces to an OPX destination must be stopped before the buffer is marked as not in use. Traces that are started to an OPX buffer that was formerly in use write over the storage any previous traces had set.

End of change

Start of change The constraint and filtering blocks End of change

Start of changeThe constraint and filtering blocks place optional limits on the kinds of data that are collected by the trace. The filtering options are exclusionary equivalents to the corresponding constraint options.End of change

Start of changeOnly the CLASS constraint option can be specified for starting a statistics trace. Any constraint option or filter option can be specified for starting all other trace types. However, DB2 does not use any filters or constraints that you specify when you start a trace for any of the following IFCIDs:End of change

1 2 4 5 104 105 107 124 129 147
148 149 150 185 186 199 202 217 225 230
254 306 316 317 365 373 401 402    

Start of changeA START TRACE command can contain multiple constraint options, multiple filtering options, or a combination of both. A constraint or a filtering option can contain multiple values. However, the command must not contain multiple constraint options that each contain multiple values. A single constraint option that has multiple values can be specified with:End of change

Start of change
  • Multiple other constraint options, each of which has a single value
  • Multiple filtering options, each of which has a single value or multiples values
End of change

Start of changeAn error message is issued if the START TRACE command contains two or more constraint options that each have multiple options.End of change

Start of changeThe meaning of each option is as follows. Filtering options are described with their corresponding constraint options.End of change

PLAN( plan-name , …) or XPLAN( plan-name , …)
Introduces a list of specific plans for which trace information is gathered. Use PLAN to constrain the trace to the specified plans or XPLAN to exclude the specified plans. You cannot use this option for a STAT trace.
The default is PLAN( * ).
( * )
Starts a trace for all plans.
Is the name of an application plan. You can use up to eight names; a separate trace is started for each name. If you use more than one name, you can use only one value for AUTHID and LOCATION.
Start of changePKGLOC or XPKGLOCEnd of change
Start of changeSpecifies the location name where the package is bound. Use PKGLOC to constrain the trace to the specified locations or XPKGLOC to exclude the specified locations. End of change
Start of changePKGCOL or XPKGCOLEnd of change
Start of changeSpecifies the package collection name. Use PKGCOL to constrain the trace to the specified collections or XPKGCOL to exclude the specified collections. End of change
Start of changePKGPROG or XPKGPROGEnd of change
Start of changeSpecifies the DBRM or program name. Use PKGPROG to constrain the trace to the specified programs or XPKGPROG to exclude the specified programs. End of change
AUTHID( authorization-id , …) or XAUTHID( authorization-id , …)
Introduces a list of specific authorization IDs for which trace information is gathered. Use AUTHID to constrain the trace to the specified authorization IDs or XAUTHID to exclude the specified authorization IDs. The authorization IDs specified must be the primary authorization IDs. You cannot use this option for a STAT trace.
The default is AUTHID( * ).
( * )
Starts a trace for all authorization IDs.
Specifies an authorization ID. You can use up to eight identifiers; a separate trace is started for each identifier. If you use more than one identifier, you can use only one value for PLAN and LOCATION.
Start of changeLOCATION( location-name , …) or XLOC( location-name , …)End of change
Start of change Specifies a list of location names for which trace information is gathered. Use LOCATION to constrain the trace to the specified locations or XLOC to exclude the specified locations. The use of the LOCATION or XLOC option precludes tracing threads that have no distributed data relationship. LOCATION or XLOC cannot be specified when you want to start a statistics trace.
Identifies the DB2 subsystems whose distributed threads you want to trace. Activates the DB2 trace for the remote TCP/IP or SNA location that you specify by location-name.

You can specify up to eight locations; a separate trace is started for each one. You can specify only one location if you use more than one plan name or authorization ID.

Activates the DB2 trace for the remote clients that are connected to DDF through the remote SNA LU name that you specified in luname.
Activates the DB2 trace for the remote clients that are connected to DDF through the remote TCP/IP host. ipaddr is the IP address.

