The DB2® command DISPLAY TRACE displays a list of active traces.

An additional option to this command and additional values for a few options of this command are not described here. They are intended for service and use under the direction of IBM® support personnel.

Abbreviation: -DIS TRACE


This command can be issued from a z/OS® console, a DSN session, a DB2I panel (DB2 COMMANDS), an IMS™ or CICS® terminal, or a program using the instrumentation facility interface (IFI).

Data sharing scope: Group or local, depending on the value of the SCOPE option.


To execute this command, you must use a privilege set of the process that includes one of the following privileges or authorities:
  • DISPLAY privilege
  • Start of changeSystem DBADM authorityEnd of change
  • SYSOPR authority
  • SYSCTRL authority
  • SYSADM authority

DB2 commands that are issued from a logged-on z/OS console or TSO SDSF can be checked by DB2 authorization using primary and secondary authorization IDs.


                    .-*-------.          V         |     
>>-DISPLAY TRACE--(-+---------+-)--DEST(---+-GTF-+-+-)---------->
                    +-PERFM---+            +-SMF-+       
                    +-ACCTG---+            +-SRV-+       
                    +-STAT----+            '-OPn-'       

   '-| constraint block |-'  '-| filtering block |-'   

   '-DETAIL(output-type)-'  '-COMMENT(string)-'   

   |         .-LOCAL-.   |  '-RMID-'                  

constraint block

   |       .-*-------------.   |   
   |       | .-,---------. |   |   
   |       | V           | |   |   

   |         .-*------------------------.   |   
   |         | .-,----------------.     |   |   
   |         | V                  |     |   |   

   |         .-*-----------------------------.   |   
   |         | .-,---------------------.     |   |   
   |         | V                       |     |   |   

   |          .-*----------------------------.   |   
   |          | .-,--------------------.     |   |   
   |          | V                      |     |   |   
   '-PKGPROG(-+---package-program name-+-----+-)-'   
              '-partial-package-program name-'       

   |         .-*--------------.   |   
   |         | .-,-------.    |   |   
   |         | V         |    |   |   

   |        .-*-----------.   |  |      .-*-----------.   |   
   |        | .-,-------. |   |  |      | .-,-------. |   |   
   |        | V         | |   |  |      | V         | |   |   
   '-CLASS(-+---integer-+-+-)-'  '-TNO(-+---integer-+-+-)-'   

               | .-,-------------. |       
               | V               | |       

   |         .-*--------------.   |   
   |         | .-,------.     |   |   
   |         | V        |     |   |   

   |          .-*------------------------.   |   
   |          | .-,----------------.     |   |   
   |          | V                  |     |   |   

   |         .-*------------------------.   |   
   |         | .-,----------------.     |   |   
   |         | V                  |     |   |   

   |         .-*--------------------------.   |   
   |         | .-,------------------.     |   |   
   |         | V                    |     |   |   

   |         .-*----------------------.   |   
   |         | .-,--------------.     |   |   
   |         | V                |     |   |   

   |       .-*--------------------------.   |   
   |       | .-,---------------.        |   |   
   |       | V                 |        |   |   

   |                 .-,-----------.     |   
   |          (1)    V             |     |   

  1. AUDTPLCY applies to trace type AUDIT. You cannot specify CLASS or IFCID with AUDTPLCY.
filtering block

   |          .-,---------.         |   
   |          V           |         |   

   |            .-,----------------.         |   
   |            V                  |         |   

   |            .-,---------------------.         |   
   |            V                       |         |   

   |             .-,--------------------.         |   
   |             V                      |         |   

   |            .-,----------------.         |   
   |            V                  |         |   

   |         .-,-------------.         |   
   |         V               |         |   

   |            .-,------.         |   
   |            V        |         |   

   |             .-,----------------.         |   
   |             V                  |         |   

   |            .-,----------------.         |   
   |            V                  |         |   

   |            .-,------------------.         |   
   |            V                    |         |   

   |            .-,--------------.         |   
   |            V                |         |   

   |          .-,---------------.            |   
   |          V                 |            |   

Option descriptions

None of the options are required. The command DISPLAY TRACE lists all active traces. Each option that is used, except TNO, limits the effect of the command to active traces that were started using the same option, either explicitly or by default, with exactly the same parameter values. For example, the following command lists only the active traces that were started using the options PERFM and CLASS (1,2); it does not list, for example, any trace started using CLASS(1).
( * )
Does not limit the list of traces. The default is ( * ).

