


IBM at Wimbledon
Wimbledon works closely with IBM to provide fans with AI-generated insights and world-class digital experiences
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Inside view of Wimbledon Stadium with the people watching a tennis match

What does IBM do at Wimbledon?

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What does IBM do at Wimbledon?
Enhancing the fan experience  By combining the power of hybrid cloud and enterprise-grade AI, IBM Consulting worked with Wimbledon to co-create an open and flexible platform of innovation that transforms over 2.7 million Wimbledon data points into insights, automates key business processes and secures Wimbledon's digital operations.
Catch me up
Serving up player stories with watsonx This past year, some of the most compelling stories of the tournament were told with the help of IBM® watsonx™, the enterprise-ready generative AI platform. Available in the official app and on Wimbledon.com, player cards delivered pre-match summaries and post-match analysis for all singles players. Using a model trained and tuned in IBM® watsonx.ai™, the generative AI application extracts and summarises relevant data and generates stories in natural language, tuned to the style and vocabulary of Wimbledon. Read the blog
Match insights
Analysing the action AI-powered fact sheets used sophisticated data analytics and natural language processing to distill millions of individual data points into meaningful insights about every singles match—including a player’s likelihood to win their upcoming match-up. Learn more about watsonx
A story of innovation
Serving up tradition with an innovative spin Discover how Wimbledon teamed up with IBM to create AI-powered solutions that serve fan experiences like no other. Read the case study
Client stories

The same combination of technology and IBM Consulting experience behind Wimbledon is also driving digital transformation with IBM clients around the world.

AI-centered efficiencies

University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire (UHCW) improve outpatient capacity by finding the optimum appointment reminder timeframe with watsonx.

Digital transformation

Natwest uses AI-powered, cloud-based technology to make home buying easier.

AI assistant at work

Global telecoms leader, Vodafone launches a virtual assistant in 14 languages to improve customer experience.

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