Start of changeThe format of the IP address depends on whether the TCP/IP stack has been configured as an IPv4-only stack or a dual-mode stack. An IPv4 stack supports only the IPv4 protocol. A dual-mode stack supports IPv4 and IPv6 protocols.End of change

Start of change
  • For an IPv4-only stack, you enter the IP address in IPv4 format:
  • For a dual-mode stack:
    • You enter an IPv6 address in IPv6 format:
    • You enter an IPv4 address in dual IPv6 and IPv4 format, with ::FFFF: as the IPv6 portion:
End of change
Indicates that you want to start trace events that occur under distributed threads regardless of which location they are connected to. Specifying the local location name is equivalent to specifying LOCATION(*).
Clients other than DB2 for z/OS: DB2 for z/OS does not receive a location name from clients that are not DB2 for z/OS subsystems. To start a trace for a client that is not a DB2 for z/OS subsystem, enter its LUNAME or IP address. Enclose the LUNAME by the less-than (<) and greater-than (>) symbols. Enter the IP address in the form nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn. For example, to start a trace for a client with the LUNAME of LULA, enter the following command:
To start a trace for a client with the IP address of, enter the following command:
End of change
Start of changeUSERID or XUSERIDEnd of change
Start of changeSpecifies the user ID. Use USERID to constrain the trace to the specified user IDs or XUSERID to exclude the specified user IDs. You can specify multiple values and wildcard values as described in Usage notes.End of change
Start of changeAPPNAME or XAPPNAMEEnd of change
Start of changeSpecifies the application name. Use APPNAME to constrain the trace to the specified applications or XAPPNAME to exclude the specified applications. You can specify multiple values and wildcard values as described in Usage notes. End of change
Start of changeWRKSTN or XWRKSTNEnd of change
Start of changeSpecifies the workstation name. Use WRKSTN to constrain the trace to the specified workstations or XWRKSTN to exclude the specified workstations. You can specify multiple values and wildcard values as described in Usage notes.End of change
Start of changeCONNID or XCONNIDEnd of change
Start of changeSpecifies the connection ID. Use CONNID to constrain the trace to the specified connections or XCONNID to exclude the specified connections.

The CONNID or XCONNID value is one of the following values:

CONNID value Type of connection to DB2
UTILITY DB2 utility
subsystem-id DB2 internal
cics-connection-name CICS
ims-connection-name IMS
connection-name A connection from a remote DB2 for z/OS requester. This value is the connection name of the thread at the requesting location.
SERVER A connection from a remote requester that is not DB2 for z/OS.
End of change
Start of changeCORRID or XCORRIDEnd of change
Start of changeSpecifies the correlation ID. Use CORRID to constrain the trace to the specified correlation IDs or XCORRID to exclude the specified correlation IDs. End of change
Start of changeROLE or XROLEEnd of change
Start of changeSpecifies the connection roles. Use ROLE to constrain the trace to the specified roles or XROLE to exclude the specified roles.End of change
CLASS( integer , …)
Introduces a list of classes of data gathered. What classes are allowable, and their meaning, depends on the type of trace started.