The CLASS option cannot be used with DISPLAY TRACE (*).

Each of the following keywords limits the list to traces of the corresponding type.
Type (Abbrev)
Performance records of specific events
Accounting records for each transaction
Statistical data
Audit data
Monitor data
DETAIL ( output-type )
Limits the information that a trace displays based on the output type specified within parentheses.
The possible values for output-type are:
Display summary trace information: TRACE NUMBER, TYPE, CLASS, DEST
Display both summary and qualification information
Display both summary and qualification information

If no parameter follows DETAIL, type 1 trace information is displayed.

An additional column, QUAL, is also displayed, indicating whether the trace is qualified. Part of the summary trace information, the QUAL column can be used to determine if further qualification information for the trace is available. This information can be obtained by specifying DETAIL (2) or DETAIL (*). A QUAL column value of YES indicates that additional information for this particular trace exists in the qualification trace information; a value of NO indicates that no additional information for this trace exists.

COMMENT ( string )
Specifies that comment string appears in the trace output, except for the output in the resident trace tables.

string is any character string; it must be enclosed between apostrophes if it includes a blank, comma, or special character. The comment does not appear in the display; it can be recorded in trace output, but only if commands are being traced.

Specifies the scope of the command.
Displays the trace for the local member only.
Displays the trace for all members in the data sharing group.
Limits the list to traces that were started for particular destinations. More than one value can be specified, but do not use the same value twice. If you do not specify a value for DEST, DB2 does not use the destination of where trace output is recorded to limit the list of traces displayed.

Abbreviation: D

Possible values and their meanings are:
Trace destination
The generalized trace facility
The system management facility
An exit to a user-written routine
OP n
A specific destination. n can be a value from 1 to 8.
Specifies resource manager identifier. You can specify up to 8 valid RMIDs, which are one or two digit identifiers. You cannot specify RMID for accounting or statistic traces.
Start of changeASID(x'dddd')End of change
Start of changeSpecifies that information about the trace for an address space is to be displayed.

dddd is a four-byte hexadecimal address space ID (ASID).

End of change
CLASS( integer , …)
Limits the list to traces that were started for particular classes.

The default is CLASS( * ), which does not limit the list.

TNO( integer , …)
Limits the list to particular traces, identified by their trace numbers (1 to 32, 01 to 09). Up to eight trace numbers can be used. If more than one number is used, only one value each for PLAN, AUTHID, and LOCATION can be used.

The default is TNO( * ), which does not limit the list.

