IBM Engineering Systems Design

How model based systems engineering drives successful innovation

Introduction: What is the model of success?

For systems engineers, success is a process

2 min read


Systems engineers face the challenge of change

A complicated world requires a complex solution

3 min read


The solution: MBSE

Model based systems engineering helps solve the problem of complexity

4 min read


IBM Engineering Systems Design Rhapsody in action

Accuracy and agility from beginning to end

5 min read


Conclusion: IBM Engineering Systems Design Rhapsody drives innovation

Innovation and automation deliver success

2 min read


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Model Based Systems Engineering improves quality and reduces cycle time

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Requirements MaIBM Engineering Systems Design Rhapsodynagement

IBM Engineering Systems Design Rhapsody – Design Manager

Collaborative design management software that helps share, trace, review and manage designs

IBM Engineering Systems Design


Introduction: What is the model of success?

2 min read

Success looks like different things to different people. To the consumer, it appears as a continuous stream of bold innovation that provides life-enhancing benefits. To the manufacturer, it's a profitable product, flawlessly made to be compliant with industry and government regulations. And to the systems engineer, success is a streamlined process that‘s strictly followed by everyone on the team. On every project. All the time.

While the consumer and the manufacturer may demand cutting-edge products at an affordable price, it’s the engineer who must envision and create these advancements. The engineer is responsible for meeting all the established product requirements — on time and on budget — so the organization can succeed in a competitive global marketplace.

If you’re a systems engineer, we applaud you. We appreciate your commitment to meeting the onerous challenges of modern production. We commend you for the creative spirit that drives you, and for your methodical, detailed approach that brings your ideas to fruition.

We also support you with new advancements in technology could make your job a little easier. Keep reading to learn about our comprehensive model based systems engineering (MBSE) solution, IBM Engineering Systems Design. It’s a sophisticated approach that uses the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI) and analytics to help you more quickly develop the competitive innovations your market so voraciously demands.

02 Systems engineers face the challenge of change

IBM Engineering Systems Design


Systems engineers face the challenge of change

3 min read

The world is a complicated place

And it‘s getting more complicated all the time. Systems engineers who grapple with the complexity of software and product development know this more than most people. These talented professionals have a particularly daunting task: they’re confined by a labyrinthine of regulations from industry and government regulatory bodies, they work within a vast ecosystem of suppliers and partners, and they must juggle rising costs and restrictive timelines to create products that generate corporate profits.

These complications compel systems engineers to find a better approach to their work: one that facilitates collaboration, streamlines processes and reduces cycle times. When supported by technology that enables these critical functions, projects can be completed more rapidly, more cost effectively and with fewer errors.

A challenge to meet the standards of success

With the ability to introduce innovation comes the responsibility to deliver safe, reliable products quickly, without sacrificing quality. Systems engineers are tasked with the job of ensuring that everything they design and develop meets stringent industry and government specifications. This compliance is essential not only to protect the consumer, but also to protect their organization from litigation and penalties.

The problem is that these guidelines are constantly evolving, expanding, and requiring greater accountability. Complete, accurate documentation is often needed up front, and becomes even more important should an error or omission ever make it to market.

Some of the standards that systems engineers work with today include:

  • IEC 62304
  • ISO26262
  • DO178B/C
  • SAE 4754
  • IEC 61508
  • SysML
  • UML

Engineers rely upon a vast ecosystem of stakeholders

Creating innovative products requires the collaboration of cross-discipline teams that include everyone from product marketing and sales to electrical and mechanical engineers. Traditionally, systems engineers have depended upon manual processes to coordinate this process. These typically involve:

A variety of textual documents

Word documents, PDFs, spreadsheets, emails and other materials must be consolidated.

Organizational siloes

Impenetrable barriers are brought about by cross-functional dependencies across the organization.

Ambiguous specifications

Lack of clarity and context creates confusion in product requirements.

Now, with the advent of a global economy and increased technology, systems engineers are also challenged by:

Disparate tools and processes

Incompatible systems and databases within and outside the organization.

Dispersed team members

Global organizations result in geographically dispersed team members who must be involved in the review and approval process.