Abbreviation: C

When the CLASS option is omitted, the default classes within the trace type are activated. The default classes are identified in the Description column of the following tables.
( * )
Starts a trace for all classes of the trace type.
Any number in the following table. You can use any number of classes that are allowed for the type of trace started.
Accounting trace (ACCTG)
Table 2. Classes for DB2 accounting trace
Class Description of class Activated IFCIDs
Start of change1End of change Start of changeStandard accounting data. This default class is also activated when you omit the CLASS keyword from the START TRACE command when you start the accounting trace.End of change Start of change0003, 0106, 0200, 0239End of change
2 Entry or exit from DB2 event signaling. 0232
3 Elapsed wait time in DB2. 0006-0009, 0032, 0033, 0044, 0045, 0117, 0118, 0127, 0128, 0170, 0171, 0174, 0175, 0213-0216, 0226, 0227, 0242, 0243, 0321, 0322, 0329, 0378, 0379
4 Installation-defined accounting record. 0151
5 Time spent processing IFI requests. 0187
6 Reserved.  
Start of change7End of change Start of changePackage-level accounting in-DB2 time.End of change Start of changeStart of change0200, 0232, 0239, 0240End of changeEnd of change
8 Package-level accounting wait time in DB2. Start of change0006-0009, 0032, 0033, 0044, 0045, 0117, 0118, 0127, 0128, 0170, 0171, 0174, 0175, 0213-0216, 0226, 0227, 0239, 0241-0243, 0321, 0322, 0378, 0379End of change
10 Package detail.

Start of changeOne of the following traces must also be activated before the IFCID 0239 records are written:End of change