PLAN( plan-name , …) or XPLAN( plan-name , …)
Introduces a list of specific plans for which trace information is gathered. Use PLAN to constrain the trace to the specified plans or XPLAN to exclude the specified plans. You cannot use this option for a STAT trace.
The default is PLAN( * ).
( * )
Displays a trace for all plans.
The name of an application plan. You can use up to eight names. If you use more than one name, you can use only one value for AUTHID and LOCATION.
Start of changePKGLOC or XPKGLOCEnd of change
Start of changeSpecifies the location name where the package is bound. Use PKGLOC to constrain the trace to the specified locations or XPKGLOC to exclude the specified locations. End of change
Start of changePKGCOL or XPKGCOLEnd of change
Start of changeSpecifies the package collection name. Use PKGCOL to constrain the trace to the specified collections or XPKGCOL to exclude the specified collections. End of change
Start of changePKGPROG or XPKGPROGEnd of change
Start of changeSpecifies the DBRM or program name. Use PKGPROG to constrain the trace to the specified programs or XPKGPROG to exclude the specified programs. End of change
AUTHID( authorization-id , …) or XAUTHID( authorization-id , …)
Introduces a list of specific authorization IDs for which trace information is gathered. Use AUTHID to constrain the trace to the specified authorization IDs or XAUTHID to exclude the specified authorization IDs. The authorization IDs specified must be the primary authorization IDs. You cannot use this option for a STAT trace.
The default is AUTHID( * ).
( * )
Displays a trace for all authorization IDs.
Specifies an authorization ID. You can use up to eight identifiers. If you use more than one identifier, you can use only one value for PLAN and LOCATION.
Start of changeLOCATION( location-name , …) or XLOC( location-name , …)End of change
Start of changeSpecifies a list of location names for which trace information is gathered. Use LOCATION to constrain the trace to the specified locations or XLOC to exclude the specified locations. The use of the LOCATION or XLOC option precludes tracing threads that have no distributed data relationship.
Identifies the DB2 subsystems whose distributed threads you want to trace. Activates the DB2 trace for the remote TCP/IP or SNA location that you specify by location-name.

You can specify up to eight locations. You can specify only one location if you use more than one plan name or authorization ID.

Activates the DB2 trace for the remote clients that are connected to DDF through the remote SNA LU name that you specified in luname.
Activates the DB2 trace for the remote clients that are connected to DDF through the remote TCP/IP host.ipaddr is the IP address.
Indicates that you want to display trace events that occur under distributed threads regardless of which location they are connected to. Specifying the local location name is equivalent to specifying LOCATION(*).
Clients other than DB2 for z/OS: DB2 for z/OS does not receive a location name from clients that are not DB2 for z/OS subsystems. To display a trace for a client that is not a DB2 for z/OS subsystem, enter its LUNAME or IP address. Enclose the LUNAME by the less-than (<) and greater-than (>) symbols. Enter the IP address in the form nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn. For example, to display a trace for a client with the LUNAME of LULA, enter the following command:
To display a trace for a client with the IP address of, enter the following command:
End of change
Start of changeUSERID or XUSERIDEnd of change
Start of changeSpecifies the user ID. Use USERID to constrain the trace to the specified user IDs or XUSERID to exclude the specified user IDs. You can specify multiple values and wildcard values as described in Usage notes.End of change
Start of changeAPPNAME or XAPPNAMEEnd of change
Start of changeSpecifies the application name. Use APPNAME to constrain the trace to the specified applications or XAPPNAME to exclude the specified applications. You can specify multiple values and wildcard values as described in Usage notes.End of change
Start of changeWRKSTN or XWRKSTNEnd of change
Start of changeSpecifies the workstation name. Use WRKSTN to constrain the trace to the specified workstations or XWRKSTN to exclude the specified workstations. You can specify multiple values and wildcard values as described in Usage notes. End of change
Start of changeCONNID or XCONNIDEnd of change
Start of changeSpecifies the connection ID. Use CONNID to constrain the trace to the specified connections or XCONNID to exclude the specified connections. End of change
Start of changeCORRID or XCORRIDEnd of change
Start of changeSpecifies the correlation ID. Use CORRID to constrain the trace to the specified correlation IDs or XCORRID to exclude the specified correlation IDs. End of change
Start of changeROLE or XROLEEnd of change
Start of changeSpecifies the connection roles. Use ROLE to constrain the trace to the specified roles or XROLE to exclude the specified roles.End of change
Start of changeAUDTPLCYEnd of change
Start of changeA 128-byte area that contains the policy name. You can specify up to eight audit policy names. AUDTPLCY applies to trace type AUDIT. You cannot specify CLASS or IFCID with AUDTPLCY.End of change

Usage notes

Displaying traced threads using the * wildcard: You can use the wildcard suffix, “*” to filter threads that you want to display. For example, if you specify “-DISPLAY TRACE PLAN (A,B,C*)”, DB2 will display traces A, B, CDE, CDEFG, CDEFGH, and so on. It will display traced threads “A”, “B” and all threads starting with “C”.

