Your organisation’s databases have always been the foundation on which your business is built. As we digitise and transform, databases are still at the heart of the most cutting-edge modern business models. But if you rely on legacy approaches to databases, you are just holding back your company’s modernisation efforts.

Likewise, migrating your existing database to a public cloud is unlikely to be the answer.

In this webinar, you will learn why thousands of businesses are turning to Tibero from TmaxSoft on IBM Cloud.

Tibero is a database platform built to leverage the cloud, which benefits from using containerisation on OpenShift.

What does this mean for your business?

  • Potential massive savings on database license and maintenance bills.
  • Incredible performance and scalability, along with ease of integration with modern cloud-based apps.
  • Improved total cost of ownership.
  • Significant hardening of security to keep you ahead of the PDPA/GDPR compliance curve.

For Oracle users, Tibero is most compatible alternative to your existing systems, with a very simple migration path even if you are using RAC.

Join us for this excellent webinar, where experts from TmaxSoft and IBM Cloud will help you understand why your peers are investing in database modernisation and how you can unlock the potential of databases in the digital economy.



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