Traditional monitoring is changing. Teams can no longer depend on a set of monitors and thresholds that can detect issues. Withno insight into a system, significant events can occur with little warning. AIOps, (for artificial intelligence for IT operations) uses big data, analytics, and machine learning capabilities to collect and aggregate the huge and ever-increasing volumes ofoperations data, intelligently analyse system performance and availability issues and, diagnose root causes and report them.

In this series of sessions, you will learn and experience the new advancements in the Intelligent Automation space brough by IBM. The core of the workshop is the IBM automation platform, encompassing the full breadth of integrated capabilities when it comes to modernise,digitally transform,or createEnterpriseIT. The sessions will focus on Site Reliability Engineering and AIOperations-leveragingIBM’sbest-in-class AIcapabilities. The LIVE work shop sessions are 2 hours each over four separate days, so you will have the opportunity to ask questions and collaborate.

Register today to experience how IBM’s AIOps solution can help you innovate faster, reduce operational cost and transform IT operations, delivering visibility into performance data and dependencies across environments.