As a privileged client of IBM Malaysia, you are invited to join us for the CoDE Digital Festival and Think 2021 Watch Party.

This is a specially curated event where we will look at selected sessions from Think 2021, along with live demos from our experts who are part of IBM Malaysia's Centre of Digital Excellence (CoDE).

This year's Think event featured several industry-focused success stories, real-world scenarios and expert speakers, headlined by IBM chairman and CEO Arvind Krishna and many other executives and industry luminaries.

Together, let's explore the future of Hybrid Cloud and AI and deep dive into the critical conversations that organisations are having today to better predict, automate, secure and modernise in the face of rapid change — and have some fun while doing that.  

Which breakouts should you join?

This event is for Business and Technology Leaders who are involved or embarking on transformative projects.

  • If you are a CDO, Data Scientist / Analyst, LOBs, CMO, CTO, CIO, IT Managers, CHRO/HR Managers we recommend for you to select Breakout Session – Predict
  • If you are a CIO, CTO, CFO/Finance Managers, CHRO/HR Managers, LOBs, IT Managers we recommend for you to select Breakout Session – Automate
  • If you are a CIO, CTO, LOBs, IT Managers we recommend for you to select Breakout Session – Modernize
  • If you are a CISO, Security Analyst, CIO, CTO, IT Managers we recommend for you to select Breakout Session – Secure

We look forward to having you at the festival.

Click here to view and browse through session catalog.

Complete your registration to the CoDE Virtual Digital Festival and Think 2021 Watch Party after creating your IBM ID.

You will receive a Registration Confirmation email upon successful registration to the event.

If you have any enquiries regarding the event, please contact our IBM Concierge at or your local IBM representative.

