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Command Verifier

IBM zSecure Command Verifier
Execute information risk management commands with confidence
Threat Intelligence Report 2024
Person using tablet in mainframe room

Safeguard your mainframe data

IBM® zSecure Command Verifier ensures that the commands affecting data in a mainframe environment are correct. It authenticates command keywords against specified policies, generates alerts for noncompliant commands and stores changes to profiles in the RACF® database.

Monitors policy enforcements

Commands entered are intercepted against your security policy for authorization.

Prevents IT risks

Access data to prevent IT risks from privileged user actions, saving time on log file research.

Increases security control

Define specific RACF commands, generate alerts and grant additional permissions.

Acts instantly

For any wrong commands, instant alerts are issued and recorded in the RACF database.

X-Force® Threat Intelligence Index 2024

Data theft and leaks accounted for 32% of the impacts of cyberattacks in 2023. Check out the new report to learn how to best safeguard your people and data.

Monitor and secure data across hybrid cloud

What sets us apart

Privileged-user-policy monitoring and enforcement protects data zSecure Command Verifier helps detect and block unauthorized admin commands that can modify or delete all profiles in their area. It validates command keywords instantly against set policies to prevent user mistakes, even if commands are from batch jobs or the operator console.
Retrieves command information quickly zSecure Command Verifier stores changes to profiles in the RACF database, so you can easily discover when a change to a profile was made and which administrator issued a command. It retrieves information on changes in seconds, saving hours of labor.
Defines and determines different types of IT risk assessments zSecure Command Verifier defines RACF policies for verification types, actions for non-compliant commands and unauthorized command prevention. It enables real-time alerts for critical commands to avoid system outages, notifies users of command changes and grants access to specific commands.
Privileged-user-policy monitoring and enforcement protects data zSecure Command Verifier helps detect and block unauthorized admin commands that can modify or delete all profiles in their area. It validates command keywords instantly against set policies to prevent user mistakes, even if commands are from batch jobs or the operator console.
Retrieves command information quickly zSecure Command Verifier stores changes to profiles in the RACF database, so you can easily discover when a change to a profile was made and which administrator issued a command. It retrieves information on changes in seconds, saving hours of labor.
Defines and determines different types of IT risk assessments zSecure Command Verifier defines RACF policies for verification types, actions for non-compliant commands and unauthorized command prevention. It enables real-time alerts for critical commands to avoid system outages, notifies users of command changes and grants access to specific commands.
Technical details Technical specifications

Your support eligibility relies on your zSecure Command Verifier licenses and maintenance agreements, including CA ACF2, CA Top Secret, IBM® MQ, ICSF, Windows server, PCI-DSS and DISA STIGs.

Software requirements

An IBM® z Systems® server that can support z/OS® V2.1 or later versions, such as IBM z/OS V1R12, V1R13 and V2R1.

Hardware requirements

A supported IBM z Systems server that can support z/OS V2.1 or later. Processor: Z800 (minimum) and IBM System z9 or z10 EC (recommended). Disk space: 300 MB (minimum) and 450 MB (recommended). Memory: 1 GB (minimum) and 2 GB (recommended).

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