Home Z software Z management OSEM IBM Operating System Environment Manager for z/OS
Manage data center resources more easily using a simplified, central ISPF interface
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IBM® Operating System Environment Manager for z/OS® (OSEM for z/OS) is a dynamic exit manager and a set of optional, standard control exits for the OS/390 and z/OS environments. As a dynamic exit manager, it provides a consistent, easy-to-use interface to most exit points provided by IBM to enhance the OS/390 and z/OS environment.

OSEM for z/OS offers data centers improved systems manageability. Driven by an easy-to-use ISPF interface, this solution makes it easier for you to manage your data center resources and control how they are used. OSEM offers a methodology and interface that enables you to manage your data center environment and ensure 24/7 availability as an administrative task, rather than a technical programming issue.

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Benefits Manage your data center

Offers a methodology and interface to manage your data center environment and ensure 24/7 availability.

Maximize return on investment

Get the most out of z/OS technologies thanks to improved system throughput and service levels and reduced costs.

Dynamic operating environment

One that is easy for both technical and operations staff to use.

Job routing and job classing controls

With this powerful function, you can have job routing between CPUs based on defined resource names (subsystems like IBM® DB2® or IMS™) and their availability (up or down). You can manage resource availability on each system running IBM Operating System Environment Manager job routing and you can control the routing with JECL statements in the job or by assigning routing control information through the ISPF interface.

Explore job routing controls
Dataset name conflict resolution

This function prevents jobs from being selected until all needed datasets are available.

Explore dataset name conflict resolution
Job limiting controls

Using the End User Computing Job Scheduling and Limiting options, you can limit the number of jobs that a user can be running concurrently.

Explore job/program limits
Catalog account controls

This function can be used to place up to 32 bytes of JOB or STEP accounting information into the catalog record for a newly created VSAM dataset or SMS-managed non-VSAM dataset. Additionally, the user ID of the job is placed into the Owner field of the catalog record. Neither of these fields is overridden if the information has already been provided.

Explore catalog account control

This function helps you migrate to LE/370 and any new version of most program products such as FILE/AID, SAS and others. You can modify or replace existing STEPLIB DD statements or add a new STEPLIB DD based on job class, job name, user ID, step name or program name.

Explore STEPLIB controls menu
Estimated cost

Use this function to calculate an approximate charge for running each step of a job and an approximate total cost of running the job.

Explore estimated costs groups panel
TIME controls

Use this function to enforce CPU time limitations. Extend CPU time, JOB wait time and TSO wait time. Control, by job class, the insertion of a missing time parameter, overriding the time specified on the job card. Cancel the job if the job time is greater than the JES2 time value.

Explore time management controls
Resources OSEM Reference Manual

Learn about job routing and command functions of the OSEM system.

OSEM User Guide

Learn how to use IBM Operating System Environment Manager for z/OS.

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Next steps

Discover IBM Operating System Environment Manager for z/OS. Schedule a no-cost 30-minute meeting with an IBM Z representative.

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