Start of change
  • Accounting class 7
  • Accounting class 8
  • Monitor class 7
  • Monitor class 8
End of change
Start of change0239End of change
11-29 Reserved.  
30 - 32 Available for local use.  
Audit trace (AUDIT)
Table 3. Classes for DB2 audit trace
Class Description of class Activated IFCIDs
1 Access attempts denied due to inadequate authorization. This default class is also activated when you omit the CLASS keyword from the START TRACE command when you start the audit trace. 0140
2 Explicit GRANT and REVOKE. 0141
3 CREATE, ALTER, and DROP operations against audited tables. 0142
4 First change of audited object. 0143
5 First read of audited object. 0144
6 Bind time information about SQL statements that involve audited objects. 0145
7 Assignment or change of authorization ID. 0055, 0083, 0087, 0169, 0319
8 Utilities. 0023, 0024, 0025, 0219, 0220
9 Installation-defined audit record. 146
Start of change10End of change Start of changeTrusted context information.End of change Start of change0269, 0270End of change
Start of change11End of change Start of changeAudits of successful access.End of change Start of change03611End of change
12 - 29 Reserved.  
30 - 32   Available for local use.  
  1. Start of changeIf IFCID 0361 is started through START TRACE, all successful access is traced. If IFCID 0361 is started because audit policy category SYSADMIN is on, only successful access using the SYSADMIN administrative authority is traced. If IFCID 0361 is started because audit policy category DBADMIN is on, only successful access using the DBADMIN administrative authority is traced.End of change
Statistics trace (STAT)
Table 4. Classes for DB2 statistics trace
Class Description of class Activated IFCIDs
1 Information about system services, database statistics, statistics for the DBM1 address space, and information about the system parameters that were in effect when the trace was started. This default class is also activated when you omit the CLASS keyword from the START TRACE command when you start the statistics trace. 0001, 0002, 0105, 0106, 0202, 0225
2 Installation-defined statistics record 0152
3 Deadlock, lock escalation, group buffer pool, data set extension information, and indications of long-running uncommitted reads, and active log space shortages. 0172, 0196, 0250, 0258, 0261, 0262, 0313, 0330, 0337
4 DB2 exceptional conditions. 0173, 0191-0195, 0203-0210, 0235, 0236, 0238, 0267, 0268
5 DB2 data sharing statistics record. 0230
6 Start of changeStorage statistics for the DB2 subsystem.End of change 0225
Start of change7End of change Start of changeDRDA location statistics.End of change Start of change0365End of change
8 Data set I/O statistics. 0199
Start of change9End of change Start of changeAggregate CPU and wait time statistics by connection type.End of change Start of change0369End of change
10 - 29 Reserved.  
30 - 32 Available for local use.  
Performance trace (PERFM)
Table 5. Classes for DB2 performance trace
Class Description of class Activated IFCIDs
1 Background events. This default class is also activated when you omit the CLASS keyword from the START TRACE command when you start the performance trace. 0001, 0002, 0031, 0042, 0043, 0076-0079, 0102, 0103, 0105-0107, 0153
2 Subsystem events. This default class is also activated when you omit the CLASS keyword from the START TRACE command when you start the performance trace. 0003, 0068-0075, 0080-0089, 0106, 0174, 0175
3 SQL events. This default class is also activated when you omit the CLASS keyword from the START TRACE command when you start the performance trace. 0022, 0053, 0055, 0058-0066, 0092, 0095-0097, 0106, 0112, 0173, 0177, 0233, 0237, 0250, 0272, 0273, 0325
4 Reads to and writes from the buffer and EDM pools. 0006-0010, 0029-0030, 0105-0107, 0127, 0128, 0226, 0227, 0321, 0322
5 Write to log; archive log. 0032-0041, 0104, 0106, 0114-0120, 0228, 0229
6 Summary lock information. 0020, 0044, 0045, 0105-0107, 0172, 0196, 0213, 0214, 0218, 0337
7 Detailed lock information. 0021, 0105-0107, 0223
8 Data scanning detail. 0013-0018, 0105-0107, 0125, 0221, 0222, 0231, 0305, 0311, Start of change0363End of change
9 Sort detail. 0026-0028, 0095-0096, 0106
10 BIND, commands, and utilities detail. 0023-0025, 0090, 0091, 0105-0107, 0108-0111, 0201, 0256
11 Execution unit switch and latch contentions. 0046-0052, 0056, 0057, 0093, 0094, 0106, 0113
12 Storage manager. 0098-0101, 0106
13 Edit and validation exits. 0011, 0012, 0019, 0105-0107
14 Entry from and exit to an application. 0067, 0106, 0121, 0122
15 Installation-defined performance record. 0154
16 Distributed processing. 0157-0163, 0167, 0183
17 Claim and drain information. 211-216
18 Event-based console messages. 0197
Start of change19End of change Start of changeData set open and close activity.End of change Start of change0370, 0371End of change
20 Data sharing coherency summary. 0249-0251, 0256-0257, 0261, 0262, 0267, 0268
21 Data sharing coherency detail. 0255, 0259, 0263
22 Authorization exit parameters. 0314
23 Language environment runtime diagnostics. 0327
Start of change24End of change Start of changeStored procedure detail.End of change Start of change0380, 0499End of change
25-29 Reserved.  
30 - 32 Available for local use.  
Monitor trace (MONITOR)
Table 6. Classes for DB2 monitor types
Class Description of class Activated IFCIDs
1 Standard accounting data. This default class is also activated when you omit the CLASS keyword from the START TRACE command when you start the monitor trace. 0200
2 Entry or exit from DB2 event signaling. 0232
3 DB2 wait time for I/O, locks; resource usage information. 0006-0009, 0032, 0033,0044, 0045, 0117, 0118, 0127, 0128, 0170, 0171, 0174, 0175, 0213,0 214, 0215, 0216, 0226, 0227, 0242, 0243, 0321, 0322, 0378, 0379
4 Installation-defined monitor record. 0155
5 Time spent processing IFI requests. 0187
6 Changes to tables created with DATA CAPTURE CHANGES. 0185
7 Entry or exit from DB2 event signaling for package accounting. The data traces the amount of time an agent spent in DB2 to process each package. 0200, 0232, 0240
8 Wait time for a package. 0006-0009, 0032, 0033, 0044, 0045, 0051, 0052, 0056, 0057, 0117, 0118, 0127, 0128, 0170,171,174, 175, 213-216, 226, 227, 239, 241-243, 321, 322, 0378, 0379
9 Enables statement level accounting. 0124
10 Package detail for buffer manager, lock manager and SQL statistics.

