
Class Summary
CategoryConfigurationDetails This class can be used to request a set of category URIs.
ConfigurationDetails The class contains information about configuration mappings for a custom review process.
CustomReviewProcess This extension point is for 3rd party custom review processes.
CustomReviewProcessAccessor This class can be used to get and set protected fields on a CustomReviewProcess.
MultiValuesConfigurationDetails This configuration details class is used for create a configuration value that has one or more choices for its value.
PolicyGovernor This is an extension point for 3rd party and external validators.
PolicyGovernorAccessor This class can be used to get and set protected fields on a PolicyGovernor.
RelationshipConfigurationDetails This class can be used to request a set of assets related to the primary asset this policy is running against.
SelectBoxConfigurationDetails A SelectBox configuration is simply a dropdown box for a value.