


IBM Storage Defender components
Explore IBM® Storage Defender components
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Detect threats early, manage copies, protect your data and recover safely and rapidly.

IBM® Storage Defender proactively protects your organization’s primary and auxiliary storage systems against ransomware, human error, disasters, sabotage, hardware failures and other risks. It features anomaly and malware detection that can help accelerate the recovery of business-critical data from days to hours. It unifies detection and recovery across primary and secondary workloads, with extensive functionality that is delivered through the following components, enabling you to safely and securely return to normal business operations.

Each of the components that are listed below are accessed using IBM Storage Defender Resource Units (RUs), providing you with the flexibility to select the data resilience capabilities that meet your needs under a single license.

Create backups and copies of data for modern workloads
Simplify and accelerate backup and recovery of enterprise workloads across on-premises and cloud with a unified, secure platform for data resilience. IBM Storage Defender Data Protect IBM Storage Defender Data Protect datasheet

Protect containerized environments
Enhance application availability and reduce the risk of network and storage-related issues. Robust data replication that is paired with failover strategies ensure uninterrupted availability of mission-critical applications running in containers. Learn more

Archive data
Direct, intuitive and graphical access to data stored on tape while eliminating the need for additional tape management and software to access data. Learn more

Protect data with immutable targets
Comprehensive data resilience for physical file servers, virtual environments and a wide range of applications. Learn more

Scan Snapshots
Workload specific software that detects, diagnoses and identifies the sources of ransomware attacks, providing automated recovery orchestration for Oracle Database, SAP Hana, and EPIC healthcare systems. Learn more

Manage copies
Make copies available to data consumers when and where they need them, without creating unnecessary copies or leaving unused copies on valuable storage. Learn more

Virtualize storage
Storage virtualization makes your data and storage resources for virtualized server and desktop environments secure, reliable and efficient. Learn more

Next steps

Discover how IBM Storage Defender can help you protect your information supply chain. Schedule a meeting with an IBM Storage representative.

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