Displaying traced threads using the positional, (_) wildcard: You can use the positional wildcard, which is represented by the, “_” character, to display traced threads when you want the wildcard in the middle, or when you want to trace threads of a specific length. For example, if you specify “-DISPLAY TRACE PLAN (A_B), all display all traced threads that have “A” as the first character, any character for the "_," and “C” as the plan filter.

Displaying multiple traced threads at once using wildcards: You also have the option of displaying multiple traced threads based on multiple trace qualifications. For example, you can specify, “-DISPLAY TRACE PLAN (A*, B*, C*) to simultaneously display all traced threads for plan that start with “A”, “B”, and “C”. The wildcard character, “*” will display all traced threads. You can specify more complex combinations such as, “-DISPLAY TRACE PLAN (A_B*, C*, AND C/_D*)”, which will return all threads that:
  • begin with “A”, have a one character wild card as the second character in the thread, have a “B” as the third character in the thread, and end with any type or number of characters (ADBIOP, AOBTYJDP,)
  • begin with “C”, and end with any combination of characters (CDE, CGHKO)
  • begin with “C_D” and end with any type of character combination (C_DEFGH, C_DlMNOP)
All of the possible thread combinations listed above will be returned with the command above.

You have the ability to filter multiple threads at the same time, setting specific criteria for the trace. For example, you can specify, “-DISPLAY TRACE PLAN (A) USERID (B)." This will display all traced threads where the plan thread is "A," and the user ID is "B." Note: When displaying traced threads, you can only specify one thread criteria for each filter for the display trace command. For example, you can specify “-DISPLAY TRACE PLAN(A,B) USERID (B) WRKSTN (E),” but you cannot specify “-DISPLAY TRACE PLAN(A, B) USERID(A, B) WRKSTN(E) because, in this example, two of the filter qualifications have two elements defined to be traced, and DB2 only allows for one attribute to have more than one trace element to be defined per trace.

Filtering traced threads that you want to display using exclude functionality: When you specify an “X” with any constraint keyword, such as “XPLAN”, when you are filtering threads, you are using the exclude functionality for the display trace command. You have the option of excluding specific types of threads you want to display when you are running trace commands. You can use the “X” character to exclude specific combinations of characters when you are running a display trace command. For example, you can specify “-DISPLAY TRACE XPLAN(A), to display all traced threads EXCEPT “A”. In this instance B, BCD, BCDE, or CD could possibly be returned.

You also have the option of excluding multiple types of threads from your trace. For example, you can specify, “-DISPLAY TRACE XPLAN (A*, B*) to display all traced threads EXCEPT those starting with “A”, with any combination of characters following “A”, and all those characters starting with “B”, with any combination of characters following “B”. Note: Specifying XPLAN (*) will exclude all threads from your search, and is not allowed. You also cannot use the wildcard in the middle of a display trace command with exclude functionality, such as, “-DISPLAY TRACE XPLAN (A*C).” You can, however, specify “-DISPLAY TRACE XPLAN (A_ _ C *)”, which will return all threads EXCEPT those starting with “A”, a variety of TWO characters next, a “C” in the fourth space, and a variety of characters at the end. The wildcard symbol cannot be placed in the middle of trace criteria.

You have the ability to display two traces at once, in order to help you optimize your tracing capabilities. For example, you can specify (-DISPLAY TRACE XPLAN (A, B, C) USERID (D))”. This tells DB2 to display all threads that are being traced for “plan” EXCEPT threads “A”, “B”, or “C”, only where the user ID = “D”.

Combining trace qualifiers: You can customize the threads you trace by commanding DB2 to trace specific threads, while excluding other specific threads. For example, you can specify, “-DISPLAY TRACE USERID(A,B) XPLAN (C)” . This criteria only traces threads where the user ID is equal to “A” or “B”, and plan is NOT equal to “C”. In this example, a thread where the user ID is “A” and the plan is equal to “D” would pass, and be traced, but a thread where the user ID is “A” and plan is “C” would not pass, and would not be traced.