One of the following traces must also be activated before the IFCID 0239 records are written:

  • Accounting class 7
  • Accounting class 8
  • Monitor class 7
  • Monitor class 8
11-28 Reserved.  
29 Controls the subsystem-wide collection of statistics for SQL statements. 0316 , 0318, 0400, 0401
30 - 32 Available for local use.  
IFCID ( ifcid , …)
Specifies which other IFCIDs (trace events), in addition to those IFCIDs contained in the classes specified in the CLASS option, are to be started. To start only those IFCIDs specified in the IFCID option, use trace classes 30-32. These classes have no predefined IFCIDs and are available for a location to use. See Example 1 for an example of activating only those trace events specified in the IFCID option.

If you do not specify the IFCID option, only those IFCIDs contained in the activated trace classes are started.

Start of changeThe maximum number of IFCIDs is 156. The range of values that are valid for the IFCID option is 0001 through 0511, with the exceptions of: 0004, 0005, 0185, 0187, 0217, 0232, 0234, 0240, 0241, and 0362. These exceptions are invalid values for the IFCID option. IFCIDs 4 and 5 are always automatically active. IFCID 0362 is automatically started if you specify the AUDTPLCY option. Some of the other invalid IFCIDs can be activated only by certain trace classes. The invalid values for the IFCID option that can be started only by trace classes are:End of change

To start...
IFCID 0185
monitor trace class 6
IFCID 0232
monitor trace class 2 or 7, or accounting trace class 2 or 7
IFCID 0240
monitor trace class 7 or accounting trace 7
IFCID 0241
monitor trace class 8 or accounting trace 8

The default is IFCID( * ).

BUFSIZE ( k_bytes , …)
Specifies the size of an IFC managed buffer that receives the trace data. You can specify this option only if you specified an OP n destination.

Start of change k_bytes can range from 256 KB to 65536 KB. The number must be evenly divisible by 4. If you specify a value outside of this range, the range limit closest to the specified value is used. To allocate a buffer size of 256 KB, you would specify BUFSIZE(256).End of change

The default is BUFSIZE ( * ), which is the size set when DB2 was installed.

Start of change AUDTPLCY( policy-name , …) End of change
Start of changeIntroduces a list of up to eight audit policy names for which trace information is gathered. This option starts the IFCIDs that correspond to the categories that are specified in the listed audit policies, and starts a trace for IFCID 0362.

AUDTPLCY applies to trace type AUDIT. You cannot specify AUDTPLCY with CLASS or IFCID.

End of change
Specifies the product section headers to be placed into the product section of each trace record. If you do not specify TDATA, then the type of trace determines the type of product section header. The product section of a trace record can contain multiple headers.
All IFC records have a standard IFC header. The correlation header is added for accounting, performance, audit, and monitor records. The trace header is added for serviceability records.
Places a correlation header on the record.

Abbreviation: COR

Places a trace header on the record.

Abbreviation: TRA

Places a CPU header on the record. The CPU header contains the current processor time for the z/OS TCB or SRB executing.
Places a distributed header on the record.

Abbreviation: DIST

Usage notes

Start of changeAudit policies: Up to 32 audit policies can be active concurrently. If you specify multiple audit policies to start, and some of those policies do not start successfully, warning message DSNW196I is returned. The remaining audit policies are started.End of change

Number of traces: If you use one or no values for PLAN, AUTHID, or LOCATION, the START TRACE command starts a single trace. If you use multiple values for PLAN, AUTHID, or LOCATION, the command starts a trace for each plan, authorization ID, or location. Up to 32 traces can be active concurrently. If a START TRACE command is entered from the console or from the DB2I panels to an OP n or an OPX destination, message DSNW133I is issued to indicate trace data lost.

Using the options PLAN, AUTHID, or LOCATION when starting monitor trace class 1 has no effect on the amount of data returned on IFI READS requests.

Using the options PLAN, AUTHID, or LOCATION has no effect when starting either accounting or monitor trace classes 2, 5, or 7.

Stopping and starting DB2: If DB2 is stopped and started after you have started a trace, the trace is not restarted automatically.