Condensed timelines

The wheels of industry have been replaced by rockets, with expectations of accelerated design and delivery.

Increased regulations

New regulations are being created constantly. Entry into new markets and environmental issues introduce new specifications. The cost of errors is prohibitive.

Economic pressure

As prices and profits are pushed downward, organizations and their shareholders expect higher returns on investment.

Barriers to brilliance

Traditional processes and new demands combine to create a negative impact on design and development:

Slow and cumbersome

The tedious act of manually consolidating documents costs valuable time.

Lacking visibility

It’s almost impossible to obtain a complete, current view of the project.


Changes and annotations can be impossible to pinpoint amid multiple documents and iterations.

Unreliable and error-prone

Tracking changes from multiple sources can lead to errors and omissions.


Errors that go undetected until after production can result in huge monetary losses.

03 The solution: MBSE

IBM Engineering Systems Design


The solution: MBSE

4 min read

Introducing MBSE solutions

We’ve presented the problems... the big, ugly barriers to success. Now we’re going to tell you how to overcome them.

Thanks to new technologies, models that drive the entire engineering lifecycle have been developed to improve quality, agility, consistency and compliance. These sophisticated new MBSE solutions help:

Encourage collaboration

Maintain regulatory compliance

Mitigate ambiguous specifications

Reduce costs

Improve response times

Accelerate time to market

Remove data inconsistencies and rework

MBSE is considered a highly efficient engineering practice that uses very descriptive, precise system model artifacts to improve processes. It helps solve the collaboration, cost and calendar problems that people like you must face and overcome each day.

The model-based process and its results are so much more reliable than traditional approaches that MBSE solutions are recommended by the International Council of Systems Engineering (INCOSE) and the US Department of Defense.

IBM Engineering Systems Design Rhapsody

With decades of global experience in virtually every industry, and expertise in the development of complex products (both hardware and software), IBM is uniquely qualified to create a powerful, reliable MBSE solution.

This innovative solution is based on models that provide precise, easy-to-understand, digital representations of the process and requirements, based on industry standards such as SYS ML, UPDM and Autosar.

IBM Engineering Systems Design Rhapsody® improves the design and development process by facilitating collaboration, automating documentation and providing test simulation. This comprehensive approach helps manage the entire development and design process to ensure speed, accuracy, agility and cost reduction.

The IBM Rhapsody solution achieves these goals with tools that facilitate:

Team and stakeholder collaboration

IBM Rhapsody is easily accessed through a web browser so any stakeholder can view requirements and make changes. All team members can rely upon a single point of truth.

Traceability with lifecycle disciplines

All changes are automatically tracked to ensure each change can be traced to its originator. When a change is made to a model, it is reflected in the code, as well as the reverse. This traceability is necessary to compliance.

Software automation

The process is completely automated to ensure speed and accuracy.

Model execution and simulation

Diagrams in an IBM Rhapsody model are interrelated, so changes to an element in one diagram are automatically propagated throughout the model, enhancing data consistency across systems. Simulation provides early validation.

Model based testing

IBM Rhapsody tests models to expose problems early in the process. This helps protect against costly systems failures following release. When a defect is discovered, the software can investigate, test and help make the needed correction.

Standards based modeling and DSL

Variations are available to supports a variety of industries.


Models can be reused within the same initiative or applied to other initiatives, speeding up the process and reducing costs.

IBM Rhapsody solutions resolve traditional systems engineering problems

Traditional approach


IBM Rhapsody solution

Organizational siloes

Accessibility and integration eliminate internal barriers to collaboration.

Ambiguous specifications

Clarity and context are assured by identification and mitigation of uncertain terminology.

Disparate tools and processes

IBM Rhapsody integrates and consolidates internal and external sources of information.

Dispersed team members

A simple web-based browser provides appropriate access to all stakeholders wherever they’re geographically located.

Condensed timelines

Automation improves response times, accelerating review and approval processes to reduce overall cycle times.

Increased regulations

IBM Rhapsody helps maintain regulatory compliance, incorporating industry and government regulations. Automated documentation also supports regulatory requirements.