You can introduce wildcards into your display trace commands to add more customization to your traces. For example, you can specify “-DISPLAY TRACE PLAN (C*) USERID (Z, X) XPLAN (C, D, E)”. In this example, for the thread to be traced, the plan must begin with "C," the user ID must be equal to "Z" or to "X," and the plan cannot be "C," "D," or "E." So a plan of "CB," with a user ID of "Z" would pass, and the thread being traced would be displayed, but plan C with a user ID of "X" would fail because the command specifies not to trace threads where the plan is “C”, without additional characters in the thread.

Start of change DISPLAY TRACE return code when there are no active traces: If you run DISPLAY TRACE in a batch environment, and no traces are active, the return code for the job step is 12.End of change


Start of changeMessage DSNW127I indicates the beginning of the output of the command.End of change


Example: Listing all traces that have a specific destination
The following command lists all traces that have the generalized trace facility as their only destination.

The output is similar to this output:

- 15.05.15           @DISPLAY TRACE (*) DEST (GTF)                          
- 15.05.15 STC00042  DSNW127I  @ CURRENT TRACE ACTIVITY IS -                
- TNO TYPE   CLASS        DEST QUAL IFCID                                   
- 04  PERFM  01,02,03,23  GTF  NO                                           
- *********END OF DISPLAY TRACE SUMMARY DATA*********                       
Example: Listing traces of a specific trace class
The following command lists all active performance traces.

The output is similar to this output:

- 15.10.12           @DISPLAY TRACE=P                                       
- 15.10.12 STC00042  DSNW127I  @ CURRENT TRACE ACTIVITY IS -                
- TNO TYPE   CLASS        DEST QUAL IFCID                                   
- 04  PERFM  01,02,03     GTF  NO                                           
- 05  PERFM  08           GTF  NO                                           
- *********END OF DISPLAY TRACE SUMMARY DATA*********                       
Example: Listing all traces for threads that are connected to a specific location
The following command lists all active audit traces for threads that are connection to DB2 subsystem with location name USIBMSTODB23.

The output is similar to this output:

- 15.21.03 STC00042  DSNW127I  @ CURRENT TRACE ACTIVITY IS -                
- TNO TYPE   CLASS        DEST QUAL IFCID                                   
- 02  AUDIT  01           GTF  YES                                          
- 03  AUDIT  01           SMF  YES                                          
- *********END OF DISPLAY TRACE SUMMARY DATA*********                       
Example: Listing all traces for a specific audit policy
The following command lists trace information for all audit traces that have GTF as their only destination and audit policy AUDITADMIN.

The output is similar to this output:

- 15.46.36 STC00042  DSNW143I  @ CURRENT TRACE QUALIFICATIONS ARE -         
- 15.46.36 STC00042  DSNW152I  @ BEGIN TNO 04 QUALIFICATIONS:               
- NO QUALIFICATIONS                                                         
- END TNO 04 QUALIFICATIONS                                                 
- 15.46.36 STC00042  DSNW185I  @ BEGIN TNO 04 AUDIT POLICIES:               
- ACTIVE AUDIT POLICY: AUDITADMIN                                           
- END TNO 04 AUDIT POLICIES                                                 
- 15.46.36 STC00042  DSNW148I  @ ******END OF DISPLAY TRACE QUALIFICATION   
-  DATA******                                                               
Example: Using an filtering clause to display traces that do not have a specific criterion
The following command lists all active performance traces that are being written to SMF, and are not tracing activity for plan DSNREXX.

The output is similar to this output:

- 16.02.20 STC00042  DSNW127I  @ CURRENT TRACE ACTIVITY IS -                
- TNO TYPE   CLASS        DEST QUAL IFCID                                   
- 05  PERFM  01,02,03,23  SMF  YES                                          
- *********END OF DISPLAY TRACE SUMMARY DATA*********