Specifying SCOPE (GROUP): When you issue START TRACE with SCOPE(GROUP), DB2 issues a START TRACE command on each member of the data sharing group. The data goes to the destination as it is defined for each member of the data sharing group. If you want to gather trace data for all members of the data sharing group in one place, use a monitor program with IFI READA or READS calls to collect the data.

If a trace is started with SCOPE(GROUP), and a new member joins the data sharing group after the trace is started, the new member also writes the trace data that is specified by the START TRACE command.

Starting a trace with SCOPE(GROUP) can generate large amounts of trace data, so you might need to increase the size of the return area in your monitor program to hold the extra data.

Start of change Tracing threads using the * wildcard in a partial name or address: In a partial name or address, you can use the wildcard suffix, “*” to filter threads. For example, if you specify “-START TRACE PLAN (A,B,C*)”, DB2 will trace, and then return A, B, CDE, CDEFG, CDEFGH, and so on. It will trace threads “A”, “B” and all threads starting with “C”. End of change

Start of changeYou cannot include the wildcard character in the middle of a partial name or address.End of change

Start of change Tracing threads using the positional, (_) wildcard in a partial name or address: In a partial name or address, you can use the positional wildcard, which is represented by the, “_” character, to trace threads when you want the wildcard in the middle, or when you want to trace threads of a specific length. For example, if you specify “-START TRACE PLAN (A_C), all threads will be traced that are three characters that have “A” as the first character, and “C” as the third. This command would return “ABC”, “ADC”, “AEC”, and so on. If you want to trace the thread “A_C” then you can specify “-START TRACE PLAN (A/_C). The “/” before the “_” tells DB2 to trace for the underscore in the search, rather than treating it as a wildcard. The same logic applies if you are trying to trace a thread that includes a “/” or “*” character. Because the character “/” is an escape character, if you are trying to trace a thread that has an “/” character in it, you can specify, for example, “-START TRACE PLAN (A//C)” to trace the thread “A/C”. You can also specify “-START TRACE PLAN (A/*C) to trace the thread “A*C”. End of change

Tracing multiple threads at once using wildcards: You also have the option of tracing multiple threads based on multiple trace qualifications. For example, you can specify, “-START TRACE PLAN (A*, B*, C*) to simultaneously trace ALL threads for plan that start with “A”, “B”, and “C”. The wildcard character, “*” will trace all threads. You can specify more complex combinations such as, “-START TRACE PLAN (A_B*, C*, AND C/_D*)”, which will return all threads that:
  • Begin with “A”, have a one character wild card as the second character in the thread, have a “B” as the third character in the thread, and end with any type or number of characters (ADBIOP, AOBTYJDP,)
  • begin with “C”, and end with any combination of characters (CDE, CGHKO)
  • begin with “C_D” and end with any type of character combination (C_DEFGH, C_DLMNOP)
All of the possible thread combinations listed above will be returned with the command above.
Start of change Specifying filtering criteria for threads: You can control the set of threads for which trace records are written by setting specific filtering criteria in the -START TRACE command. The following rules apply to all trace filters:Start of change
  • DB2 applies trace filters when an external trace record is written. The state of a thread at that time dictates whether a thread is written in its entirety or eliminated completely.
  • Trace filters do not alter the contents of a trace record.
  • Trace classes or IFCIDs that are not associated with specific trace records, such as accounting classes 2, 3, 7, 8, and 10, or IFCID 0318, are not affected by filtering. For example, the following command does not result in filtering because no external records are written by accounting classes 7 or 8:
  • DB2 allows only one filtering option to have more than one value in a -START TRACE command. For example, the following command is valid:

    The following command is not valid:

End of change End of change

Filtering threads using exclude functionality: When you specify an “X” with any constraint keyword, such as XPLAN, when you are filtering threads, you are using the exclude functionality for the –START TRACE command. You have the option of excluding specific types of threads when you are running trace commands. You can use the “X” character to exclude specific combinations of characters when you are running a trace. For example, you can specify this command to trace all threads except “A”:


In this instance, b, bcd, bcde, or cd might be returned.

