
Exception Summary
AssetLockedException Thrown when the client is updating an asset and cannot receive an exclusive lock
AssetNotFoundException Thrown when an asset is asked for by GUID and the version cannot be found
AssetTypeNotFoundException Thrown when an asset type reference is not found
EntitlementException Thrown when the current user is not entitled to perform an action
InvalidQueryException Thrown when a query that you asked to resolve is invalid
InvalidRatingException Thrown when a rating value is invalid
InvalidTextLengthException Thrown when the length of a text input is invalid
ParseException Thrown when objects that are sent from clients cannot be parsed.
RAMException Represents a base class for Rational Asset Manager exceptions
RAMRuntimeException Thrown by Rational Asset Manager when a problem related to run time occurs
ResourceGroupNotFoundException Thrown when a ResourceGroup cannot be found
UserNotFoundException Thrown when a UserGroup cannot be found