Virtual event

Many of the use cases in the government and public sector involve analyzing natural language text data.  This workshop will teach you how you can use natural language processing (NLP) features to efficiently analyze large amounts of text to produce actionable insights.  We will also teach you how to create chat-bots to understand constituent’s questions and provide appropriate answers.  Finally, we will discuss the use of Optimization and teach you how to optimally allocate resources which is key to many agencies’ activities.   The workshop is based around an example COVID-19 set of use cases.

The purpose of this training session is to teach attendees how to combine different technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), and optimization to support the above capabilities. In this workshop, the attendees will learn how to: 

  • extract information from text and create knowledge to inform planners about events,
  • create 'chat-bots' that act on this knowledge to answer peoples' questions,
  • analyze current drivers to forecast future conditions,
  • develop optimized approaches based on forecasted conditions,
  • develop dashboards to provide insights to planners. 

This training event is structured, through a series of hands-on labs described in the agenda to demonstrate how these technologies can be combined to develop solutions that can augment planners’ abilities to understand, reason, and act on COVID-19 information and events at scale and speed. It is our goal that people with the right knowledge and who are involved in the decision-making process will benefit from these labs to enable them to apply these IBM technologies to solve real problems.

The hands-on labs will be performed using IBM’s fully managed Data Science Cloud platform (formerly Watson Studio). Instructions to create a free account are at the following link.

Cloud Pak for Data sign-up instructions

Watson Studio home page

Agenda - US Eastern time


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