

Hybrid Cloud Mesh

Application migration with Hybrid Cloud Mesh
Move applications and services to any cluster, any site and cloud, across any network.
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Illustration and screenshot showing application migration
Enable Application migration with Hybrid Cloud Mesh

For Application developement teams, modernization and cloud migration of applications to best suited clouds and locations is posing increasing challenges:

  • Cloud infrastructure dependencies.
  • App migration opens-up security risks
  • App migration have a lot of time-consuming manual steps
  • Network dependencies like complex, cascading impacts of IP network changes

To address the above issues, Application developement teams need the empowerment to:

  • Have freedom from deployment constraints.
  • Automate the application migrations.
  • Enforce zero-trust security across all environments.
  • Minimize potential disruptions and enhance user experience.
  • Tap into Automation/AI technologies for improved operational efficiency.
App-first connectivity and automation

IBM Hybrid Cloud Mesh provides solutions and scalability for app migration process with policy driven app-first connectivity and automation of workflows to give:

  • Application developement teams autonomy to securely move and connect apps and services without the process interference of infrastructure and network teams.
  • They can freely and efficiently complete cloud migrations with a build-once policy for app connectivity and automation that will discover and reconnect apps and services each and every time the application moves.
Take the next step

Ready to expedite and streamline application connectivity across hybrid environments?

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