Start of changeYou can also exclude multiple types of threads from your trace. For example, you can specify this command to start a trace for all threads except threads for plans that start with “A”, with any combination of characters following “A”, and all those characters starting with “B”, with any combination of characters following “B”:End of change


Start of changeSpecifying XPLAN (*) excludes all threads from your search, and is not allowed. You also cannot use the * wildcard in the middle of trace criteria with exclude functionality, such as: “-START TRACE XPLAN (A*C).” You can, however, specify this command to return all threads except those for plans that start with “A”, any two characters next, a “C” in the fourth space, and any characters at the end.End of change


You can start two traces at once, in order to help you optimize your tracing capabilities. For example, you can specify this command:


Start of changeThis command tells DB2 to start tracing threads for all plans except plans “A”, “B”, or “C”, and only where the user ID = “D”. End of change

Combining trace qualifiers: You can customize the threads you trace by commanding DB2 to trace specific threads, while excluding other specific threads. For example, you can specify, “-START TRACE USERID (A,B) XPLAN (C)” . This criteria only traces threads where the user ID is equal to “A” or “B”, and plan is not equal to “C”. In this example, a thread where the user id is “A” and the plan is equal to “D” would pass, and be traced, but a thread where the user ID is “A” and plan is “C” would not pass, and would not be traced.

You can introduce multiple wildcards into your start trace commands to add more customization to your traces. For example, you can specify “-START TRACE PLAN (C*) USERID (Z, X) XPLAN (C, D, E)”. In this example, for the thread to be traced, the plan must begin with C, the user ID must be equal to Z or to X, and the plan cannot be C, D, or E. So a plan of CB, with a user ID of Z would pass, and the thread would be traced, but plan C with a user ID of X would fail because the command specifies not to trace threads where the plan is “C”, without additional characters in the thread.

Trace destination precedence: If an IFCID is associated with a class, and you specify that IFCID in the IFCID keyword, the destination for the class takes precedence. This rule affects IFCIDs in accounting classes 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, and monitoring classes 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8 because these classes have preset destinations for the IFCIDs.

For example, the following command "-START TRACE(ACCTG) CLASS (1,2,3) IFCID(6,7) DEST SMF," will not write IFCIDs 6 and 7 to SMF because they are part of accounting class 3, which has a preset destination. To write IFCIDs 6 and 7 to SMF, you need to start the trace as follows:



Start of change Example: Start a performance trace for threads with remote activity to location USIBMSTODB21. Only activate IFCIDs 0044 (lock suspends) and 0045 (lock resumes). Trace class 30 is available for installation use. Start of change
End of change End of change
Example: Start an accounting trace for plan DSN8BC81. Write records to SMF (that will happen by default). Include a comment to identify the trace.
Example: Start the statistics trace. Write records to SMF (by default).
Example: Start monitor tracing (usually done by an application program). Write records to OPX (by default).
Example: Start monitor tracing (usually done by an application program) on the data sharing group. Write records to OPX (by default).
Start of change Example: Use the PKGPROG option to write performance trace records only for threads that are executing package ABC during the SQL event that causes the trace record to be externalized.
End of change
Start of change Example: Start an accounting trace to activate package-level accounting and to collect data that is externalized by IFCID 0003 and IFCID 0239. Use the PKGPROG option to externalize accounting information that is written when accounting records for package ABC are written.
The externalized records contain information for all packages that are executed during the accounting interval.End of change
Example: Provide IFC exclude filtering for correlation ID.
- 10.46.05 STC00051  DSNW150I  ) EXCLUDE FOR ALL CORRID VALUES IS NOT       
-  ALLOWED                                                                  
Start of change Example: Start an audit trace using audit policy AUDITADMIN.
End of change