A digital twin is a dynamic, virtual representation of its physical counterpart, usually across multiple stages of its lifecycle. It uses real-world data combined with engineering, simulation or machine learning models to enhance operations and support human decision making. A digital twin mirrors a unique physical object, process, organization, person or other abstraction and can be used to answer what-if questions, present insights in an intuitive way and provide a way to interact with the physical object/twin.
The key elements in a digital twin:
While there are many different views of what a digital twin is and is not, the following more or less lists the common set of characteristics that is present in nearly every digital twin:
A digital twin is not a single technology play, rather it is realized through an amalgamation of multiple technologies such as:
Emerging architecture of digital twin, an IBM point of view:
Architecture for digital twin essentially comprises of all the elements as described in the above section. Objective is to be able to support the functionality to connect, monitor, predict and simulate multiple physical objects, assets and/ or processes.
Figure 1: Digital twin logical architecture
Building digital twin with AWS technology stack:
Propose here is a digital twin that is primarily based on the AWS software stack:
A digital twin is intended to connect the digital and physical world as it truly takes the IoT, machine learning and virtual reality, in tandem to the next level. Read more about digital twin here: – https://www.ibm.com/topics/what-is-a-digital-twin. Creating an end-to-end digital twin platform, requires lot more than single set of capabilities with heterogenous software and hardware stack, multiple set of architecture with the principal theme being data, read more about data architecture here – https://www.ibm.com/data-fabric. There are specialized software vendors for each layer or architecture, the flexibility comes from adopting a hybrid approach wherein the hyperscalers forms the core part of the solution. While the individual customer environment will determine hyperscalers, the advantage of AWS with its IoT centric platform and strong data products can be leveraged to build powerful digital twin solutions, refer to AWS Architecture Center for the diverse architecture knowledgebase, https://aws.amazon.com/architecture/ (link resides outside ibm.com).