Economic pressure

Errors are discovered early in the process to help reduce costs and prevent litigation.

04 IBM Rhapsody in action

IBM Engineering Systems Design


IBM Rhapsody in action

5 min read

From the beginning of an initiative to the final launch of the product, IBM Rhapsody helps assure a smooth, agile process. All stakeholders are included, regardless of physical location, as automated processes help ensure that each phase is completed, and appropriate approvals are obtained. Visibility and trackability are maintained throughout, as customized dashboards can be created for real-time insights into the process.

1. Connect stakeholders

Stakeholders in any organization that is contributing to the initiative can connect easily through a web browser, regardless of geographic location. Each individual is given appropriate access depending on their role and responsibilities.

2. Input data

All data is entered into the system where it is integrated and consolidated, and accessible for review at any time. Data can be Word documents, spreadsheets, diagrams or many other formats.

3. Establish requirements

Automated tools ensure clarity as stakeholders develop, and then approve, the requirements for the initiative. All changes and approvals are captured to ensure accuracy and compliance.

4. Model creation

An animated version of the original sequence diagram will draw itself as the model executes, revealing the messages that are being exchanged, and showing the system functions as they occur. Reusable models are developed based on requirements and industry and government regulations. Variations in IBM Rhapsody are available to accommodate the guidelines for a variety of industries. Any change to one model is automatically reflected on others that will be impacted. All changes are recorded.

5. Model testing

The model is executed to verify and validate the behavior and the architecture of the design, ensuring that the requirements are correct and that they're fully formed, don't overlap, and have no gaps. Interfaces between parts of the system are validated. A test conductor executes the model and passes or fails the sequence using the scenario described in the original diagram.

6. Defect discovery

When a defect is discovered, the software can investigate, test and help make the needed correction. This occurs early in the development process, helping to eliminate the high costs of errors that make it to market.

7. Review

Throughout the process, reviews — with all comments tracked — can be closed only when sufficient approvals are received.

8. Document generation

IBM Rhapsody solution offers document generation that can produce federated, cross-domain reports in several formats at once, including PDF and Word.

9. Release

Release occurs only after sufficient testing and approvals are completed. The release has a greater change of accuracy and compliance as a result of the automated processes, tracking and visibility that have occurred from beginning to end. Post-release, any necessary documentation can be created and provided to appropriate regulatory bodies.

IBM Engineering Systems Design Rhapsody solutions for specific industries

As a result of our extensive industry experience IBM is able to develop comprehensive MBSE solutions relatied to specific sectors. These versions incorporate the required standards to help ensure complete compliance with regulations:


Consumer electronics


Medical devices

Avionic controls

Industrial automation

Next-generation wireless infrastructures

Further, the IBM Rhapsody solutions support DoDAF (Department of Defense Architecture Framework), MODAF (Ministry of Defense Architecture Framework) and UPDM/UAF standards for structuring enterprise and systems of systems design. At the software implementation level, the solutions provide support for Real-Time Systems (DDS) for developing applications that take advantage of publish-subscribe communications of data.

05 Conclusion: IBM Engineering Systems Design Rhapsody drives innovation

IBM Engineering Systems Design


Conclusion: IBM Engineering Systems Design Rhapsody drives innovation

2 min read

When your organization is depending on you to develop innovative, error-free software or product introductions, you need to follow a reliable, integrated process. The complexity of today’s marketplace and manufacturing environment demands that you choose an approach that takes into account disparate tools and processes, distributed stakeholders, and demands for regulatory compliance.

IBM Engineering Systems Design Rhapsody solutions help facilitate collaboration, integrate information, streamline processes and accelerate time-to-market to improve corporate profitability.

Learn more about IBM Rhapsody and how it can help you drive innovation to consistently deliver success.

Learn more about IBM Engineering Lifecycle Management solutions

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Watch the video (5:48)

MBSE improves quality and reduces cycle time

Read the paper (PDF, 908 KB)

Learn more about the IBM engineering lifecycle management solutions

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IBM Engineering Systems Design Rhapsody – Design Manager

Collaborative design management software that helps share, trace, review and manage designs